A: Xiǎo Lín, chīle fàn bú yào niàn shū le, xiūxi xiuxi ba! 小林,吃了饭不要念书了,休息休息吧! Xiǎo Lin, don't study any more after dinner, just relax a bit! B: Hǎo. Nín yào hē chá ma? Wǒ qù dào. 好,您要喝茶吗?我去倒。 Do you want to drink some tea? I’ll go pour it. A: Děng yíxià, ràng wo kànkan, nǐde máoyí shì bu shi pò le? Míngtiān wǒ děi qù gěi ni mǎi jiàn xīnde. 等一下,让我看看,你的毛衣是不是破了?明天我得去给你买件新的。 Wait a second, let me see, is your sweater torn? Tomorrow I’ll have to go buy you a new one. B: Mā, wǒ bú yào xīnde, zhèijiàn hái kéyi chuān ne. 妈,我不要新的,这件还可以穿呢。 Mom, I don’t want a new one. I can still wear this one. A: Tiān lěng le, nǐ xūyào yíjiàn xīn máoyǐ, wǒ huì gěi ni yùbeihǎo. Míngnián nǐ shàng dàxuéde shihou, wǒ huì duō gěi ni yùbei jǐjiàn xīn yīfu. 天冷了,你需要一件新毛衣,我会给你预备好。明年你上大学的时候,我会多给你预备几件新衣服。 The weather’s getting cold, you need a new sweater. I’ll get one ready for you. Next year when you go to college I’ll get a few more new things ready for you to wear. B: Bú yòng le, wǒ bù xiǎng shàng dàxué le. 不用了,我不想上大学了。 You don’t need to, I don’t want to go to college anymore. A: Wèishénme? Nǐ bú shi yào xué yī ma? 为什么?你不是要学医吗? Why not? Don’t you want to study medicine? B: Bú shǎo rén shuō bú shàng dàxué yě kéyi gōngzuò, yě yíyàng kéyi shēnghuó. Wèishénme yídìng yào shàng dàxué ne? 不少人说不上大学也可以工作也一样可以生活为什么一定要上大学呢? A lot of people say that you can work and live Just the same without going to college. Why is it necessary to go to college? A: Zhèizhǒng huà xiànzài hěn liúxíng, kěshi wǒ xiǎng zhè huà bú tài duì. 这种话现在很流行,可是我想这话不太对。 This kind of talk is very popular these days, but I don’t think it’s very true. B: Wèishénme? Yǒude rén zài dàxuéli pīnmìng niàn shū, xiàng wǒmen jiā duìmiànde Zhōu Xiansheng, duì shùxué nàme yǒu yánjiū, déle shuòshì, bóshì, hái bu shi zhǎobudào gōngzuò! 为什么?有的人在大学里拼命念书,像我们家对面的周先生,对数学那么有研究,得了硕士,博士,还不是找不到工作! Why not? Some people study like mad at a university, like Mr. Zhōu who lives across from us; he’s such an expert in mathematics, he’s got a Master’s degree and a Ph.D., and isn’t he still unable to find a job! A: Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing gēn biérén bù tóng, suírán tā xiāngdāng yǒu zhīshi, kěshi tā bù xǐhuande gōngzuò tā jiu bú zuò, nà dāngrán bù róngyi zhǎodào gōngzuò. 周先生的情形跟别人不同虽然他相当有知识可是他不喜欢的工作,他就不做那当然不容易找到工作。 Mr. Zhou’s situation is different from other people’s. Although he is quite knowledgeable, he won’t take a Job he doesn’t like. So of course it isn’t easy for him to find a job. B: Duì le, tā bù xǐhuan zuò lǎoshǐ, tā jiù xǐhuan xiě wénzhāng, zài Zhōngxuéshēng zhōukānshang wǒ hái kànjianguo tāde wénzhāng ne! 对了,他不喜欢做老师,他就喜欢写文章,在中学生周刊上我还看见过他的文章呢! Right. He doesn’t like to be a teacher, he just likes to write articles. I’ve even seen his articles in the weekly High School Student! A: Tāde wénzhāng hǎo bu hǎo? 他的文章,好不好? Are his articles good? B: Hǎo, kěshi bù rongyì dǒng, zhōngxuéshēng kàn zhèiyangde wénzhāng tài nán le. 好,可是不容易懂,中学生看这样的文章太难了。 Yes, but they’re not easy to understand. They’re too hard for high school students to read. A: Suóyi, nǐ bù néng shuō Zhōu Xianshengde qíngxing jiù shi dàjiāde qíngxing. Wǒ xiǎng, kéyi zhèiyang shuō: niànguo hěn duō shūde rén bù yídìng yǒu hěn hǎode gōngzuò. Kěshi duō niàn yidiǎnr shū duì zhǎo gōngzuǒ yídìng yǒu bāngzhu. 所以,你不能说周先生的情形就是大家的情形。我想,可以这样说:念过很多书的人不一定有很好的工作。可是多念一点儿书对找工作一定有帮助。 So you can’t say that Mr. Zhou’s situation is everyone's situation. I think you might say this: someone who has had a lot of education doesn't necessarily get a very good job. But getting more education will certainly be helpful in looking for a job. B: Kěshi, wǒde jǐge tóngxué gāozhōng méiyou niànwán jiu zuò shì le, xiànzài tāmende shēnghuó dōu bú yòng kào fùmǔ le, tāmen dōu dúlì le. 可是,我的几个同学 高中没有念完就做事了,现在他们的生活都不用靠父母了,他们都独立了。 But several classmates of mine started working before they had finished high school, and now they don't have to depend on their parents to support them; they're all independent. A: Dànshi wǒ xiǎng, shèhuì háishi xūyào yǒu zhīshide rén, shèhuì yuè fādá yuè xūyào yǒu zhīshi. Nǐ shuō duì bu dui? 但是我想,社会还是需要有知识的人,社会越发达越需要有知识。你说对不对? But I think that society still needs knowledgeable people. The more developed society is, the more it needs knowledge. Don't you think so? B: Duì! 对! Right! A: Nàme hǎo le, nǐ niàn dàxuéde shi zěnmeyàng? 那么好了,你念大学的事怎么样? All right then, what about the matter of your going to college? B: Mm... wǒ zài xiǎngyixiǎng. 嗯。。。我再想一想。 Mm . . . I'll think it over some more. A: Hǎo, wǒmen míngtiān zài tántan. 好,我们明天再谈谈。 Okay, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.