start	end	text
0	3000	Meeting Module Unit 8, Production Tape 1
3500	9000	On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn to understand questions and answers used in politely declining invitations.
9500	15000	If you think that you might have forgotten the meanings of some of these sentences, go back to the end of the C1 tape and review them.
15500	20000	If you think that you know the meanings of all these sentences, you should begin learning how to say them.
20500	23000	The situations on this tape are set in the PRC.
23500	28000	The following conversation involves turning down a formal invitation. Listen.
28000	32000	喂,这是李斌斯
33000	36000	喂,我是来登大使的秘書
37000	39000	repeat protocol department
40000	41000	李斌斯
43000	44000	李斌斯
45000	48000	repeat hello, this is the protocol department
50000	52000	喂,这是李斌斯
52000	54000	喂,这是李斌斯
56000	58000	喂,这是李斌斯
60000	65000	answer the telephone yourself now saying hello, this is the protocol department, you'll get a reply
71000	73000	喂,这是李斌斯
74000	76000	喂,我是来登大使的秘書
76000	80000	again
84000	86000	喂,这是李斌斯
87000	89000	喂,我是来登大使的秘书
91000	93000	now repeat ambassador Leiden
94000	95000	来登大使
97000	99000	来登大使
101000	103000	repeat the word for secretary
103000	106000	秘书
107000	111000	repeat hello, this is ambassador Leiden secretary
112000	115000	喂,我是来登大使的秘书
119000	122000	喂,我是来登大使的秘书
124000	127000	to respond to the receptionist yourself now
128000	130000	say that you're ambassador Leiden secretary
130000	132000	喂,这是李斌斯
136000	138000	喂,我是来登大使的秘书
140000	142000	again
144000	146000	喂,这是李斌斯
150000	152000	喂,我是来登大使的秘书
154000	156000	喂,这是李斌斯
156000	159000	喂,我是来登大使的秘书
161000	162000	the conversation continues
164000	166000	大使接着你们的请帖了
169000	171000	repeat the word for invitation
172000	173000	请帖
175000	176000	请帖
178000	181000	repeat the verb used for receiving a letter or phone call
182000	183000	接
183000	184000	接
186000	189000	the verb 接 is used here with the result ending 找
190000	192000	which indicates success and obtaining something
193000	195000	repeat the ambassador received your invitation
196000	198000	大使接着你们的请帖了
203000	206000	大使接着你们的请帖了
208000	211000	notice that because the object 您的请帖
211000	213000	is not an amount object
213000	216000	the marker for completed action comes at the end of the sentence
217000	219000	say it ahead of the speaker now
219000	221000	the ambassador received your invitation
227000	229000	大使接着你们的请帖了
232000	234000	the secretary continues
235000	237000	很可惜,因为他有事
237000	240000	8月9号不能来
241000	243000	请您转告李部长
243000	245000	很抱歉
250000	251000	可惜
253000	254000	可惜
263000	265000	很可惜,因为他有事
265000	267000	8月9号不能来
274000	276000	很可惜,因为他有事
276000	278000	8月9号不能来
281000	283000	notice how the short phrase 太有事
283000	284000	is used to mean
284000	286000	he has a previous engagement
286000	289000	it's considered perfectly polite in Chinese to say that you're busy
289000	291000	without going into an explanation of why
291000	294000	notice also that the phrase 很可惜
294000	296000	starts off the Chinese sentence
296000	298000	just as unfortunately does in English
298000	299000	repeat again
299000	301000	unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement
301000	303000	he can't come on August 9th
304000	306000	很可惜,因为他有事
306000	308000	8月9号不能来
315000	317000	很可惜,因为他有事
317000	321000	8月9号不能来
325000	328000	now repeat the verb to inform or to pass on a message
329000	330000	转告
332000	333000	转告
335000	337000	repeat minister li
337000	338000	李部长
340000	341000	李部长
343000	345000	repeat please inform minister li
345000	348000	请您转告李部长
352000	354000	请您转告李部长
356000	357000	say it ahead of the speaker
357000	359000	please inform minister li
365000	367000	请您转告李部长
370000	372000	now repeat the added title verb
372000	374000	which means to be sorry for not fulfilling
374000	376000	one's social responsibilities
377000	378000	抱歉
380000	381000	抱歉
384000	386000	repeat I'm very sorry
387000	388000	很抱歉
391000	392000	很抱歉
395000	396000	how do you say
396000	398000	unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement
398000	404000	he can't come on August 9th
408000	410000	很可惜,因为他有事
410000	412000	8月9号不能来
414000	415000	how do you say
415000	417000	please inform minister li
422000	424000	请您转告李部长
426000	427000	how do you say
427000	428000	I'm very sorry
431000	432000	很抱歉
438000	441000	很遗憾,来登大使不能来
442000	444000	我替你转告一下
446000	448000	repeat the idiom very regrettable
449000	450000	很遗憾
452000	453000	很遗憾
455000	456000	repeat
456000	458000	repeat that ambassador li can't come
460000	462000	很遗憾,来登大使不能来
468000	471000	很遗憾,来登大使不能来
475000	476000	say it ahead of the speaker
476000	478000	repeat that ambassador li can't come
478000	479000	repeat that ambassador li can't come
485000	487000	很遗憾,来登大使不能来
490000	492000	repeat the prepositional verb 4
492000	493000	in the sense of
493000	494000	in the place of
