start	end	text
0	7000	Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Society Module Units 5-8, Review Tape 2
7000	14000	This tape reviews the referenceless sentences in units 5-8. Here you review your production of these sentences.
14000	19000	I'll say each sentence in English and you put it into Chinese. Let's begin.
19000	21000	Number 1
21000	33000	What a stupid kid.Why didn't you tell me about this before since it's such an important thing?
33000	38000	這個傻孩子,這麼大的事也不早點告訴我
38000	43000	I did tell you but you've forgotten.
43000	47000	我原來跟您說過,您忘了
47000	49000	Number 2
49000	56000	What has your income been like the past couple of years?
56000	60000	這兩年,你們的收入怎麼樣?
60000	71000	The past couple of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good and income is alright too.
71000	77000	這兩年,農業生產的情況不錯,收入也還好.
77000	78000	Number 3
78000	90000	What is he going to see Xiao Lan again for? After all, she doesn't like him.
90000	96000	他又去找小蘭幹什麼?人家又不喜歡他?
96000	102000	Don't get upset. I'll try to persuade him.
102000	107000	你別急,我來勸勸他.
107000	108000	Number 4
108000	119000	All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.
119000	125000	為了能互相照顧,他們一家三代住在一起.
125000	127000	Number 5
127000	136000	Just now when I went to see off Dr. Wang, he said he would be willing to see you.
136000	151000	Now that's better. I'll go see him when he gets back.
151000	156000	這一下子好了,等他回來我去看他.
156000	157000	Number 6
157000	165000	Is that person riding over there her husband?
165000	170000	That's him, alright.
170000	171000	Number 7
171000	182000	That looks like Xiao Li who just passed by the door.
182000	186000	好像是 Xiao Li從門口過去了.
186000	194000	You just tend to your studies, don't be thinking of this and that.
194000	195000	Number 8
195000	206000	I've heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here.
206000	219000	聽說從前你們這裡有很多有意思的風俗.
219000	223000	Yes, later when industry and commerce developed,
223000	231000	customs changed too.
231000	238000	是啊,後來工商業發達了,風俗也改變了.
238000	240000	Number 9
240000	244000	Most people like freedom.
244000	248000	多數人都喜歡自由,
248000	252000	but not many people can obtain freedom.
252000	259000	可是不是很多人能得到自由.
259000	260000	Number 10
260000	263000	Last year's English still sounded too awful,
263000	265000	but this year seems a lot better.
265000	276000	What happened?
276000	279000	去年他的英文還說的那麼難聽,
279000	281000	今年好像好多了,
281000	283000	是怎麼回事?
283000	286000	It's this way, his mother dotes on him
286000	294000	and sent him to school in England for a year.
294000	295000	是怎麼回事?
295000	301000	他母親疼他,送他去英國念了一年書.
301000	303000	Number 11
303000	306000	What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry and commerce?
306000	310000	It's so dirty everywhere.
310000	319000	工商業發達有什麼好處,哪裡都那麼髒?
319000	321000	I don't agree with that.
321000	330000	There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry and commerce.
330000	336000	這一點我不同意,工商業發達有不少好處.
336000	337000	Number 12
337000	339000	This child is too much.
339000	348000	No matter what you say, he just doesn't listen.
348000	352000	這孩子不現話,不管怎麼說都不聽.
352000	359000	Yes, he's certainly no child of New China.
359000	364000	所以嘛,這哪像新中國的兒童?
364000	365000	Number 13
365000	368000	You think I should go?
368000	373000	你說我該不該去?
373000	383000	You do as you see fit, but I hear that there's about to be a war there.
383000	389000	你看著辦吧,聽說那個地方快打仗了.
389000	390000	Number 14
390000	394000	Why did she get married early?
394000	397000	她為什麼早婚?
397000	400000	Last year her father died and there was no one to take care of her.
400000	409000	All she could do was get married.
409000	416000	去年她父親死了,沒人照顧她,只好結婚了.
416000	417000	Number 15
417000	426000	I want to go buy some handicrafts to bring back to America.
426000	431000	我想去買些工藝品帶回美國.
431000	436000	I just happen to have some here. Take them with you.
436000	443000	我這兒正好有幾件,你都戴上吧.
443000	444000	Number 16
444000	453000	I didn't understand his way of saying it. Did you understand it?
453000	472000	No, I didn't understand it either. Moreover, this topic is too hard.
472000	479000	沒有,我也沒聽明白,而且這個題目也太難了.
479000	480000	Number 17
480000	488000	How do you think business will go this time?
488000	491000	你看這次的生意怎麼樣?
491000	496000	I don't know. It depends on luck.
496000	501000	不知道,要看運氣了.
501000	502000	Number 18
502000	509000	Whether you study romanization or not, you always have to study Chinese characters.
509000	519000	學拼音也好,不學拼音也好,中國字總得學。
519000	528000	Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.
528000	533000	是啊,這樣中國文化才能保持下去。
533000	534000	Number 19
534000	538000	Is your mother taking a nap?
538000	539000	Number 20
539000	542000	My mother is taking a nap?
542000	543000	Number 20
543000	546000	Keep it down, don't wake her up.
546000	547000	Number 20
547000	555000	Be careful, don't wake her up.
