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0	26500	Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Directions Module, Unit 5, Comprehension Tape 1, This unit is set in the ROC. On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers used in locating a street address when you're lost. For this tape, you'll need to consult the map sheet opposite the reference list in your workbook.
26500	37500	Clara Matthews is having some trouble finding a friend's house. Listen as she stops someone on the street to ask for help. Excuse me.
37500	43500	對不起,對不起. What can I do for you?
43500	49500	你有什麼事啊?你有什麼事啊?
49500	71500	But now, sure, has a very broad meaning and is difficult to translate into smooth English. Some of its more common translations are matter, business, affair, and thing. In the context of someone asking for help, the reply, 你有什麼事啊? could be translated somewhat literally as, what's your problem?
71500	92500	Our non-literal translation reflects the mood of the Chinese sentence rather than its words. What can I do for you? Here's the word translated matter, business, affair, or thing.是,是. Listen to the exchange live.對不起,你有什麼事啊?
92500	97500	Again,對不起,你有什麼事啊?
97500	110500	Check your comprehension.對不起, Excuse me.你有什麼事啊?
110500	126500	What can I do for you? The conversation continues. May I ask, what road is this?請問,這條路是什麼路?
126500	135500	This is Nanjing West Road.這是南京西路.這是南京西路.
135500	150500	Here's how you say, this road,這條路,這條路. And here's how you say, Nanjing West Road,南京西路,南京西路.
150500	161500	Notice that the word for West is not in its usual English position in this street name. Direction words in Taipei street names always come at the end of the name with the word 路 attached.
161500	170500	Peaking street names follow the usual English pattern. For instance,東長安街, East長安 street.
170500	190500	It's also that in the answer,這是南京西路. The word for this is given with its non-peaking pronunciation 者, instead of 者. From now on, the forms 者, this,那, that, and 那, which will be used for all non-peaking speakers.
190500	198500	You'll be expected to use these forms yourself only when a speaker uses them to you. Here's the exchange live.
198500	214500	請問這條路是什麼路?這是南京西路. Again,請問這條路是什麼路?這是南京西路. Check your comprehension.
214500	227500	請問這條路是什麼路? May I ask, what road is this?這是南京西路.
227500	246500	This is Nanjing West Road. The conversation continues. What place are you looking for?你找什麼地方?你找什麼地方?
246500	264500	I'm looking for lane 54 of Nanjing East Road, section 1.我找南京東路一段,五十四項.
264500	275500	Here's the verb to look for.找,找. Here's the word for section.斷,斷.
275500	289500	And here's the word for lane.向,向. Notice the Chinese mentions the road, which is larger, before the lane, which is smaller, while English uses the opposite order.
289500	302500	Listen to the exchange live.你找什麼地方?我找南京東路一段,五十四項. Again.你找什麼地方?
302500	314500	我找南京東路一段,五十四項. Check your comprehension.你找什麼地方?
314500	326500	What place are you looking for?我找南京東路一段,五十四項.
326500	339500	I'm looking for lane 54 of Nanjing East Road, section 1. For the next exchange, you'll need a new street name. Here's how you say 中山 North Road.
339500	353500	中山北路.中山北路.中山 North Road is a major tourist shopping street in Taipei. Now listen to another person who's lost his way, live.
353500	376500	对不起,请问.你有什么事啊?这条路是中山北路吗?我找中山北路二段.不是,这是中山南路.Again.对不起,请问.你有什么事啊?
376500	403500	Excuse me, may I ask you something?你有什么事啊?What can I do for you?
403500	428500	What can I do for you?这条路是中山北路吗?Is this road中山 North Road?我找中山北路二段.I'm looking for中山 North Road, section 2.
428500	452500	不是,这是中山南路.No, this is中山 South Road.Let's go back to Miss Matthews.You'll remember that she had just said she was looking for lane 54 of Nanjing East Road, section 1.The conversation continues.
452500	481500	You've gone the wrong way.This is Nanjing West Road.你走错了,这是南京西路.You go that way.一往那边走.Cross three streets and that's Nanjing East Road, section 1.过三条街.
481500	510500	过三条街就是南京东路一段.过三条街就是南京东路一段.Here's how you say I'm wrong or I've made a mistake.我错了,我错了.Notice that the verb 错 is followed by the marker 路.Here's how you say I went the wrong way.我走错了,我走错了.
510500	532500	And here's the verb to cross or to pass.过,过.Listen to the directions live.你走错了,这是南京西路.你往那边走.过三条街就是南京东路一段.Again.
532500	561500	你走错了,这是南京西路.你往那边走.过三条街就是南京东路一段.Check your comprehension.你走错了,这是南京西路.You've gone the wrong way. This is Nanjing West Road.你往那边走.
561500	590500	You go that way.过三条街就是南京东路一段.Cross three streets and that's Nanjing East Road, section 1.Now listen to a similar exchange, live.请问,这是不是大理街三十六项?
590500	619500	不是三十六项,是二十三项.哦,我走错了.到三十六项,往哪边走?你往那边走.过两条街,左边就是.Again.请问,这是不是大理街三十六项?不是三十六项,是二十三项.哦,我走错了.
619500	640500	到三十六项,往哪边走?你往那边走.过两条街,左边就是.Check your comprehension.请问,这是不是大理街三十六项?
