1. Jīntiān wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī zhōngfàn, hǎo ma? 今天我们一起去吃中饭,好吗? Let’s go have lunch together today. Okay? Hǎo, jīntiān wǒ qǐng ni. 好,今天我请你。 All right. Today I’m inviting you. 2. Jīntiān wǒ qǐng ni qù chī zhōngfàn. 今天我请你去吃中饭。 Today I am inviting you to go to eat lunch. Bié kèqi, wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī zhōngfàn. 别客气,我们一起去吃中饭。 Don’t be so polite. Let’s Just go together and split the bill. 3. Míngtiān zhōngwǔ wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī zhōngfàn, hǎo ma? 明天中午我们一起去吃中饭,好吗? Let's have lunch together at noon tomorrow, shall we? Hǎo, míngtiān zhōngwǔ wǒ qǐng ni. 好,明天中午我请你。 All right. Tomorrow at noon, I'm invinting you. 4. Míngtiān zhōngwǔ wǒ qǐng ni qù chī zhōngfàn. 明天中午我请你去吃中饭。 I'll invite you to lunch tomorrow at noon. Bié kèqi, wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī zhōngfàn. 别客气,我们一起去吃中饭。 Don’t be so polite. Let’s Just go together and split the bill. 5. Xīngqīwǔ wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī zhōngfàn, hǎo ma? 星期五我们一起去吃中饭,好吗? Let's have lunch together on Friday, shall we? Hǎo, Xīngqīwǔ wǒ qǐng ni. 好,星期五我请你。 All right, I am inviting you on Friday. 6. Xīngqīliù wǒ qǐng ni qù chī zhōngfàn. 星期六我请你去吃中饭。 I am inviting you to lunch on Saturday. Bié kèqi, wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī zhōngfàn. 别客气,我们一起去吃中饭。 Don’t be so polite. Let’s Just go together and split the bill. 7. Míngtiān wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī zhōngfàn, hǎo ma? 明天中午我们一起去吃中饭,好吗? Let's have lunch together at noon tomorrow, shall we? Hǎo, míngtiān wǒ qǐng ni. 好,明天我请你。 OK, I'm inviting you tomorrow.
1. Nèige ròu bǐ zhèige ròu hǎo. 那个肉比这个肉好。 This meat is better than that meat. Zhèige ròu méiyou nèige ròu nàme hǎo. 这个肉没有那个肉那么好。 This meat is not as good as that meat. 2. Xīnde bǐ jiùde hǎo. 新的比旧的好。 New is better than old. Jiùde méiyou xīnde nàme hǎo. 旧的没有新的那么好。 The old ones are not as good as the new ones. 3. Dàhuáde cài bǐ Dōngménde cài hǎo. 大话的菜比东门的菜好。 The dishes in Dàhuá are better than those in Dōngmén. Dōngménde cài méiyou Dàhuáde cài nàme hǎo. 东门的菜没有大话的菜那么好。 Dōngmén's dishes are not as good as those in Dàhuá. 4. Tāde qián bǐ wǒde qián duō. 他/她的钱比我的钱多。 He/she has more money than me. Wǒde qián meiyou tāde qián nàme duō. 我的钱没有他的钱那么多。 I don't have as much money as he does. 5. Nèige ròu bǐ zhèige ròu guì. 那个肉比这个肉贵。 That meat is more expensive than this one. Zhèige ròu měiyou nèige ròu nàme guì. 这个肉没有那个肉那么贵。 This meat is not as expensive as that meat. 6. Jiù shū bǐ xīn shū piányi. 旧书比新书便宜。 Used books are cheaper than new ones. Xīn shū měiyou jiù shū nàme piányi. 新书没有旧书那么便宜。 New books are not as cheap as old ones. 7. Tā kāi chē bǐ wǒ kāide kuài. 他开车比我开得快。 He drives faster than me. Wǒ kāi chē měiyou tā kāide nàme kuài. 我开车没有他开de车那么快。 I don't drive as fast as he does.
