start	end	text
0	7000	Standard Chinese, a modular approach, traveling in China module, Unit 6, Tape 1.
7000	14000	In this unit, you'll learn words and phrases used to discuss national minorities and autonomous regions in China.
14000	17000	Here's the first exchange from the reference list.
17000	21000	Chinese is very complicated, it must be very difficult to study.
21000	25000	漢語很複雜,學起來大概很難。
25000	29000	Don't worry, I'm convinced you can learn it very well.
29000	33000	Don't worry, I'm convinced you can learn it very well.
33000	35000	Repeat Chinese.
35000	39000	漢語漢語
39000	42000	Repeat complicated.
42000	46000	複雜複雜
46000	49000	And here's another pronunciation.
49000	54000	複雜複雜
54000	58000	Repeat Chinese is very complicated, it must be difficult to study.
58000	62000	漢語很複雜,學起來大概很難。
66000	70000	漢語很複雜,學起來大概很難。
72000	76000	Repeat to believe, to trust, to be convinced.
76000	78000	相信
78000	80000	相信
80000	84000	Repeat, don't worry, I'm convinced you can learn it very well.
84000	88000	放心吧,我相信你可以學得很好。
93000	96000	放心吧,我相信你可以學得很好。
99000	102000	Now listen to the question and answer it yourself.
102000	105000	Say, don't worry, I'm convinced you can learn it very well.
105000	114000	漢語很複雜,學起來大概很難。
114000	117000	放心吧,我相信你可以學得很好。
119000	121000	Listen to the next exchange.
121000	125000	Is the Islam of the Middle East very different from the Islam of Xinjiang?
125000	131000	中東的伊斯蘭教和新疆的伊斯蘭教是不是很不一樣?
131000	134000	This is a very difficult question, we can discuss it.
134000	140000	這是一個相當複雜的問題,我們可以討論討論。
140000	154000	Repeat Middle East,中東,中東,Repeat Islam,伊斯蘭教,伊斯蘭教,Repeat,
154000	158000	Is the Islam of the Middle East very different from the Islam of Xinjiang?
158000	164000	中東的伊斯蘭教和新疆的伊斯蘭教是不是很不一樣?
169000	174000	中東的伊斯蘭教和新疆的伊斯蘭教是不是很不一樣?
177000	182000	Repeat to discuss,討論,討論。
182000	187000	Repeat, this is a very difficult question, we can discuss it.
187000	192000	這是一個相當複雜的問題,我們可以討論討論。
197000	202000	這是一個相當複雜的問題,我們可以討論討論。
205000	208000	Now listen to the question and answer it yourself.
208000	212000	This is a very difficult question, we can discuss it.
212000	218000	中東的伊斯蘭教和新疆的伊斯蘭教是不是很不一樣?
222000	227000	這是一個相當複雜的問題,我們可以討論討論。
228000	231000	Here is the next exchange.
231000	235000	When was Xinjiang united with the interior?
235000	239000	新疆和內地是什麼時候統一的?
245000	249000	第一次統一差不多是公元前60年的時候。
253000	256000	內地
256000	261000	Repeat to unite, to unify,統一。
264000	268000	Repeat, when was Xinjiang united with the interior?
269000	272000	新疆和內地是什麼時候統一的?
275000	279000	新疆和內地是什麼時候統一的?
280000	284000	Repeat BC,公元前,
284000	287000	公元前,公元前。
289000	294000	Repeat, the first time they were unified was in about 60 BC.
294000	299000	第一次統一差不多是公元前60年的時候。
304000	309000	第一次統一差不多是公元前60年的時候。
311000	313000	Now listen to the question and answer it yourself.
313000	318000	Say, the first time they were unified was in about 60 BC.
318000	321000	新疆和內地是什麼時候統一的?
328000	332000	第一次統一差不多是公元前60年的時候。
335000	337000	Here is the next exchange.
337000	341000	During the war of liberation, the PLA liberated Xinjiang, right?
341000	346000	解放戰爭的時候,解放軍解放了新疆,是不是?
347000	349000	新疆 was peacefully liberated.
349000	352000	The PLA went to Xinjiang in 1950.
353000	358000	新疆是和平解放的,解放軍是50年到新疆去的。
359000	363000	Repeat war,戰爭,戰爭。
364000	368000	Repeat, the people's liberation army also called the PLA.
