Dialogue and. Translation for Exercise 2 A mother (B) and her son (A) talk in their apartment in Hangzhou. - A: Ma, wǒ jiějie shénme shihou zǒu a? - B: Wǎnshang shiyidiǎn zhōngde huǒchě. Nǐ xiǎo diǎnr shēngr shuō huà. Bié bǎ tǎ chǎoxǐng le, ràng ta zài duō shuì yihuǐr. - A: Ao, jiějie shuì wǔjiào na, wǒ xiǎo diǎnr shēngr. Mā, jiějie yào dàizǒude dōngxi dou zhǔnbèi-hǎo le ma? - B: Chàbuduō le, jiù shi hái you yìxiē gōngyìpǐn méiyou nònghǎo, nǐ huílaile, zhènghǎo bangbang mang, bǎ zhèixiē dōngxi bǎoqilai. - A: Jiějie shi dào Měiguo qù niàn shūde, dài gōngyìpǐn gàn shénme? - B: Zài dàxuélī niàn shū zong huì you ge hǎo péngyou, wàiguo rén xǐhuan Zhōngguo gōngyìpǐn, dàishang yidiǎnr, songsong rén, bú shi hěn hǎo ma? A: Hǎo, wǒ yihuǐr jiù bǎohǎo le. Ma, when is older sister leaving? On the 11:00 train this evening. Speak a little more quietly. Don’t wake her, let her sleep a little while longer. Oh, sister is taking a (noontime) nap. I’ll speak more softly. Ma, have all the things older sister is going to take along with her been gotten ready? Just about, there are Just a few handicrafts not yet taken care of. You’ve come back just in time to help by wrapping these things. Sister’s going to America to go to school; what is she taking handicrafts for? In college you’re always going to have a good friend. Foreigners like Chinese handicrafts. So isn’t it a a good idea to take some along to give people as gifts? Okay, I’ll have them wrapped in a minute. B: Duì le, nǐ zài zhèr nòng, wǒ dào chúfáng kàn yíxià, kànkan cài hǎole méiyou. A: Wǎnshàng hai you kèren ma? Oh—you take care of this here, and I’ll go take a look in the kitchen to see if the food is done. Are there guests coming tonight, too? B: You. Děng yíxià Zhōu Bómǔ hé tā érzi lai gěi nǐ jiějie sòng-xíng. - A: Mā, wǒ kàn, wǒ jiějie gēn Xiǎo Zhōu hǎoxiàng bú cuò ma! - B: Shǎ haizi! Nǐ jiějie gēn Xiǎo Zhōu tan liàn’ài kuài yinian le, nǐ hái bù zhīdào! Yes, in a little while Mrs. (Auntie) Zhōu and her son are coming over to give your sister a send-off. Ma, I think older sister and Xiǎo Zhōu seem to be getting along pretty well! You dumb kid! Your sister and Xiǎo Zhōu have been in love for almost a year now. Didn’t you know?! - A: Ao! Yuánlái shi zenme hui shir! Hǎo, mā, nǐ kuài máng qu ha! Zhèi diǎnr gōngyìpǐn jiāo gěi wǒ le. - B: Nǐ kuài hǎo, hāowánle, dào chúfāng lai hǎng wo máng. A: Xíng, wǒ yìhuǐr jiù lái. Oh, so that’s what’s heen going on all along. Okay, mom, you go ahead with your work. Hand the handicrafts over to me. Get these wrapped quickly. When you’re done, come to the kitchen and help me. Okay, I’ll he there in a minute.