start	end	text
0	7000	Standard Chinese, a modular approach. Directions module unit 1, production tape 1.
7000	13000	On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn to understand some sentences asking or giving directions.
13000	17000	Before you learn how to say these things, test your comprehension of them.
17000	20000	Put the following exchanges from the target list into English.
20000	30000	Number 1,你知道不知道華美咖啡廳?Do you know of the huame coffee house?
30000	42000	知道。Yes, I know. Number 2,到那里去怎么走?How do I go there?
42000	50000	从这里往左走。From here you go to the left.
50000	62000	到了路口,往右走就到了。When you reach the intersection, then you go to the right, and then you're there.
62000	71000	Number 3,从这里到银行去,我先往右走,对不对?
71000	76000	To get from here to the bank, first I go to the right, is that correct?
76000	84000	不是,从这里一直走。No, from here you go straight.
84000	95000	然后到了路口,往左走。After that, when I reach the intersection, I go to the left.
95000	100000	对了。That's correct.
100000	105000	好,我知道了,谢谢。
105000	109000	Good, I've got it now, thank you.
109000	114000	If you had any trouble understanding these sentences, rewind the tape and work on them some more.
114000	118000	If you understood them all, you should begin learning how to say them.
118000	122000	Listen to this exchange as two friends meet on the street.
122000	129000	你到哪里去?我到咖啡厅去。Repeat the verb to go.
129000	134000	去,去。Repeat the question, where are you going?
134000	145000	Literally, you to where go.你到哪里去?你到哪里去?
145000	149000	So far you've seen 到 as a full verb meaning to arrive.
149000	151000	Here it's a prepositional verb meaning to.
151000	158000	Do remember that other prepositional verbs such as 给 for could also be full verbs such as 给 to give.
158000	169000	Repeat, where are you going?你到哪里去?你到哪里去?
169000	177000	Notice the word order, the prepositional verb phrase 到哪里? goes before the full verb 去.
177000	187000	How do you say, where are you going?你到哪里去?
187000	192000	You've probably found prepositional verbs such as 到 or 给 easy enough to handle.
192000	197000	The resemblance to English prepositions such as 到 in or for is a help.
197000	204000	You've had to remember, however, that the prepositional phrase like 给我 precedes a full verb like 还还.
204000	207000	Now you've come to another point to remember.
207000	212000	Chinese often uses a prepositional verb like 到 where English uses no preposition.
212000	216000	How do you say, where are you going?
216000	221000	你到哪里去?
221000	229000	Listen to the exchange again.你到哪里去?我到咖啡厅去.
229000	237000	Repeat the word for coffee house.咖啡厅.咖啡厅.
237000	245000	Repeat, I'm going to a coffee house.我到咖啡厅去.
245000	249000	我到咖啡厅去.
249000	257000	Notice that although we say going to a coffee house in English, there is no word in the Chinese corresponding to the article a.
257000	269000	How do you say, I'm going to a coffee house?我到咖啡厅去.
269000	274000	Listen to this exchange.你到哪里去?我到咖啡厅去.
274000	278000	你要不要去?好,我去.
278000	281000	Now you try it. You're going to a coffee house.
281000	294000	When you meet a friend on the street and she asks you where you're headed, you tell her and then ask if she wants to go.你到哪里去?
294000	300000	我到咖啡厅去.你要不要去?好,我去.
300000	303000	Again.你到哪里去?
303000	314000	我到咖啡厅去.你要不要去?好,我去.
314000	318000	The conversation continues. Listen.
318000	323000	你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?不知道.
323000	331000	Repeat the verb to know or to know of.知道.知道.
331000	335000	Repeat the name of the coffee house, the huamei coffee house.
335000	339000	华美咖啡厅.
339000	343000	华美咖啡厅.
343000	355000	Repeat the question, do you know of the huamei coffee house?你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?
355000	360000	你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?
360000	373000	Try saying it yourself, ahead of the speaker.你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?
373000	387000	Try asking the question again, this time you'll get a reply.你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?不知道.Again.
387000	395000	你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?不知道.
395000	402000	Since neither of the friends know where the huamei coffee house is, they ask someone on the street. Listen.
402000	408000	你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?知道.到哪里去怎么走?
408000	416000	从这里往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.Repeat, how do I go?
416000	422000	怎么走?怎么走?
422000	433000	You've already seen the verb 走 means to leave. Here you find another meaning of the verb 走 to take a route, to go by way of. Now repeat the whole sentence. How do I go there?
433000	443000	到哪里去怎么走?到哪里去怎么走?