368000	378000	解放軍,解放軍.Repeat, during the war of liberation, the PLA liberated Xinjiang, right?
378000	383000	解放戰爭的時候,解放軍解放了新疆,是不是?
388000	393000	解放戰爭的時候,解放軍解放了新疆,是不是?
393000	408000	Repeat, peace,和平,和平,Repeat,新疆 was peacefully liberated.
408000	410000	The PLA went to Xinjiang in 1950.
411000	416000	新疆是和平解放的,解放軍是50年到新疆去的。
416000	426000	新疆是和平解放的,解放軍是50年到新疆去的。
430000	435000	Now listen to the question and answer it yourself, say,新疆 was peacefully liberated.
435000	438000	The PLA went to Xinjiang in 1950.
438000	445000	解放戰爭的時候,解放軍解放了新疆,是不是?
449000	455000	新疆是和平解放的,解放軍是50年到新疆去的。
456000	461000	Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned in this first sentence from the reference list.
461000	462000	Test yourself.
462000	464000	Chinese.
464000	466000	汉语.
466000	468000	Complicated.
468000	470000	复杂.
471000	474000	To believe, to trust, to be convinced.
475000	477000	相信.
477000	479000	Middle East.
479000	481000	中東.
481000	483000	Islam.
483000	485000	伊斯兰教.
485000	488000	To discuss.
488000	490000	討論.
491000	493000	The interior of a country.
493000	495000	內地.
495000	498000	To unite, to unify.
498000	501000	統一.
501000	503000	BC.
503000	506000	公元前.
506000	508000	War.
508000	510000	戰爭.
510000	513000	The PLA.
513000	515000	解放軍.
515000	517000	Peace.
517000	520000	和平.
520000	522000	Now here's the next exchange.
522000	527000	Are living conditions in the five autonomous regions very different from those in the interior?
527000	532000	五個自治區的生活情況和內地差很多嗎?
532000	535000	Well, it's mainly that transportation is difficult.
535000	539000	As for other aspects of daily life, there's somewhat below standard too.
539000	546000	主要是交通不方便,別的生活方便嗎?也差一點。
547000	549000	Repeat.
549000	551000	Autonomous region.
551000	553000	自治區.
553000	556000	自治區.
556000	558000	Peat. Too different.
558000	560000	差.
560000	562000	差.
562000	564000	Repeat.
564000	569000	Are living conditions in the five autonomous regions very different from those in the interior?
569000	574000	五個自治區的生活情況和內地差很多嗎?
574000	576000	Repeat.
576000	578000	Transportation.
578000	580000	交通.
580000	582000	交通.
582000	584000	Repeat.
584000	586000	A marker for a pause.
586000	588000	馬.
588000	590000	馬.
590000	592000	Repeat.
592000	595000	To be inferior, poor, not up to standard.
595000	605000	馬.
605000	608000	差.
608000	610000	Repeat.
610000	613000	Well, it's mainly that transportation is difficult.
613000	618000	As for other aspects of daily life, there's somewhat below standard too.
618000	624000	主要是交通不方便,別的生活方便嗎?也差一點。
624000	631000	主要是交通不方便,別的生活方便嗎?也差一點。
631000	634000	Now listen to the question and answer it yourself, say,
634000	637000	Well, it's mainly that the transportation is difficult.
637000	641000	As for other aspects of daily life, there's somewhat below standard too.
641000	648000	五個自治區的生活情況和內地的生活情況和內地的生活情況和內地的生活情況,
648000	654000	As for other aspects of daily life, there's somewhat below standard too.
654000	661000	五個自治區的生活情況和內地差很多嗎?
661000	669000	主要是交通不方便,別的生活方便嗎?也差一點。
669000	672000	Now here's the next exchange.
672000	675000	Did they go to Shanghai on business?
675000	678000	他們是到上海去出差嗎?
678000	680000	No, we're on vacation now, remember?
680000	684000	Some of the Cadres' families are in Shanghai, so they went home to visit.
684000	692000	不,不是放假了嗎?有的幹部的家在上海,他們回家去看看。
692000	695000	Pete, to go away on business.
695000	700000	出差,出差。
700000	704000	Pete, did they go to Shanghai on business?
704000	709000	他們是到上海去出差嗎?
709000	714000	他們是到上海去出差嗎?
