1.	Bào duōshao qián?	报多少钱?	How much is this newspaper?	zázhì	杂志	magazine	Bào, zázhì yígòng duōshao qián?	报,杂志一共多少钱?	How much are the newspaper and the magazine altogether?	3	1	FSI-Chinese
2.	Dìtú duōshao qián?	地图多少钱?	How much is this map? 	zìdiǎn	字典	dictionary	Dìtú, zìdiǎn yígòng duōshao qián?	地图,字典一共多少钱?	How much are the map and the dictionary altogether? 	3	1	FSI-Chinese
3.	Zázhì duōshao qián?	杂志多少钱?	How much is this magazine?	bào	报	newspaper	Zázhì, bào yígòng duōshao qián?	杂志,报一共多少钱?	How much are the magazine and the newspaper altogether?	3	1	FSI-Chinese
4.	Zìdiǎn duōshao qián?	字典多少钱?	How much is this dictionary?	dìtú	地图	map	Zìdiǎn, dìtú yígòng duōshao qián?	字典,地图一共多少钱?	How much are the dictionary and the map altogether?	3	1	FSI-Chinese
5.	Bào duōshao qián?	报多少钱?	How much is this newspaper?	zázhì	杂志	magazine	Bào, zázhì yígòng duōshao qián?	报,杂志一共多少钱?	How much are the newspaper and the dictionary altogether?	3	1	FSI-Chinese
6.	Dìtú duōshao qián?	地图多少钱?	How much is this map?	zìdiǎn	字典	dictionary	Dìtú, zìdiǎn yígòng duōshao qián?	地图,字典一共多少钱?	How much are the map and the dictionary altogether?	3	1	FSI-Chinese
7.	Zázhì duōshao qián?	杂志多少钱?	How much is magazine?	bào	报	newspaper	Zázhì, bào yígòng duōshao qián?	杂志,报一共多少钱?	How much are the magazine and the newspaper altogether?	3	1	FSI-Chinese