you tīng listen bàndǎo 半导 semiconductor bàndǎotǐ 半导体 semiconductor dǎotǐ 导体 conductor shōuyīn 收音 radio shōuyīnjī 收音机 radio inside yòu again zài exist jiǎngdào 讲到 Speaking of àiguó 爱国 patriotic àiguówèishēng 爱国卫生 patriotic hygiene wèishēng 卫生 health yùndòng 运动 sports le span duì right cháng often gǎo engage wèishēng 卫生 health shēngjiù 生就 born jiùshì 就是 that is hǎo it is good shì Yes yīnggāi 应该 should duō many xuānchuán 宣传 publicity zhèngfǔ 政府 government shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no hàozhào 号召 call zhàorén 召人 call people rénmín 人民 people xiāomiè 消灭 wipe out cāngyíng 苍蝇 fly wénzi 蚊子 Mosquito and lǎoshǔ 老鼠 mouse duì right zhè This shì Yes àiguó 爱国 patriotic àiguówèishēng 爱国卫生 patriotic hygiene wèishēng 卫生 health yùndòng 运动 sports de of zhòngyào 重要 important fāngmiàn 方面 aspect jiěfàng 解放 liberation jiěfàngqián 解放前 Before liberation dào arrive zhōngguó 中国 China láikàn 来看 come to see kànkàn 看看 have a look dàochù 到处 everywhere dōu All hěnzāng 很脏 very dirty dànshì 但是 but xiànzài 现在 Now bùyī 不一 different yīyàng 一样 Same le span bùshǎo 不少 quite a few dìfāng 地方 place dōu All hěn very gānjìng 干净 clean zhè This jiùshì 就是 that is zhèngfǔ 政府 government and rénmín 人民 people Big gǎo engage wèishēng 卫生 health de of chéngjì 成绩 score a what you Bundle That bāo Bag yào medicine cáng Tibetan zài exist nǎér 哪儿 where le span I zěnme 怎么 how zhǎo Find búdào 不到 less than you jìnwū 进屋 enter the house go kànkàn 看看 have a look , , , dàgài 大概 perhaps jiù At once zài exist zhuōzi 桌子 table shàng superior zài exist diǎnzháo 点着 lit xīn new wénzi 蚊子 Mosquito yào medicine yǐqián 以前 before yīnggāi 应该 should xiān First zuò Do shénme 什么 what yīnggāi 应该 should xiān First Bundle chuānghù 窗户 window and mén Door dōu All guānshàng 关上 close you měitiān 每天 every day zǎochén 早晨 morning dōu All huódòng 活动 Activity yīhuì 一会 a while yīhuìer 一会儿 a while huìer 会儿 a while ma do you duìle 对了 correct zǎochén 早晨 morning kōngqì 空气 Air xīnxiān 新鲜 Fresh zài exist yángtái 阳台 balcony táishàng 台上 on stage zhàn stand yīhuì 一会 a while yīhuìer 一会儿 a while huìer 会儿 a while duì right shēntǐ 身体 Body hěn very yǒu Have hǎochù 好处 benefit jīntiān 今天 today nǐmen 你们 you jiēdào 街道 street yòu again gǎo engage dàsǎochú 大扫除 clean up sǎochú 扫除 remove chúle 除了 Apart from shì Yes a what wǒmen 我们 us jiēdào 街道 street jūmín 居民 resident gǎnxiǎnggǎngàn 敢想敢干 dare to think gǎngàn 敢干 dare yídìng 一定 must dìngyào 定要 must Bundle wǒmen 我们 us zhèér 这儿 here gǎo engage de of xiàng picture xiānjìn 先进 advanced jiēdào 街道 street yīyàng 一样 Same gānjìng 干净 clean jīntiān 今天 today jīntiānshàngwǔ 今天上午 This morning tiānshàng 天上 heaven shàngwǔ 上午 morning běijīng 北京 Beijing běijīngjiētóu 北京街头 Beijing street jiētóu 街头 street hǎoduō 好多 many dìfāng 地方 place yǒurén 有人 someone yòng use guǎngbō 广播 broadcast tong2 tong2 tong2 jiǎnghuà 讲话 speech tāmen 他们 them zài exist zuò Do shénme 什么 what tāmen 他们 them zài exist xuānchuán 宣传 publicity jiāotōng 交通 transportation jiāotōngguīzé 交通规则 traffic rules guīzé 规则 rule zài exist gǎo engage wèishēng 卫生 health de of shíhòu 时候 when rúguǒ 如果 if qúnzhòng 群众 the masses yǒu Have yígè 一个 One hǎobàn 好办 easy to handle bànfǎ 办法 Method néng can bùnéng 不能 cannot and leather wèi bit huìtán 会谈 talks tányītán 谈一谈 talk about dāngrán 当然 certainly kěyǐ 可以 Can qúnzhòng 群众 the masses bùjǐn 不仅 not only cānjiā 参加 Participation jiēdào 街道 street suǒyǒu 所有 all de of huódòng 活动 Activity érqiě 而且 and jīngcháng 经常 often bāngzhù 帮助 help wǒmen 我们 us xiǎng think bànfǎ 办法 Method zuòhǎo 做好 do well gèxiàng 各项 various gōngzuò 工作 Work niánjì 年纪 age jìdà 纪大 Ji Da de of rén people shǐyòng 使用 use zhèzhǒng 这种 this yào medicine yǒuméiyǒu 有没有 Do you have méiyǒu 没有 No yǒuguān 有关 related guānxì 关系 relation méiyǒu 没有 No yǒuguān 有关 related guānxì 关系 relation qǐng Please kàn Look shuōmíng 说明 illustrate shuōmíngshū 说明书 manual you juéde 觉得 feel zhè This zhōng bell xūn smoke wénzi 蚊子 Mosquito de of bànfǎ 办法 Method zěnme 怎么 how zěnmeyàng 怎么样 How about it zhè This zhōng bell bànfǎ 办法 Method hěn very hǎo it is good dàjiā 大家 Everyone tǒngyī 统一 Unite tǒngyīxíngdòng 统一行动 unified action yīxíng 一行 one line xíngdòng 行动 action chéngjì 成绩 score zhǔn allow bùcuò 不错 good