494000	495000	or substituting for
496000	497000	替
497000	498000	替
502000	504000	repeat I'll pass the message on for you
504000	507000	我替您转告一下
510000	512000	我替您转告一下
514000	516000	the prepositional verb T
516000	517000	meaning in place of
517000	519000	is different from the prepositional verb 给
519000	521000	also translated for
521000	523000	repeat I'll buy it for you
524000	525000	我给你买
528000	529000	我给你买
531000	533000	the object of the prepositional verb 给
533000	535000	often receives a benefit
535000	536000	now repeat
536000	537000	I'll teach for you
538000	539000	我替你教书
542000	543000	我替你教书
545000	546000	the prepositional verb T
546000	548000	means to substitute for
548000	549000	to take the place of
549000	550000	it's used to describe
550000	551000	taking over a task
551000	552000	which someone else
552000	553000	had an obligation to do
553000	555000	or had planned to do
555000	556000	in other words
556000	557000	doing it in his place
557000	558000	unfortunately
558000	560000	both T and 给
560000	562000	can be translated as 4
562000	563000	but if you think of 给
563000	565000	as meaning for the benefit of
565000	567000	and T as meaning in place of
567000	569000	there'll be a less problem
569000	570000	how do you say
570000	572000	I'll pass on the message for you
576000	578000	我替您转告一下
580000	581000	let's review some of the vocabulary
581000	583000	that's been introduced so far
583000	585000	what's the word for secretary
587000	588000	秘书
588000	592000	what's the word for invitation
593000	594000	清铁
596000	597000	how do you say
597000	598000	receive your invitation
602000	604000	接着你们的清铁了
605000	606000	how do you say
606000	607000	it's very unfortunate
609000	610000	很可惜
612000	613000	what's the verb to inform
613000	615000	or to pass on a message
615000	616000	转告
619000	620000	how do you say
620000	621000	I'm very sorry
623000	624000	很抱歉
626000	627000	what's the prepositional verb
627000	628000	meaning to substitute for
631000	632000	替
633000	634000	now try putting the
634000	635000	conversation you just
635000	636000	learned into Chinese
636000	637000	I'll give you the sentences
637000	638000	in English one at a time
639000	640000	hello this is the
640000	645000	protocol department
646000	649000	why this is Li Bin Si
650000	652000	hello I'm ambassador
652000	653000	leiden secretary
657000	660000	喂我是来当大使的秘书
661000	662000	the ambassador
662000	663000	received your invitation
663000	666000	大使接着你们的清铁了
672000	673000	unfortunately because
673000	674000	he has a previous engagement
674000	676000	he can't come on August 9
683000	684000	很可惜
684000	685000	因为他有事
685000	686000	8月9号不能来
686000	691000	please inform minister Li
694000	695000	请您转告李部长
698000	699000	I'm very sorry
701000	702000	很抱歉
704000	705000	we very much regret
705000	706000	that ambassador
706000	707000	leiden can't come
714000	715000	很遗憾
715000	717000	来当大使不能来
725000	727000	我请你转告一下
730000	731000	you may want to rewind the
731000	732000	tape and try this
732000	733000	conversation again
736000	737000	now let's turn to another
737000	738000	conversation
738000	739000	a group of Canadian
739000	740000	students in Peking
740000	741000	is trying to set up
741000	742000	a joint trip with
742000	743000	a group of Chinese
743000	745000	listen
745000	746000	马铭尼
746000	747000	我们有几个同学
747000	748000	星期六
748000	750000	计划到长城去玩
754000	755000	同学
757000	758000	同学
759000	761000	repeat a few of our students
762000	764000	我们有几个同学
768000	769000	我们有几个同学
769000	771000	repeat the name for
771000	772000	the great wall
774000	775000	长城
777000	778000	长城
780000	781000	repeat plan to go to
781000	782000	the great wall
782000	783000	for an outing
784000	786000	计划到长城去玩
791000	793000	计划到长城去玩
795000	797000	repeat a few of our students
797000	798000	are planning to
798000	799000	go to the great wall
799000	800000	Saturday for an outing
802000	803000	我们有几个同学
803000	804000	星期六
804000	806000	计划到长城去玩
813000	814000	我们有几个同学
814000	815000	星期六
815000	817000	计划到长城去玩
819000	820000	say it ahead of the speaker
820000	821000	a few of our students
821000	822000	are planning to
822000	823000	go to the great wall
823000	828000	Saturday for an outing
833000	834000	我们有几个同学
834000	835000	星期六
835000	837000	计划到长城去玩
839000	840000	the conversation continues
840000	841000	listen
842000	844000	你们能不能一起去
845000	846000	真不巧
846000	847000	那天
847000	848000	我们有事
848000	849000	没办法去
851000	852000	repeat the question
852000	853000	你们能不能一起去
855000	856000	你们能不能一起去
864000	865000	notice that the word
865000	866000	can is translated with
866000	867000	nung here
867000	868000	notice also
868000	869000	that the adverb
869000	870000	一起 is used to
870000	871000	add the meaning of
871000	872000	with us to the sentence
872000	873000	how do you say
873000	874000	can you go with us
874000	881000	你们能不能一起去?
