start	end	text
0	3200	standard Chinese, a modular approach
3200	5300	transportation module
5300	9000	review, units 1 through 4
9000	14000	this tape contains a review of units 1 through 4 in the transportation module
14000	18000	all of the target sentences from each of the units will be reviewed
18000	21700	first for comprehension and then for production
21700	24200	to begin the Chinese sentences will be given
24200	26500	and you put them into English
26500	28500	let's start
28500	30500	one
30500	37000	坐火車得先買票嗎?
37000	43500	if I take the train, is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?
43500	53000	你最好兩三天以前去買票
53000	55000	it would be best for you to go buy tickets
55000	58500	two or three days ahead of time
58500	63000	坐公路局的車呢?
63000	66000	and if I take the bus
66000	71000	不必先買票
71000	75000	it's not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time
75000	77000	two
77000	84500	我想去台南玩幾天
84500	89500	I'm thinking of going to Tainan to relax for a few days
89500	91500	three
91500	99000	咱們不是坐過站了吧?
99000	102500	hey haven't we gone past our stop?
102500	105500	還沒呢
105500	107500	not yet
107500	113000	下一站才下車
113000	116500	we don't get off until the next stop
116500	119500	four
119500	127000	我要坐計程車到火車站去
127000	131000	I want to take a taxi to the train station
131000	133500	five
133500	140500	我只有這兩件行李
140500	144000	I only have these two suitcases
144000	152000	好我把行李放在前面
152000	156000	okay I'll put the suitcases in front
156000	158500	six
158500	163000	別開那麼快
163000	166000	don't drive so fast
166000	168500	seven
168500	176000	他開車開得不快
176000	179000	he doesn't drive fast
179000	181500	eight
181500	187500	你開得太快了
187500	190000	you're driving too fast
190000	192500	nine
192500	201000	請你在前邊那個銀行停一下
201000	204500	please stop at that bank up ahead for a moment
204500	207000	ten
207000	218000	你說是坐火車去好呢?還是坐公路局的車去好呢?
218000	222000	would you say it's better to go by train or to go by bus?
222000	224500	eleven
224500	231500	坐火車去好
231500	235500	it's better to go by train
235500	246000	到台南坐公路局的車不大方便
246000	250000	to tie down it's not so convenient to take the bus
250000	252500	so
252500	258500	是巴魯的車多不多?
258500	261500	are there many number eighteen buses?
261500	265000	不很多
265000	267000	not very many
267000	270000	thirteen
270000	277500	我每個星期六都去看電影
277500	280500	I go to see a movie every Saturday
280500	283000	fourteen
283000	287500	不用找了
287500	289500	keep the change
289500	292500	fifteen
292500	294000	對不起
294000	302000	上午的票都賣完了
302000	303000	I'm sorry
303000	306800	the tickets for the morning trains are all sold out
306800	309300	sixteen
309300	315800	你要坐什麼時候的車?
315800	318800	what train do you want to take?
318800	324300	我要坐上午的車
324300	327800	I want to take a morning train
327800	330300	seventeen
330300	336300	老駕十五路汽車站在哪兒?
336300	339800	excuse me
339800	343800	where is the number fifteen bus stop?
343800	349800	就在那個路口上
349800	352800	it's just on that corner
352800	354800	eighteen
354800	360800	咱們在哪兒買票?
360800	363800	where do we buy tickets?
363800	368800	在車上買票
368800	371800	we buy tickets on the bus
371800	374800	nineteen
374800	380800	好 現在走吧
380800	383800	ok let's go now
383800	386800	twenty
386800	392800	到展覽館 有沒有直達車?
392800	398800	is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall?
398800	400800	沒有
400800	402800	no
402800	412800	坐一路車 坐到西丹緩車
412800	414800	take the number one bus
414800	417800	take it to 西丹 and change buses
417800	420800	twenty-one
420800	428800	到西門町去 坐幾路車?
428800	432800	what bus do you take to get to 西門町?
432800	437800	坐十八路
437800	440800	take the number eighteen
440800	443800	twenty-two
443800	450800	每隔幾分鐘有一班車
450800	453800	how often is there a bus?
453800	456800	twenty-three
456800	463800	這班車是不是去西門町?
463800	466800	does this bus go to 西門町?
466800	471800	是 上車吧
471800	474800	yes get on
474800	477800	twenty-four
477800	484800	我是不是在這裡下車
484800	488800	is it here that I get off?
488800	494800	我是下一站
494800	497800	no the next stop
497800	500800	twenty-five
500800	509800	最後一班車是幾點鐘?
509800	511800	what time is the last bus?