714000	717000	Repeat, to go on vacation.
717000	722000	放假,放假。
722000	724000	Repeat, Cadres.
724000	729000	幹部,幹部。
729000	733000	Repeat, no, we're on vacation now, remember?
733000	736000	Some of the Cadres' families are in Shanghai, so they went home to visit.
736000	749000	不,不是放假了嗎?有的幹部家在上海,他們回家去看看。
749000	758000	不,不是放假了嗎?有的幹部的家在上海,他們回家去看看。
758000	768000	Pete, no, we're on vacation now, remember? Some of the Cadres' families are in Shanghai, so they went home to visit.
768000	775000	他們是到上海去出差嗎?
775000	784000	不,不是放假了嗎?有的幹部的家在上海,他們回家去看看。
784000	786000	Here's the next exchange.
786000	792000	Ah, this carpet is just beautiful. Is it a Uyghur carpet?
792000	797000	這條地毯真美,是維吾爾地毯嗎?
797000	800000	Yes, it was made in the factory he visited yesterday.
800000	805000	是,就是在你昨天參觀的那個工廠做的。
805000	814000	Repeat, a sound used here to express admiration.
814000	817000	Repeat, to be beautiful.
817000	821000	美,美。
821000	823000	Repeat, Uyghur.
823000	828000	維吾爾,維吾爾.
828000	834000	Repeat, ah, this carpet is just beautiful. Is it a Uyghur carpet?
834000	842000	這條地毯真美,是維吾爾地毯嗎?
842000	852000	Repeat, factory.
852000	856000	工廠。
856000	861000	Repeat, yes, it was made in the factory you visited yesterday.
861000	870000	是,就是在你昨天參觀的那個工廠做的。
870000	876000	是,就是在你昨天參觀的那個工廠做的。
876000	879000	Now listen to the first sentence and reply yourself, say,
879000	883000	Yes, it was made in the factory you visited yesterday.
883000	890000	這條地毯真美,是維吾爾地毯嗎?
890000	896000	是,就是在你昨天參觀的那個工廠做的。
896000	899000	Now listen to the next exchange.
899000	905000	Look, it just got light and the Uyghur peasants have already started to work.
905000	910000	你看,天剛亮維吾爾農民就開始工作了。
910000	915000	Sure, the people of all nationalities are going all out with socialism.
915000	919000	各族人民都在大搞社會主義嗎?
919000	922000	Repeat, sky, heaven.
922000	926000	天,天.
926000	929000	Repeat, to be light, to be bright.
929000	933000	亮,亮.
933000	939000	Repeat, look, it just got light and the Uyghur peasants have already started to work.
939000	950000	你看,天剛亮維吾爾農民就開始工作了。
950000	955000	你看,天剛亮維吾爾農民就開始工作了。
955000	958000	Repeat, nationality, ethnic group.
958000	962000	族,族.
962000	965000	Repeat, socialism.
965000	970000	社會主義,社會主義.
970000	977000	Repeat, sure, the people of all nationalities are going all out with socialism.
977000	983000	各族人民都在大搞社會主義嗎?
983000	988000	各族人民都在大搞社會主義嗎?
988000	991000	Listen to the first sentence and reply yourself.
991000	996000	Say, sure, the people of all nationalities are going all out with socialism.
996000	1004000	你看,天剛亮維吾爾農民就開始工作了。
1004000	1008000	各族人民都在大搞社會主義嗎?
1008000	1011000	Now here's a review of the vocabulary you just learned.
1011000	1013000	Autonomous region.
1013000	1015000	自治區.
1015000	1017000	To differ.
1017000	1019000	差.
1019000	1021000	Transportation.
1021000	1023000	交通.
1023000	1026000	A marker for a pause.
1026000	1028000	嘛.
1028000	1032000	To be inferior, poor, not up to standard.
1032000	1034000	差.
1034000	1037000	To go away on business.
1037000	1039000	出差.
1039000	1042000	To go on vacation.
1042000	1044000	放假.
1044000	1046000	Cadre.
1046000	1048000	幹部.
1048000	1050000	To be beautiful.
1050000	1052000	美.
1052000	1054000	Weager.
1054000	1057000	維吾爾.
1057000	1059000	Factory.
1059000	1061000	工廠.
1061000	1063000	Sky, heaven.