1. Bú tài hǎo. Lí wǒmen jiā jìn. 不太好。离我们家近。 It is not too good. It is close to us. Suīrán bú tài hǎo, kěshi lí wǒmen jiā jìn. 虽然不太好,可是离我们家近。 Even though it is not too good it is close to us. 2. Hěn hǎo. Lí wǒmen jiā tài yuǎn. 很好。离我们家太远。 It is very good. It is too far from us. Suīrán hěn hǎo, kěshi lí wǒmen jiā tài yuǎn. 虽然很好,可是离我们家太远。 Even though it is very good, it is too far from us. 3. Bú tài fāngbian. Lí wǒmen jiā jìn. 不太方便。离我们家近。 It is not very convenient. It's close to us. Suīrán bú tài fāngbian, kěshi lí wǒmen jiā jìn. 虽然不太方便,可是离我们家近。 Even though it is not very convenient, but it's close to us. 4. Bu tài piányi. Lí wǒmen jiā jìn. 不太便宜。离我们家近。 It is not so cheap. It's close to us. Suīrán bú tài piányi, kěshi lí wǒmen jiā jìn. 虽然不太便宜,可是离我们家近。 Even though it is not cheap, but it's close to us. 5. Hěn piányi. Lí wǒmen jiā tài yuǎn. 很便宜。离我们家远。 It is very cheap.It's far away from us. Suīrán hěn piányi, kěshi lí wǒmen jiā tài yuǎn. 虽然很便宜,可是离我们家远。 Even though it is cheap, it is far from us. 6. Hěn hǎo. Lí wǒmen jiā tài yuǎn. 很好。离我们家远。 It is very good. It's far away from us. Suīrán hěn hǎo, kěshi lí wǒmen jiā tài yuǎn. 虽然很好,可是离我们家远。 Even though it is nice, but far from us. 7. Bú tài hǎo. Lí wǒmen jiā hěn jìn. 不太好。离我们家近。 It is not too good. It is close to us. Suīrán bú tài hǎo, kěshi lí wǒmen jiā hěn jìn. 虽然不太好,可是离我们家近。 Even though it is not great, but it's close to us.
1. Nèige fànguǎnzi lí zhèr hěn jìn. 那个饭馆子离这儿很近。 That restaurant is very close to here. Cuezhèige 这个 this Zhèige fànguǎnzi bǐ nèige fànguǎnzi lí zhèr gèng jìn. 这个饭馆子比那个饭馆子离这儿很近。 This restaurant is even closer to here than that restaurant. 2. Tā jiā lí zhèr hěn jìn. 他家离这儿很近。 His home is very close to here. Cuewǒ jiā 我家 my home Wǒ jiā bǐ tā jiā lí zhèr gèng jìn. 我家比他家离这儿更近。 My home is closer to here than his. 3. Nèige yínháng lí zhèr hěn yuǎn. 那个银行离这儿很远。 That bank is far from here. CueZhōngguo Yínháng 这个银行 Bank of China Zhōngguo Yínháng bǐ nèige yínháng lí zhèr gèng yuǎn. 中国银行比那个银行离这儿很远。 Bank of China is much farther away than that bank. 4. Wǔlù Qìchēzhàn lí zhèr hěn yuǎn. 五路汽车站离这儿很远。 The No. 5 bus station is far from here. Cuenèige Qìchēzhàn 那个汽车站 that bus station Nèige Qìchēzhàn bǐ Wūlù Qìchēzhàn lí zhèr gèng yuǎn. 那个汽车站比五路汽车站离这儿很远。 That bus station is farther away than the Wūlù bus station. 5. Wǔguānchù lí zhèr hěn yuǎn. 武官処离这儿很远。 The military attaché is far away. CueDàshiguǎn 大使馆 embassy Dàshiguān bǐ Wǔguānchù lí zhèr gèng yuǎn. 大使馆比武官処离这儿很远。 The embassy is farther away than the military attaché. 6. Huǒchēzhàn lí zhèr hěn jìn. 火车站离这儿很近。 The train station is very close from here. CueGōnglùjú chēzhàn 公路局车站 Gōnglùjú bus station Gōnglùjú chēzhàn bǐ huǒchēzhàn lí zhèr gèng jìn. 公路局车站比火车站离这儿很近。 The Gōnglùjú bus station is much closer than the railway station. 7. Wú Kēzhǎng jiā lí zhèr hěn yuǎn. 吾科长家离这儿很远。 The head of our department is far away from here. CueLǐ Jiàoshòu jiā 李教授家 Lǐ Jiàoshòu'home Lǐ Jiàoshòu jiā bǐ Wú Kēzhǎng jiā lí zhèr gèng yuǎn. 李教授家比吾科长家离这儿很远。 Professor Lǐ's home is much farther away than the head of Wú's department.
1. Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wáng Xiānsheng dōu yǒu qián. 张小姐,王先生都有钱。 Both Miss Zhāng and Mr. Wáng have money [are rich]. Cuethe same Zhāng Xiǎojiě gēn Wáng Xiānsheng yíyàng yǒu qián. 张小姐跟王先生一样有钱。 Miss Zhāng and Mr. Wáng are equally rich. 2. Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wáng Xiānsheng dōu yǒu qián. 张小姐,王先生都有钱。 Both Miss Zhāng and Mr. Wáng have money [are rich]. Cuemore Zhāng Xiǎojiě bǐ Wáng Xiānsheng yǒu qián. 张小姐比王先生有钱。 Miss Zhāng is richer than Mr. Wáng. 3. Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wáng Xiānsheng dōu yǒu qián. 张小姐,王先生都有钱。 Both Miss Zhāng and Mr. Wáng have money [are rich]. Cueless Zhāng Xiǎojiě méiyou Wáng Xiānsheng nàme yǒu qián. 张小姐没有王先生那么有钱。 Miss Zhāng is not as rich as Mr. Wáng. 4. Zhāng Xiǎojiě, Wáng Xiānsheng dōu yǒu qián. 张小姐,王先生都有钱。 Both Miss Zhāng and Mr. Wáng have money [are rich]. Cueeven more Zhāng Xiǎojiě bǐ Wáng Xiānsheng gèng yǒu qián. 张小姐比王先生更有钱。 Miss Zhāng is richer than Mr. Wáng. 5. Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qián, Wáng Xiānshengde qián dōu hěn duō. 张小姐的钱,王先生的钱都很多。 Both Ms. Zhāng's and Mr. Wáng's have money [are rich]. Cuethe same Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qián gēn Wáng Xiānshengde qián yíyàng duō. 张小姐的钱跟王先生的钱一样多。 Miss Zhāng is as rich as Mr. Wáng. 6. Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qián, Wáng Xiānshengde qián dōu hěn duō. 张小姐的钱,王先生的钱都很多。 Both Ms. Zhāng's and Mr. Wáng's have money [are rich]. Cueless Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qián méiyou Wáng Xiānshengde qián nàme duō. 张小姐的钱没有王先生的钱那么多。 Miss Zhāng has not as much money as Mr. Wáng. 7. Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qián, Wáng Xiānshengde qián dōu hěn duō. 张小姐的钱,王先生的钱都很多。 Both Ms. Zhāng's and Mr. Wáng's have money [are rich]. Cueeven more Zhāng Xiǎojiěde qián bǐ Wáng Xiānshengde qián gèng duō. 张小姐的钱比王先生的钱更多。 Miss Zhāng has more money than Mr. Wáng.
1. Nǐmen zhèrde cài hěn hǎo. 你们这儿的菜很好。 Your food here is very good. Cuefēicháng 非常 exceptionally Nǐmen zhèrde cài fēicháng hǎo. 你们这儿的菜非常好。 Your food here is exceptionally good. 2. Nǐmen zhèrde cài fēicháng hǎo. 你们这儿的菜非常好。 Your food here is exceptionally good. Cuehǎojíle 好极了 extremely Nǐmen zhèrde cài hǎojíle. 你们这儿的菜好极了。 Your food here is extremely good. 3. Nǐmen zhèrde cài hǎojíle. 你们这儿的菜好极了。 Your food here is extremely good. Cuehǎo yìdiǎn 好极了 a little (more); better Nǐmen zhèrde cài hǎo yìdiǎn 你们这儿的菜好极了。 Your food here is a little better. 4. Nǐmen zhèrde cài hǎo yìdiǎn. 你们这儿的菜好一点。 Your food here is a little (more) good (better). Cuegèng even more Nǐmen zhèrde cài gèng hǎo. 你们这儿的菜更好。 Your food here is even more good. 5. Nǐmen zhèrde cài gèng hǎo. 你们这儿的菜更好。 Your food here is even more good. Cuehǎojíle 好极了 extremely Nǐmen zhèrde cài hǎojíle. 你们这儿的菜好极了。 Your food here is extremely good. 6. Nǐmen zhèrde cài hǎojíle. 你们这儿的菜好极了。 Your food here is extremely good. Cuetèbié 特别 expecially Nǐmen zhèrde cài tèbié hǎo. 你们这儿的菜特别好。 Your food here is expecially good.