881000	893000	你们能不能一起去?
893000	899000	真不巧,那天我们有事,没办法去。
899000	907000	你们能不能一起去?
907000	914000	真不巧,那天我们有事,没办法去。
914000	923000	now repeat the word for timely or opportune,巧。
923000	928000	repeat truly on timely or more loosely, we really couldn't make that.
928000	935000	真不巧,真不巧。
935000	939000	repeat there's no way or it can't be helped.
939000	947000	没办法,没办法。
947000	952000	repeat we have a previous engagement that day, we have no way of going.
952000	960000	那天我们有事,没办法去。
960000	965000	那天我们有事,没办法去。
965000	970000	how do you say we really couldn't make that?
970000	983000	真不巧,how do you say we have a previous engagement that day, we have no way of going?
983000	988000	那天我们有事,没办法去。
988000	996000	how do you say we really couldn't make that?
996000	1011000	马明离,我们有几个同学,星期六计划到长城去玩,你们能不能一起去?
1011000	1017000	真不巧,那天我们有事,没办法去。
1017000	1033000	马明离,我们有几个同学,星期六计划到长城去玩,你们能不能一起去?
1033000	1039000	真不巧,那天我们有事,没办法去。
1039000	1047000	the Canadian replies, listen,希望以后再找机会聚一聚吧。
1047000	1057000	repeat the verb to get together or to gather to assemble,聚,聚。
1057000	1065000	repeat, find a chance to get together,找机会聚一聚。
1065000	1083000	notice that the verb聚 is reduplicated here using the syllable e, this makes the activity sound more informal, also this verb is usually used to me get together at someone's place, rather than get together to go out and do something.
1083000	1094000	repeat, I hope that later we'll again find an opportunity to get together,希望以后再找机会聚一聚吧。
1094000	1102000	希望以后再找机会聚一聚吧。
1102000	1117000	say it ahead of the speaker, I hope that later we'll again find an opportunity to get together,希望以后再找机会聚一聚吧。
1117000	1125000	try responding to Ma Mingli yourself now, say that you hope that later you'll again find an opportunity to get together,
1125000	1135000	真不巧,那天我们有事,没办法去。
1135000	1139000	希望以后再找机会聚一聚吧。
1139000	1141000	again,
1141000	1151000	真不巧,那天我们有事,没办法去。
1151000	1155000	希望以后再找机会聚一聚吧。
1155000	1161000	now let's review this last conversation you just learned, I'll give you the sentences in English you put them into Chinese.
1161000	1173000	Ma Mingli, a few of our students are planning to go to the Great Wall Saturday for an outing.
1173000	1179000	Ma Mingli,我们有几个同学,星期六,计划到长城去玩。
1179000	1184000	can you go with us?
1184000	1188000	你们能不能一起去?
1188000	1192000	we really couldn't make that.
1192000	1194000	真不巧,
1194000	1203000	we have a previous engagement that day, we have no way of going.
1203000	1208000	那天我们有事,没办法去。
1208000	1217000	I hope that later we'll again find an opportunity to get together.
1217000	1221000	希望以后再找机会聚一聚吧。
1221000	1224000	now here's the other conversation you learned on this tape.
1224000	1226000	put these sentences into Chinese.
1226000	1232000	Hello, this is the protocol department.
1232000	1236000	Why? 这是李滨思?
1236000	1244000	Hello, I'm Ambassador Leiden's secretary.
1244000	1254000	喂,我是来登大使的秘书。The ambassador received your invitation.
1254000	1269000	大使接着你们的清铁了。Unfortunately, because he has a previous engagement, he can't come on August 9th.
1269000	1280000	很可惜,因为他有事,8月9号不能来。Please inform minister Lee.
1280000	1287000	请您转告李部长。I'm very sorry.
1287000	1298000	很抱歉。We very much regret that ambassador Leiden can't come.
1298000	1309000	很遗憾,来登大使不能来。I'll pass on the message for you.
1309000	1329000	我替你转告一下。This is the end of the tape and of meeting module unit 8, production tape 1.