bàngōngshì 办公室 office POT 2 FSI-Chinese bié 别 don’t POT 2 FSI-Chinese bú yòng 不用 no need to POT 2 FSI-Chinese chá 查 to look up (information) POT 2 FSI-Chinese dài 带 to bring with one, to carry along POT 2 FSI-Chinese diànhuàbù 电话簿 phone directory POT 2 FSI-Chinese fēnjī 分机 telephone extension POT 2 FSI-Chinese gōngguǎn 公管 residence, home (a polite reference to another’s residence) POT 2 FSI-Chinese gōngyòng 公用 public, for public use POT 2 FSI-Chinese guàshang 挂上 to hang up(telephone) POT 2 FSI-Chinese guò 过 to pass(some time) POT 2 FSI-Chinese huí diànhuà 回电话 to return a phone call POT 2 FSI-Chinese jiē 接 to connect, to join POT 2 FSI-Chinese jiēguoqu 通过去 to connect, to put through (phone call) POT 2 FSI-Chinese liú ge huà 留个话 to leave a message POT 2 FSI-Chinese Měidàsī 美大司 Bureau of American and Pacific Affairs POT 2 FSI-Chinese míngzi 名字 name POT 2 FSI-Chinese néng 能 can, to be able POT 2 FSI-Chinese qīngchu 清除 to be clear POT 2 FSI-Chinese shāngrén 商人 businessman POT 2 FSI-Chinese shēng 声 sound, voice POT 2 FSI-Chinese ting 听 to listen to, to hear POT 2 FSI-Chinese tīngdong 听懂 to understand (by listening) POT 2 FSI-Chinese Wàijiāobù 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs POT 2 FSI-Chinese Wàimàobù 外贸部 Ministry of Foreign Trade POT 2 FSI-Chinese wàng 忘 to forget POT 2 FSI-Chinese xiàn 线 telephone line, wire POT 2 FSI-Chinese xiéxialai 写下来 to write down POT 2 FSI-Chinese yìhuǐr 一会儿 a short while, a moment POT 2 FSI-Chinese zhàn 占 to occupy a space POT 2 FSI-Chinese zhǎo 找 to look for, to find POT 2 FSI-Chinese