1. Zhèiběn shū hěn hǎo. Zhèiběn shū hěn piányi. 这本书很好。这本书很便宜。 This book is good. This book is inexpensive. Zhèiběn shū yòu hǎo yòu piányi 这本书又好又便宜。 This book is both good and inexpensive. 2. Nǐ mǎide dìtú hěn hǎo. Nǐ mǎide dìtú hěn piányi. 你买的地图很好。你买的地图很便宜。 The maps you bought are good. The maps you buy are cheap. Ni mǎide dìtú yòu hǎo yòu piányi. 你买的地图又好又便宜。 The maps he bought are both good and cheap. 3. Tā zhùde fàndiàn hěn hǎo. Tā zhùde fàndiàn hěn dà. 他住的饭店很好。他住的饭店很大。 The hotel where he lives is good. The hotel where he lives is big. Tā zhùde fàndiàn yòu hǎo yòu dà. 他住的饭店又好又大。 The hotel where he lives is both good and big. 4. Nèibān fēijī hěn kuài. Nèibān fēijī hěn piányi. 那般飞机很快。那般飞机很便宜。 That plane is fast. That plane is cheap. Nèibān fēijī yòu kuài yòu piányi. 那般飞机又快又便宜。 That plane is both fast and cheap. 5. Zuò huǒchē qù hěn hǎo. Zuò huǒchē qù hěn fāngbian. 坐火车去很好。坐火车去很方便。 To go by train is fine. To go by train is very convenient. Zuò huǒchē qù yòu hǎo yòu fāngbian. 坐火车去又好又方便。 To go by train is both fine and convenient. 6. Zhège fànguǎnzi hěn jìn. Zhège fànguǎnzi hěn piányi. 这个饭馆子很近。这个饭馆子很便宜。 This restaurant is very close. This restaurant is very cheap. Zhège fànguǎnzi yòu jìn yòu piányi. 这个饭馆子又近又便宜。 This restaurant is both close and cheap. 7. Tā mǎide dìtǎn hěn piányi. Tā mǎide dìtǎn hěn hǎo. 他买的地毯很便宜。他买的地毯很很好。 The rugs he bought were cheap. The rugs he bought are very nice. Tā mǎide dìtǎn yòu piányi yòu hǎo. 他买的地毯又便宜又好。 The maps he bought are both good and cheap.
1. Zhèrde ròu fēicháng hǎo. 这儿的肉非常好。 The meat here is exceptionally good. Cuechī eat Zhèrde ròu fēicháng hǎo, biéde dìfang chībuzháo. 这的肉非常好,别的地方吃不着。 The meat here is exceptionally good. You can’t find anything like it anywhere else. 2. Nàrde cài fēicháng hǎo. 那儿的菜非常好。 The food there is exceptionally good. Cuemǎi buy Nàrde cài fēicháng hǎo, biéde dìfang mǎibuzháo. 那儿的菜非常好,别的地方买不着。 The food there is exceptionally good. You can’t find anything like it anywhere else. 3. Nàrde táng fēicháng hǎo. 那儿的糖非常好。 The soup there is exceptionally good. Cuemǎi buy Nàrde táng fēicháng hǎo, biéde dìfang mǎibuzháo. 那儿的糖非常好,别的地方买不着。 The soup there is exceptionally good. You can’t find anything like it anywhere else. 4. Zhèrde diànyíng fēicháng hǎo. 这儿的电影非常好。 The movies there are exceptionally good. Cuekàn read Zhèrde diànyǐng fēicháng hǎo, biéde dìfang kànbuzháo. 这儿的电影非常好,别的地方看不着。 The movies there are exceptionally good. You can’t find anything like it anywhere else. 5. Zhèrde shū fēicháng duō. 这儿的书非常好。 The books there are exceptionally good. Cuekàn read Zhèrde shū fēicháng duō, biéde dìfang kànbuzháo. 这儿的书非常好,别的地方看不着。 The books there are exceptionally good. You can’t find anything like it anywhere else. 6. Nàrde diànshì fēicháng hǎo. 那儿的电视非常好。 The TVs there are exceptionally good. Cuemǎi buy Nàrde diànshì fēicháng hǎo, biéde dìfang mǎibuzháo. 那儿的电视非常好,别的地方买不着。 The TVs there are exceptionally good. You can’t find anything like it anywhere else. 7. Narde cài fēicháng hǎo. 那儿的菜非常好。 The food there is exceptionally good. Cuechī eat Nàrde cài fēicháng hǎo, biéde dìfang chībuzháo. 那儿的菜非常好,别的地方吃不着。 The food there is exceptionally good. You can’t find anything like it anywhere else.