640500	669500	May I ask, is this lane 36 of Dali Street?不是三十六项,是二十三项.It's not lane 36, it's lane 23.哦,我走错了.Oh, I went the wrong way.到三十六项,往哪边走?
669500	693500	What way do I go to get to lane 36?你往那边走.You go that way.过两条街,左边就是.
693500	704500	过两条街,左边就是.Let's go back to Miss Matthews, who's looking for lane 54 of Nanjing East Road, Section 1.
704500	722500	She's just been told how to get to Section 1.Listen as the conversation continues.After you've gotten to Section 1, please ask someone else.到了一段以后,请再问别人吧。
722500	750500	All right, thanks.好,谢谢。好,谢谢。Here's the verb to ask.问,问.And here's the word for someone else.别人,别人。You'll notice that the adverb在 isn't translated in this exchange.
750500	776500	Here's the exchange live.到了一段以后,请再问别人吧。好,谢谢。Again,到了一段以后,请再问别人吧。好,谢谢。Check your comprehension.到了一段以后,请再问别人吧。
776500	797500	After you've gotten to Section 1, please ask someone else.好,谢谢。All right, thanks. When Miss Matthews gets to Section 1, she finds lane 54 and then asks someone else for more help.
797500	820500	May I ask, where is alley 5?请问五弄在哪里?请问五弄在哪里?You walk ahead a little more.你再往前走一点。你再往前走一点。The first intersection on the right is alley 5.
820500	849500	右边第一个路口就是五弄。右边第一个路口就是五弄。Here's the noun alley.弄,弄。Here's the word for front.前,前。In the sentence,你再往前走一点,the adverb在 is translated more and refers to the continuation of an action rather than its repetition.
849500	878500	Listen to the exchange live.请问五弄在哪里?你再往前走一点。右边第一个路口就是五弄。Again,请问五弄在哪里?你再往前走一点。右边第一个路口就是五弄。Check your comprehension.请问五弄在哪里?
878500	907500	May I ask, where is alley 5?你再往前走一点。You walk ahead a little more.右边第一个路口就是五弄。The first intersection on the right is alley 5.
907500	917500	Here's another conversation, reviewing everything introduced on this tape.对不起。
917500	936500	你有什么事啊?请问这条路是什么路?这是中山南路。你找什么地方?哦,我走错了。我找中山北路一段十八项。好,你往那边走。
936500	964500	过三条街就是中山北路一段。到了那里以后,请再问别人吧。好,谢谢。A little later.请问,这是不是十八项?是。九弄在哪里?你再往前走一点。右边第二个路口就是九弄。Again,对不起。
964500	993500	有什么事啊?请问这条路是什么路?这是中山南路。你找什么地方?哦,我走错了。我找中山北路一段十八项。好,你往那边走。过三条街就是中山北路一段。到了那里以后,请再问别人吧。好,谢谢。A little later.
993500	1014500	请问这是不是十八项?是。九弄在哪里?你再往前走一点。右边第二个路口就是九弄。Again,对不起。 Excuse me。你有什么事啊?
1014500	1022500	What can I do for you?请问这条路是什么路?
1022500	1039500	May I ask, what road is this?这是中山南路。This is Zhongshan south road.你找什么地方?
1039500	1047500	What place are you looking for?哦,我走错了。
1047500	1076500	Oh, I went the wrong way.我找中山北路一段十八项。I'm looking for lane 18 of Zhongshan north road section one.好,你往那边走。
1076500	1090500	All right, you go that way。过三条街就是中山北路一段。
1090500	1105500	Cross three streets and that's Zhongshan north road section one.到了那里以后,请再问别人吧。
1105500	1116500	After you've gotten there, please ask someone else。好,谢谢。All right, thank you.
1116500	1134500	A little later,请问这是不是十八项?May I ask, is this lane 18?是。Yes,九弄在哪里?
1134500	1145500	Where is alley nine?你再往前走一点,右边第二个路口就是九弄。
1145500	1156500	Walk ahead a little more, and the second alley on your right is alley nine.
1156500	1164500	As a final review, see if you can translate the following exchanges from the target list.
1164500	1184500	Number one,你找什么地方?What place are you looking for?我找南京东路一段五十四项。
1184500	1197500	I'm looking for lane 54 of Nanjing east road section one.你往那边走。
1197500	1211500	You go that way。过三条街就是南京东路一段。
1211500	1226500	Cross three streets, and that's Nanjing east road section one.到了一段以后,请再问别人吧。
1226500	1231500	After you've gotten to section one, please ask someone else.
1231500	1246500	Number two,对不起。Excuse me,你有什么事啊?What can I do for you?
1246500	1260500	Number three,请问五弄在哪里?May I ask, where is alley five?你再往前走一点。
1260500	1273500	You walk ahead a little more.右边,第二个路口就是五弄。
1273500	1283500	The second intersection on the right is alley five.
1283500	1289500	Number four,请问这条路是什么路?
1289500	1316500	May I ask, what street is this?这是中山北路。This is Zhongshan north road.哦,我走错了。Oh, I went the wrong way.
1316500	1324500	If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape. This is the end of the tape.
1324500	1350500	End of direction five, C1.