start	end	text
0	7000	Standard Chinese, a modular approach, resource module on time and dates, Tape 4.
7000	13000	On this tape, you'll learn some additional ways to express time, plus how to say the equivalent of am and pm.
13000	17000	You'll also practice putting date and time expressions into sentences.
17000	22000	To begin, we'll review some phrases by using them in sentences.
22000	28000	The word for to arrive is 到, repeat, he arrives at five o'clock.
28000	36000	他五点钟到,他五点钟到.
36000	40000	Repeat, he arrives at six thirty.
40000	48000	他六点半到,他六点半到.
48000	54000	How would you say he arrives at eight fifteen?
54000	58000	他八点一克到.
58000	62000	Now repeat, he arrives on Wednesday at nine fifteen.
62000	74000	他星期三九点一克到,他星期三九点一克到.
74000	77000	Here's the word for airplane.
77000	79000	飞机.
79000	83000	Repeat, the plane arrives at ten twenty.
83000	90000	飞机十点二十分到.
90000	96000	飞机十点二十分到.
96000	100000	Now listen to the plane arrived at seven ten.
100000	104000	飞机是七点十分到的.
104000	108000	Repeat, the plane arrived at seven ten.
108000	113000	飞机是七点十分到的.
113000	118000	飞机是七点十分到的.
118000	127000	The sure-do construction is used to indicate a past action when the focus is on some quality of the action, not whether the action did or did not take place.
127000	132000	Here we're interested in the time an action took place, so we use the sure-do construction.
132000	139000	For more information on the sure-do construction, take a look at the reference notes for unit five of the biographic information module.
139000	143000	Now repeat, he arrived last month.
143000	148000	他是上个月到的.
148000	153000	他是上个月到的.
153000	159000	How would you say he arrived last week?
159000	164000	他是上个星期到的.
164000	168000	The verb to leave is 走.
168000	175000	Repeat to leave. 走.
175000	186000	Repeat, he's leaving next year. 他明年走.
186000	204000	Repeat, he's leaving tomorrow at eleven fifty. 他明天十一点五十分走.
204000	210000	A more complete way to express the times past the hour is to use the word to pass 过.
210000	215000	What time is this? 四点过一刻.
215000	227000	A quarter past four. 四点过一刻.
227000	239000	Repeat, three quarters past four. 四点过三刻.
239000	247000	Put the following times into English. 九点过三刻.
247000	254000	Three quarters past nine. 十点过一刻.
254000	263000	A quarter past ten. 两点过二十五分.
263000	276000	Twenty-five minutes past two. How do you say a quarter past three? 三点过一刻.
276000	284000	How do you say three quarters past seven? 七点过三刻.
284000	291000	How do you say forty minutes past ten? 十点过四十分.
291000	295000	十点过四十分.
295000	308000	Time before the hour, as in phrases such as a quarter before five, can be expressed using the verb 叉 to lack. Repeat to lack. 叉.
308000	315000	Repeat, a quarter before five. 五点叉一刻.
315000	322000	五点叉一刻.
322000	328000	In the same way, time before the hour is more completely expressed by using 叉 to lack.
328000	338000	With 叉, you can say it's so many minutes before such and such an hour. What are these times? 叉一刻三点.
338000	345000	A quarter before three. 三点叉一刻.
345000	353000	A quarter before three. 叉八分九点.
353000	360000	Eight minutes before nine. 九点叉八分.
360000	375000	Eight minutes before nine. 八分九点.
375000	389000	Repeat the following phrases after the speaker. 十点过十分.
389000	393000	6分钟前5分
393000	404000	差6分5点
404000	407000	15分钟前12分
407000	415000	12点过15分
415000	419000	1分钟前1分
419000	428000	差1颗1点
428000	431000	1分钟前2分
431000	441000	2点过1颗
441000	445000	10分钟前11分
445000	454000	11点过10分
454000	477000	10分钟前5分
477000	492000	1分钟前1分
492000	501000	2分钟前5分
501000	512000	6点钟前5分
512000	518000	8点5分
518000	526000	7点3颗
526000	532000	7点20分
532000	539000	8点3颗
539000	546000	9点11分
546000	556000	1分钟前1分
556000	563000	6点1颗
563000	568000	6点15分
568000	574000	3点10分
574000	583000	9点20分
583000	595000	4点30分
595000	604000	1点17分
604000	612000	6点5分
612000	617000	2点
617000	623000	1点
623000	625000	差15分4点
625000	631000	差1颗4点
631000	635000	2点
635000	639000	差10分2点
639000	644000	3点
644000	649000	差20分12点
649000	653000	4点
653000	658000	差14分10点
658000	662000	5点
662000	666000	差5分8点
666000	670000	6点
670000	675000	差1分1点
675000	680000	6点
680000	685000	6点
685000	690000	6点
690000	695000	6点
695000	700000	6点
700000	704000	6点
704000	706000	早上
706000	712000	上午
712000	723000	上午
723000	733000	10点
733000	735000	早上
735000	738000	上午
738000	740000	4点
740000	742000	夜里
742000	745000	6点
745000	746000	夜里
746000	750000	早上
750000	752000	8点
752000	755000	早上
755000	757000	12点
757000	760000	夜里
760000	765000	中午
765000	769000	中午
769000	774000	下午
774000	779000	晚上
779000	780000	晚上
780000	781000	晚上
781000	786000	晚上
786000	787000	晚上
787000	788000	晚上
788000	789000	晚上
789000	791000	Repeat this word for evening.
