PART I 1. Zhōngguo zhèngíu shì bu shi tíchàng niánqīng rén wǎn jiéhūn? Does the Chinese government advocate that young people marry late? 2. Zhèngfǔ tíchàng wǎnliàn wǎnhūn. The government advocates late involvement and late marriage. 3. Nèige qīngnián, gōngzuò hěn nǔlì. That young person is very hardworking. 4. Nóngcūn niánqīng rén yě shíxíng wǎnhūn ma? Do the young people in the countryside also practice late marriage? 5. Wǎnhūn yǐjīng chéngle yìzhǒng fēngqì. Late marriage has already become a common practice for young people. 6. Xiǎo Lǐ hé tǎ liàn’ài hěn jiǔ le, kěshi yìzhí bú yào jiéhūn. Xiǎo Lǐ has been in love with her for a long time, but he’s never wanted to get married. 7. Zhège xiǎo chéngshì kě piàoliang le! Boy, is this little town pretty!