443000	454000	Notice that the question starts off with what could be a complete sentence itself. A propositional verb phrase and a full verb.到哪里去?I'm going there.
454000	466000	It's then followed by a question word and another full verb.怎么走?By what route?How do you say, how do I go there?
466000	470000	到哪里去怎么走?
470000	474000	Try it again. This time you'll get a reply.
474000	479000	到哪里去怎么走?
479000	487000	从这里往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.Again.
487000	492000	到哪里去怎么走?
492000	499000	从这里往左走,到了路口,再往右走就到了.
499000	506000	Listen to how you might break these directions up into parts.我先往左走,对不对?
506000	523000	对了.Repeat the adjectival verb to be correct.对,对,对.Repeat, is that correct?对不对?对不对?
523000	534000	Now repeat the prepositional verb which means towards or in the direction of.往,往.
534000	541000	Although both prepositional verbs往 and到 can be translated as to, they mean different things.
541000	556000	Use到 to mean to as in到北京去.Go to Peking when you actually do go all the way to the place.Use往 to mean towards when you go in the direction of a place but not all the way there.
556000	570000	Now repeat the word for the direction left.左,左.Repeat, go to the left.往左走,往左走.
570000	592000	Repeat the adverb first.先,先.Repeat, first I go to the left.我先往左走,我先往左走.
592000	614000	Notice that the adverb先 comes directly after the subject 我,before the prepositional verb 往.Repeat, first I go to the that correct?我先往左走,对不对?
614000	628000	Try asking the question yourself. You'll get a reply.First I go to the that correct?我先往左走,对不对?
628000	643000	对了.Again.我先往左走,对不对?对了.The conversation continues.
643000	666000	然后呢?然后到了路口往右走.Repeat the word for after that or afterwards.然后,然后.Repeat, and after that.然后呢?然后呢?
666000	687000	Try saying it yourself. This time you'll get a reply.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Again.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.
687000	714000	Try asking both questions now.First I go to the that correct?Then I ask about afterwards.我先往左走,对不对?对了.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Again.我先往左走,对不对?对了.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Again.我先往左走,对不对?
714000	740000	对了.然后呢?然后到了路口再往右走.Let's break up that answer into several parts and take a closer look.Repeat the word for an intersection.路口。路口。Repeat the first part of the sentence.
740000	745000	When you reach the intersection, more literally, arrived at the intersection.
745000	751000	到了路口,到了路口。
751000	754000	Now the second part of the sentence.
754000	757000	Repeat the word for then, used in commands or suggestions.
757000	761000	在,在。
761000	764000	Now repeat the word for the direction right.
764000	768000	有,有。
768000	772000	Repeat, then go to the right.
772000	776000	再往右走。
776000	780000	再往右走。
780000	785000	Again you see the verb 走, used instead of the verb 去 to mean go.
785000	790000	This is because the emphasis is on the route taken, not on the final destination.
790000	793000	What's the word for the direction right?
793000	795000	有.
795000	800000	How do you say, then go to the right.
800000	804000	再往右走。
804000	807000	Repeat the first two parts of the sentence now.
807000	811000	When you reach the intersection, then you go to the right.
811000	817000	到了路口,再往右走。
817000	823000	到了路口,再往右走。
823000	827000	Notice that the marker 路 is used to indicate completed action here.
827000	831000	The sentence does not say that he has reached the intersection already,
831000	834000	but when he has reached it, then he goes to the right.
834000	838000	Completed action 路 does not tell you whether the action is past, present or future.
838000	841000	This you must find out from the context.
841000	848000	How do you say, when you reach the intersection, you go to the right.
848000	852000	到了路口,再往右走。
852000	855000	What completed action 路 does tell you in this sentence,
855000	859000	is that getting to the intersection will be done before going to the right.
859000	864000	You use the marker 路 here to show the completion of one action in relation to another.
864000	871000	How do you say, when you reach the corner, you go to the right.
871000	877000	到了路口,再往右走。
877000	879000	Try answering the question yourself now.
879000	884000	After that, when you reach the intersection, then you go to the right.
884000	890000	然后呢?
890000	897000	然后到了路口,再往右走。
897000	904000	Again 然后呢?
904000	911000	然后到了路口,再往右走。
911000	913000	Listen to the final reply.
913000	916000	好,我知道了。
916000	919000	Repeat, now I've got it.
919000	921000	我知道了。
921000	924000	我知道了。
924000	927000	Notice that you use the new situation 了
927000	931000	to give the idea that now you know it although before you did not.
931000	933000	How do you say, now I've got it.
933000	938000	我知道了。
938000	940000	Repeat, good, now I've got it.