1063000	1064000	天.
1064000	1066000	To be light, to be bright.
1066000	1068000	亮.
1068000	1070000	Nationality, ethnic group.
1070000	1072000	族.
1072000	1074000	Socialism.
1074000	1076000	社會主義.
1076000	1079000	Now here's the next exchange.
1079000	1084000	I hear that some workers handed a few old books over to the government. Have you seen them?
1084000	1090000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1090000	1095000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1095000	1101000	I hear that some workers handed over a few old books to the government. Have you seen them?
1101000	1106000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1106000	1111000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1111000	1119000	I hear that some workers handed over a few old books to the government. Have you seen them?
1119000	1124000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1124000	1129000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1129000	1134000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1134000	1139000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1139000	1144000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1144000	1150000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1150000	1155000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1155000	1160000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1160000	1165000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1165000	1170000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1170000	1176000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1176000	1181000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1181000	1186000	聽說幾位工人,交給政府幾本很老的書,你們看過了嗎?
1186000	1191000	Yes, they're about racial and historical problems. They're very interesting.
1191000	1196000	看過了,都是關於種族問題、歷史問題的,很有意思。
1196000	1200000	And here's the next exchange.
1200000	1204000	This region's livestock farming is so well developed.
1204000	1208000	This region's livestock farming is so well developed.
1208000	1212000	That's why we've set up a lot of carpet factories here.
1212000	1216000	所以我們在這兒辦了好幾個地毯廠.
1216000	1220000	Repeat livestock farming.
1220000	1224000	序幕業,序幕業.
1224000	1228000	Repeat, this region's livestock farming is so well developed.
1228000	1233000	這個地區的序幕業那麼發達,
1233000	1237000	序幕業那麼發達,
1237000	1241000	repeat carpet factory,
1241000	1245000	地毯廠,
1245000	1249000	repeat, that's why we've set up a lot of carpet factories here.
1249000	1253000	所以我們在這兒辦了好幾個地毯廠,
1257000	1261000	所以我們在這兒辦了好幾個地毯廠,
1261000	1265000	now listen to the first sentence and reply yourself,
1265000	1269000	say that's why we've set up a lot of carpet factories here.
1269000	1273000	這個地區的序幕業那麼發達,
1277000	1281000	所以我們在這兒辦了好幾個地毯廠,
1281000	1285000	now listen to the last exchange.
1285000	1289000	Your system of writing is so hard, it makes cultural exchange so difficult.
1289000	1293000	你們的文字那麼難,搞文化交流多不容易,
1293000	1297000	say who, aren't we changing our writing?
1297000	1301000	the more we change it, the simpler it is.
1301000	1305000	誰說的,我們的文字不是在改嗎?
1305000	1309000	越改越簡單了嗎?repeat writing, system of writing.
1309000	1317000	文字,文字,repeat exchange, interchange.
1317000	1325000	交流,交流.repeat, your system of writing is so hard,
1325000	1329000	it makes cultural exchange so difficult.
1329000	1333000	你們的文字那麼難,搞文化交流多不容易,
1337000	1341000	你們的文字那麼難,搞文化交流多不容易,
1341000	1347000	now repeat, says who, aren't we changing our writing?
1347000	1351000	the more we change it, the simpler it is.
1351000	1355000	誰說的,我們的文字不是在改嗎?
1355000	1359000	越改越簡單嗎?
1363000	1367000	誰說的,我們的文字不是在改嗎?
1367000	1371000	越改越簡單嗎?
1371000	1375000	now listen to the first sentence and reply yourself,
1375000	1379000	say, says who, aren't we changing our writing?
1379000	1383000	the more we change it, the simpler it is.
1383000	1387000	你們的文字那麼難,搞文化交流多不容易,
1391000	1395000	誰說的,我們的文字不是在改嗎?
1395000	1399000	越改越簡單嗎?
1399000	1403000	now here's a review of the vocabulary from this last part of the reference list.
1403000	1407000	test yourself, worker,工人
1407000	1411000	to hand over,交
1411000	1415000	race, ethnic group,種族
1417000	1421000	livestock farming,序幕業
1421000	1425000	carpet factory,地毯廠
1427000	1431000	system of writing,文字
1431000	1437000	exchange, interchange,交流
1437000	1449000	this is the end of the tape and of traveling in China unit 6, tape 1.