791000	795000	晚上
798000	800000	Now while you're looking at the p.m. clock,
800000	802000	I'll give you some times in English,
802000	805000	you give the Chinese name for the period of the day in which they fall.
805000	807000	2 p.m.
809000	811000	下午
811000	813000	12 p.m.
814000	816000	中午
816000	818000	8 p.m.
819000	821000	晚上
822000	824000	4 p.m.
826000	828000	下午
828000	830000	9 p.m.
831000	833000	晚上
834000	836000	1 p.m.
837000	839000	下午
839000	844000	In Chinese,the period of day precedes the hour expression.
844000	847000	For example,here's how you would say 3 a.m.
848000	850000	夜裡3點鐘
850000	852000	Repeat 3 a.m.
853000	855000	夜裡3點鐘
856000	858000	夜裡3點鐘
859000	861000	Repeat 7 a.m.
862000	864000	早晨7點鐘
864000	867000	早晨7點鐘
870000	872000	Repeat 10 p.m.
874000	876000	晚上10點半
878000	880000	晚上10點半
883000	886000	Now turn to exercise 2 in your workbook.
887000	891000	In exercise 2,write in digits plus the abbreviation a.m. or p.m.
891000	894000	the time expressed in the following.
894000	895000	Number 1
897000	899000	下午2點
900000	902000	2
903000	905000	上午10點1課
908000	910000	Number 3
911000	913000	中午12點半
915000	917000	Number 4
917000	922000	晚上9點3課
922000	924000	Number 5
924000	926000	夜裡5點
929000	931000	Number 6
931000	934000	早晨6點25分
937000	939000	Number 7
939000	942000	晚上差10分9點
942000	945000	Number 8
947000	950000	夜裡差10分12點
953000	955000	Number 9
956000	958000	上午11點5分
963000	965000	Now what time is this?
967000	969000	中午12點半
969000	971000	中午12點半
976000	978000	中午12點半
982000	984000	中午12點半
987000	989000	半夜
994000	996000	Repeat midnight
996000	997000	半夜
997000	998000	半夜
1002000	1006000	半夜 is not used for fractions of the midnight hour.
1006000	1008000	12 30 midnight would be
1009000	1011000	夜裡12點半
1012000	1014000	Repeat 12 30 midnight
1015000	1017000	夜裡12點半
1020000	1022000	夜裡12點半
1022000	1028000	Let's review the material you've learned in this module.
1028000	1030000	Turn to exercise 3 in your workbook.
1030000	1033000	For each item, circle the correct answer.
1033000	1035000	Number 1
1037000	1039000	去年2月
1040000	1042000	Number 2
1043000	1045000	今年4月
1047000	1049000	Number 3
1049000	1052000	今年7月
1053000	1055000	Number 4
1055000	1057000	下月9號
1060000	1062000	Number 5
1063000	1065000	上月20號
1067000	1069000	Number 6
1070000	1072000	這個星期二
1073000	1075000	Number 7
1075000	1079000	下星期三
1079000	1081000	Number 8
1081000	1083000	8月6號
1085000	1087000	Number 9
1087000	1089000	1月21號
1093000	1095000	Number 10
1095000	1097000	6月8號
1100000	1102000	Now look at display 4.
1102000	1104000	Read the times on the clocks out loud.
1104000	1107000	Times past the half hour, use expressions with trot.
1108000	1109000	A
1112000	1113000	夜裡4點半
1115000	1116000	B
1118000	1120000	夜裡11點10分
1124000	1125000	C
1127000	1129000	夜裡差一刻3點
1130000	1131000	Or
1131000	1134000	夜裡差15分3點
1137000	1138000	D
1140000	1142000	晚上差5分8點
1144000	1145000	E
1147000	1149000	晚上6點半
1151000	1152000	F
1155000	1157000	早上10點25分
1158000	1159000	Or
1159000	1161000	上午10點25分
1163000	1164000	G
1167000	1169000	下午差10分4點
1172000	1173000	H
1174000	1175000	中午
1178000	1180000	This is the end of the tape.
1180000	1190000	Times and dates resource module tape 4.