940000	943000	Thank you.
943000	948000	好,我知道了。谢谢。
948000	953000	好,我知道了。谢谢。
953000	957000	Listen to this short conversation using what you've just learned.
957000	961000	请问,到华美咖啡厅去怎么走?
961000	966000	从这里往右走,到了路口,再往右走,就到了。
966000	968000	好,我知道了。
968000	970000	Now you try it.
970000	973000	Try asking how you get to the huame coffee house.
973000	976000	When you've heard the directions say good, now I've got it.
976000	982000	Thank you.
982000	986000	请问,到华美咖啡厅去怎么走?
986000	990000	从这里往右走,到了路口,再往右走,就到了。
990000	995000	好,我知道了。谢谢。
995000	1000000	Again.
1000000	1005000	请问,到华美咖啡厅去怎么走?
1005000	1010000	从这里往右走,到了路口,再往右走,就到了。
1010000	1017000	好,我知道了。谢谢。
1017000	1022000	Here's a quick review.
1022000	1025000	What's the word for the direction right?
1025000	1027000	右。
1027000	1030000	What's the word for after that?
1030000	1033000	然后。
1033000	1036000	What's the word for the direction left?
1036000	1040000	左。
1040000	1043000	And what's the word for first?
1043000	1046000	先。
1046000	1049000	Here's another conversation. Listen.
1049000	1053000	请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1053000	1057000	不是,从这里一直走。
1057000	1065000	Repeat the prepositional verb from 从。
1065000	1072000	Unlike the prepositional verb 到, the prepositional verb 从 is never used alone as a full verb.
1072000	1075000	Repeat the prepositional phrase from here.
1075000	1081000	从这里。
1081000	1084000	Repeat to get from here to the bank.
1084000	1092000	从这里到银行去。
1092000	1097000	Repeat to get from here to the bank, you go right.
1097000	1104000	从这里到银行去往右走。
1104000	1110000	从这里到银行去往右走。
1110000	1113000	Repeat to get from here to the bank, you go right.
1113000	1115000	Is that correct?
1115000	1122000	从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1122000	1128000	从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1128000	1129000	Now repeat.
1129000	1134000	May I ask, if you get from here to the bank, you go to the right, is that correct?
1134000	1142000	请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1142000	1149000	请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1149000	1153000	Try it again, this time you'll get a reply.
1153000	1162000	Repeat to get from here to the bank, you go right.
1162000	1166000	请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1166000	1171000	不是,从这里一直走。
1171000	1176000	Again.
1176000	1180000	请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1180000	1184000	从这里一直走。
1184000	1186000	Now repeat the adverb, straight.
1186000	1191000	一直,一直。
1191000	1194000	Repeat, go straight.
1194000	1200000	一直走,一直走。
1200000	1203000	Repeat, from here you go straight.
1203000	1208000	从这里一直走。
1208000	1213000	从这里一直走。
1213000	1220000	Notice that the adverb一直, comes right before what it most directly modifies, that is the verb走.
1220000	1224000	Repeat, no, from here you go straight.
1224000	1230000	不是,从这里一直走。
1230000	1235000	不是,从这里一直走。
1235000	1241000	Try responding to the question yourself now, correct the person, tell her to go straight.
1241000	1248000	请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1248000	1254000	不是,从这里一直走。
1254000	1256000	Again.
1256000	1264000	请问,从这里到银行去往右走,对不对?
1264000	1269000	不是,从这里一直走。
1269000	1273000	Notice that even though the other person asks her question with,对不对?
1273000	1275000	You answer with,不是。
1275000	1281000	This is because the answer 不对, is considered rather blunt.
1281000	1283000	Now let's review what we've covered on this tape.
1283000	1287000	Put the following sentences from the target list into Chinese.
1287000	1288000	Number one.
1288000	1293000	I'm going to a coffee house.
1293000	1299000	Do you know the huamei coffee house?
1299000	1306000	Do you know the huamei coffee house?
1306000	1309000	No, I don't.
1309000	1313000	不知道。
1313000	1314000	Number two.
1314000	1321000	How do I get from here to the bank?
1321000	1325000	你到银行去怎么走?
1325000	1329000	From here you go straight.
1329000	1335000	从这里一直走。
1335000	1337000	Number three.
1337000	1344000	First from here I go straight, is that right?
1344000	1349000	我先从这里一直走,对不对?
1349000	1352000	That's right.
1352000	1354000	对了。
1354000	1363000	After that, when I've reached the intersection, I go to the right.
1363000	1371000	然后到了路口往右走。
1371000	1377000	No, go to the left.
1377000	1382000	我往左走。