555000	556000	Number 20
556000	567000	If a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better.
567000	582000	But now it's not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.
582000	587000	可是現在人口多,不一定有什麼好處。
587000	588000	Number 21
588000	593000	Who's taking the test tomorrow?
593000	596000	明天都有誰考試?
596000	601000	I'll write you a list in a minute.
601000	605000	等一下,我給你寫一個單子。
605000	606000	Number 22
606000	622000	Under the leadership of the Communist Party, China's position in the world has changed greatly.
622000	627000	Number 23
627000	641000	In the past ten years, these two cities have become more and more beautiful.
641000	642000	Number 20
642000	645000	10年來,這兩個城市越來越漂亮了。
645000	646000	Number 20
646000	651000	This can't be separated from the government's leadership.
651000	652000	Number 20
652000	658000	This can't be separated from the government's leadership.
658000	659000	Number 20
659000	660000	24
660000	666000	What is this short story about?
666000	670000	這篇短篇小說寫的是什麼?
670000	678000	It's the story of a cadre in a rural area.
678000	682000	Number 25
682000	691000	Does the government protect people's property?
691000	695000	政府是不是保護人們的財產?
695000	707000	Yes, the government is carrying out a policy of protecting people's property.
707000	713000	是,政府實行保護人們財產的政策。
713000	714000	Number 26
714000	725000	If you don't mind, I'd like to talk with your secretary for a few minutes.
725000	731000	如果你不介意的話,我想跟你的秘書談幾分鐘。
731000	735000	He's typing. He'll be here in a moment.
735000	740000	Number 27
740000	746000	What are you in such a hurry to go do?
746000	749000	你急急忙忙的,做什麼去?
749000	751000	I'm going to school.
751000	753000	上學去啊?
753000	754000	Number 28
754000	762000	Have you heard Lao Zhang's daughter has fallen in love with Xiao Wang?
762000	765000	老張的女兒愛上小王了。
765000	776000	This is really trouble. Lao Zhang hates the Wang family most of all.
776000	781000	這真是麻煩事,老張最恨王家的人。
781000	782000	Number 29
782000	791000	Originally, his Chinese was pretty good, but he's been away from China for a long time and has forgotten a lot.
791000	792000	Number 30
792000	801000	If you want to listen to a story, I'll tell you one.
801000	806000	你要想聽故事的話,我給你講一個。
806000	811000	Forget it. Let's play chess.
811000	815000	算了,我們下棋吧。
815000	816000	Number 31
816000	828000	Has Lao Wang's son joined the Communist Youth League?
828000	831000	老王的兒子入過團嗎?
831000	838000	No, but I've heard that he was in the Red Guard.
838000	842000	沒有,聽說參加過紅衛兵。
842000	843000	Number 32
843000	852000	As long as you help out, we'll be able to do it.
852000	855000	只要你來幫忙,我們就有辦法。
855000	859000	This is nothing. It's only right.
859000	864000	這有什麼?應該的嗎?
864000	865000	Number 33
865000	872000	Look, there's nothing in this article but taking drugs and killing.
872000	880000	你看,這篇文章裡,不是吸毒,就是殺人。
880000	884000	Reading this kind of news will only make you feel bad.
884000	892000	Forget it. Don't read it.
892000	898000	看這種新聞,只能使人難受。算了,不要看了。
898000	899000	Number 34
899000	911000	I've heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.
911000	916000	聽說解放以後,共產黨做了些好事。
916000	925000	Yes, some policies were all right, but some weren't too good.
925000	930000	Number 35
930000	938000	What do you think the responsibility of religion is?
938000	942000	你說,宗教的責任是什麼?
942000	952000	That's not a simple question. We have to begin by talking about history.
952000	957000	Number 36
957000	968000	The Ming Bao is not bad. It has all the world news.
968000	969000	Number 35
969000	973000	不錯,世界性的新聞它都有。
973000	980000	Yes, the Ming Bao is quite good. You have to read it.
980000	986000	對了,明報不錯,不能不看。
986000	987000	Number 37
987000	998000	How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?
998000	1003000	在大陸的十億人口中,有多少是受過教育的?
1003000	1007000	I think that now even villages far from the city have schools.
1007000	1018000	So there are probably a lot of people who are educated.
1018000	1024000	我想,現在連離城市很遠的農村都有學校了。
1024000	1028000	受過教育的人大概不少。
1028000	1030000	Number 38
1030000	1036000	Do you think society has been a little calmer lately?
1036000	1052000	Of course, since there have been new laws, there are far fewer people committing crimes.
1052000	1058000	當然,有了新法律,犯罪的人少多了。
1058000	1059000	Number 39
1059000	1065000	I'd like to see what ads there are today.
1065000	1077000	Here's a copy of the Washington Post. Take it and try to find some.
1077000	1082000	這裡有一份華盛頓郵報,拿去找找看吧。
1082000	1083000	Number 40
1083000	1093000	There's been a lot of progress in work in education these past few years.
1093000	1097000	最近幾年,教育工作有很大的進步。
1097000	1106000	Yes, schools aren't so messed up anymore.
1106000	1113000	是啊,學校裡但也沒有什麼亂七八糟的情況了。
1113000	1115000	This is the end of the tape.
1115000	1125000	And the society module units five through eight review tape too.