ài 爱 to love 7 6 FSI-Chinese àishang 爱上 to fall in love with 7 6 FSI-Chinese bǎohù 保护 to protect 7 6 FSI-Chinese bù guǎn 不管 no matter (what, whether, etc.) 7 6 FSI-Chinese bú xiàng huà 不象话 to be ridiculous, to be outrageous, to be absurd (talk, acts, etc.) 7 6 FSI-Chinese cānjiā 参加 to participate in, to take part in, to Join, to attend 7 6 FSI-Chinese chéngshì 城市 city; urban 7 6 FSI-Chinese dǎng 党 (political) party 7 6 FSI-Chinese dǎ zì 大字 to type (on a typewriter) 7 6 FSI-Chinese -de huà 的话 if; in case; supposing that 7 6 FSI-Chinese duǎnpiān 短篇 short (stories, articles) 7 6 FSI-Chinese értóng 儿童 child (formal word) 7 6 FSI-Chinese fēn 分 to divide, to separate, to split 7 6 FSI-Chinese fēnkāi 分开 to separate, to split up 7 6 FSI-Chinese gànbu 干部 cadre 7 6 FSI-Chinese Gòngchǎndǎng 共产党 the Communist Party 7 6 FSI-Chinese gùshi 故事 story 7 6 FSI-Chinese hèn 恨 to hate, to loathe, to detest (a) 7 6 FSI-Chinese Hóngwèibīng 红卫兵 Red Guard; the Red Guards 7 6 FSI-Chinese jiārù 加入 to join 7 6 FSI-Chinese jiěfàng 解放 to liberate, to emancipate;liberation 7 6 FSI-Chinese jièyì 介意 to mind, to take offense 7 6 FSI-Chinese jíjímángmáng 急急忙忙 in a big hurry 7 6 FSI-Chinese jímáng 急忙 to be hasty, to be hurried 7 6 FSI-Chinese ...lái 。。。来 for the past...(amount of time) 7 6 FSI-Chinese lǐngdǎo 领导 to lead, to direct, to exercise leadership (over); leadership; leader, leading cadre 7 6 FSI-Chinese nóngcūn 农村 country, rural area; rural;village 7 6 FSI-Chinese rù 入 to enter; to Join 7 6 FSI-Chinese rù Tuán 入团 to Join the Communist Youth League (Gòngqingtuán or Gòngchǎnzhǔyì Qīngniántuán) 7 6 FSI-Chinese -shang 上 verb ending indicating starting and continuing 7 6 FSI-Chinese shàng xué 上学 to go to school; to attend school 7 6 FSI-Chinese shìjiè 世界 world 7 6 FSI-Chinese shìjièshang 世界上 in the world, in the whole world 7 6 FSI-Chinese shíxíng 实行 to practice, to carry out, to put into effect, to implement 7 6 FSI-Chinese -tuán 团 group, society 7 6 FSI-Chinese Tuán 团 the (Communist Youth) League 7 6 FSI-Chinese -xià -下 under 7 6 FSI-Chinese xià qí 下棋 to play chess 7 6 FSI-Chinese yuányīn 原因 reason, cause 7 6 FSI-Chinese zhèngcè 政策 policy 7 6 FSI-Chinese zhèngfǔ 政府 government 7 6 FSI-Chinese