511800	514800	twenty-six
514800	520800	我們有時間來得及
520800	524800	we have time we can make it in time
524800	527800	twenty-seven
527800	535800	到西門町的時候請告訴我
535800	539800	when we get to 西門町 please tell me
539800	541800	twenty-eight
541800	546800	請慢一點開
546800	550800	please drive a little more slowly
550800	554800	now let's review your production of the targetless sentences
554800	558800	now give the English sentences and you put them into Chinese
558800	560800	let's start
560800	562800	one
562800	570800	if I take the train is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?
570800	575800	坐火車得先買票嗎?
575800	579800	it would be best for you to go buy tickets two or three days ahead of time
579800	586800	and if I take the bus
586800	590800	坐公路局的車呢?
590800	599800	it's not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time
599800	610800	不必先買票
610800	612800	two
612800	622800	I'm thinking of going to 台南 to relax for a few days
622800	626800	我想去台南玩幾天
626800	628800	hey haven't we gone past our stop?
628800	638800	咱們不是坐過站了吧?
638800	641800	not yet
641800	644800	還沒呢?
644800	650800	we don't get off until the next stop
650800	654800	下一站踩下車
654800	656800	three
656800	664800	please take a taxi to the train station
664800	669800	我要坐計程車到火車站去
669800	671800	four
671800	675800	don't drive so fast
675800	682800	別開那麼快
682800	683800	five
683800	689800	he doesn't drive fast
689800	693800	踏開車開得不快
693800	695800	six
695800	700800	you're driving too fast
700800	704800	你開得太快了
704800	706800	seven
706800	712800	please stop at that bank up ahead for a moment
712800	721800	請你在前邊那個銀行停一下
721800	723800	eight
723800	735800	would you say it's better to go by train or to go by bus?
735800	738800	你說是坐火車去好呢?
738800	743800	還是坐公路局的車去好呢?
743800	748800	it's better to go by train
748800	753800	坐火車去好
753800	763800	to 台南 it's not so convenient to take the bus
763800	769800	坐公路局的車不大方便
769800	771800	nine
771800	779800	are there many number eighteen buses?
779800	783800	十八路的車多不多?
783800	784800	ten
784800	788800	I go to see a movie every Saturday
788800	797800	我每個星期六都去看電影
797800	799800	eleven
799800	803800	keep the change
803800	806800	不用找了
806800	807800	twelve
807800	809800	I'm sorry
809800	817800	the tickets for the morning trains are all sold out
817800	819800	對不起
819800	823800	上午的票都賣完了
823800	825800	thirteen
825800	831800	I want to take a morning train
831800	835800	我要坐上午的車
835800	837800	fourteen
837800	838800	excuse me
838800	846800	where is the number fifteen bus stop?
846800	851800	老家十五路汽車站在哪兒?
851800	857800	it's just on that corner
857800	862800	就在那個路口上
862800	864800	fifteen
864800	870800	where do we buy tickets?
870800	874800	咱們在哪兒買票?
874800	879800	it's on the bus
879800	882800	在車上買票
882800	884800	sixteen
884800	890800	ok let's go now
890800	895800	好現在走吧
895800	897800	seventeen
897800	903800	is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall?
903800	909800	到展覽館有沒有直達車?
909800	911800	no
911800	914800	沒有
914800	916800	take the number one bus
916800	925800	take it to shidan and change buses
925800	930800	坐一路車坐到西丹緩車
930800	932800	eighteen
932800	940800	what bus do you take to get to shimunding?
940800	945800	到西丹緩車坐幾路車?
945800	951800	take the number eighteen
951800	954800	坐十八路
954800	956800	nineteen
956800	961800	how often is there a bus?
961800	968800	每隔幾分鐘有一班車
968800	969800	twenty
969800	978800	does this bus go to shimunding?
978800	982800	這班車是不是去西門町?
982800	988800	yes get on
988800	991800	是上車吧
991800	993800	twenty one
993800	1001800	is it here that I get off?
1001800	1006800	我是不是在這裡下車?
1006800	1012800	no the next stop
1012800	1016800	不是下一站
1016800	1017800	twenty two
1017800	1026800	what time is the last bus?
1026800	1031800	最後一班車是幾點鐘?
1031800	1033800	twenty three
1033800	1041800	we have time we can make it in time
1041800	1045800	我們有時間來得及
1045800	1047800	twenty four
1047800	1056800	when we get to shimunding please tell me
1056800	1061800	到西門町的時候請告訴我
1061800	1063800	twenty five
1063800	1069800	please drive a little more slowly
1069800	1073800	請慢一點開
1073800	1076800	please review units one through four
1076800	1078800	transportation module
1078800	1103800	standard chinese a modular approach