Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā jīntiān hái yǒu kè ma? 他/她今天还有课吗? Does he have any more class today? Tā méiyou kè le. 他/她没有课了。 He doesn’t have any more classes. 2. Tā jīntiān hái lái ma? 他/她今天还来吗? Is he/she still coming today? Tā bù lái le. 他/她不来了。 He/she is not coming. 3. Tā xiànzài hái huì shuō Zhōngguo huà ma? 他/她现在还会说中国话吗? Does he/she still speak Chinese now? Tā bú huì shuō Zhōngguo huà le. 他/她不会说中国话了。 He/she can’t speak Chinese anymore. 4. Tā xiànzài hái yǒu Zhōngguo shū ma? 他/她现在还有中国书吗? Does he/she still have Chinese books now? Tā méiyou Zhōngguo shū le. 他/她没有中国书了。 He/she has no more Chinese books anymore. 5. Tā hái niàn lìshǐ ma? 他/她还念历史吗? Does he/she still study history? Tā bú niàn lìshǐ le. 他/她不念历史了。 He/she doesn’t study history anymore. 6. Tā xiànzài hái zài kōngjǖn gōngzuò ma? 他/她现在还在空军工作吗? Is he/she still working in the Air Force? Tā bú zài kōngjǖn gōngzuò. 他/她不在空军工作。 He/she does not work in the Air Force anymore. 7. Tā xiànzài hái xiǎng zǒu ma? 他/她现在还想走吗? Does he/she still want to leave now? Tā bù xiǎng zǒu le. 他/她不想走了。 He/she doesn’t want to go anymore.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā cóngqián niàn lìshǐ. 他/她从前念历史。 He/she formerly studied history. Tā cóngqián niàn lìshǐ, xiànzài bú niàn le. 他/她从前念历史,现在不念了。 He/she formerly studied history, but now he/she doesn’t anymore. 2. Tā cóngqián niàn shū. 他/她从前念书。 He/she used to study. Tā cóngqián niàn shū, xiànzài bú niàn le. 他/她从前念书,现在不念了。 He/she used to study, now he/she doesn’t anymore. 3. Tā cóngqián zài lùjǖn zuò shì. 他/她从前在陆军做事。 He/she used to be in the Army. Tā cóngqián zài lùjǖn zuò shì, xiànzài bú zài lùjǖn zuò shì le. 他/她从前在陆军做事,现在不在陆军做事了。 He/she used to be in the Army, but he/she doesn’t anymore. 4. Tā cóngqián bú huì. 他/她从前不会。 He/she used to not. Tā cóngqián bú huì, xiànzài huì le. 他/她从前不会,现在会了。 He/she used to not, but now he/she does. 5. Tā cóngqián bù zhīdào. 他/她从前不知道。 He/she never knew before. Tā cóngqián bù zhīdào, xiànzài zhīdào le. 他/她从前不知道,现在知道了。 He/she never knew before, but he/she knows now. 6. Tāde Zhōngwén cóngqián bù hěn hǎo. 他/她中文从前不很好。 He/she wasn’t very good at Chinese. Tāde Zhōngwén cóngqián bù hěn hǎo, xiànzài hěn hǎo le. 他/她中文从前不很好,现在很好了。 He/she wasn’t very good at Chinese, but he/she is now. 7. Tā cóngqián huì shuō Fàguo huà. 他/她从前会说法国话。 He/she used to speak French. Tā cóngqián huì shuō Fàguó huà, xiànzài bú huì le. 他/她从前会说法国话,现在不会了。 He/she used to speak French, now he/she doesn’t.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā niànguo zhèngzhixüé. 他/她念过政治学。 He/she has studied political science. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn zhèngzhixüé, niànle duó jiǔ? 他/她念政治学,念了多久? How long did he/she study political science? 2. Tā niànguo jīngjixüé. 他/她念过经济学。 He/she has studied economics. Cuejǐnián 几年 how many years Tā niàn jīngjixüé, niànle jǐnián? 他/她念经济学,念了几年? How many years did he/she study economics? 3. Tā niànguo Zhōngguó wénxüé. 他/她念过中国文学。 He/she has studied literature. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn Zhōngguo wénxüé, niànle duó jiǔ? 他/她念中国文学,念了多久? How long did he/she study literature? 4. Tā xüéguo Rìwén. 他/她学过日文? He/she has learned Japanese. Cuejǐge yüè 几个月 how many months Tā xüé Rìwén, xüéle jǐge yüè? 他/她学日文,学了几个月? How many months did he/she learn Japanese? 5. Tā zài kōngjǖn zuòguo shì. 他/她在空军做过事。 He/she has worked in the Air Force. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā zài kōngjǖn zuò shì, zuòle duó jiǔ? 他/她在空军做事,做了多久? How long did he/she work in the Air Force? 6. Tā niànguo Zhōngguo lìshǐ. 他/她念过中国历史。 He/she has studied Chinese history. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn Zhōngguo lìshǐ, niànle duó jiǔ? 他/她念中国历史,念了多久? How long did he/she study history? 7. Tā niànguo Yīngguo wénxüé. 他/她念过英国文学。 He/she has studied English literature. Cuejǐnián 几年 how many years Tā niàn Yīngguó wénxüé, niànle jǐniàn? 他/她念英国文学,念了几年? How many years did he/she study literature?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā xiànzài niàn lìshǐ. 他/她现在念历史。 He/she is studying history now. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn lìshǐ, niànle duō jiǔ le? 他/她念历史,念了多久了? How long has he been studying history? 2. Tā xiànzài xüé Rìwén. 他/她现在学日文。 He/she is studying Japanese now. Cuejǐge yüè 几个月 how many months Tā xüé Rìwén, xüéle jǐge yüè? 他/她学日文,学了几个月? How many months has he been studying Japanese? 3. Tā xiànzài niàn Yīngwén. 他/她现在念英文。 He/she is studying English now. Cuejǐge yüè 几个月 how many months Tā niànle Yīngwén, niànle jǐge yüè le? 他/她念了英文,念了几个月了? How many months has he been studying English? 4. Tā xiànzài zài hǎijǖn zuò shì. 他/她现在在海军做事。 He/she is now working in the Navy. Cuejǐnián 几年 how many years Tā zài hǎijǖn zuò shì, zuòle jǐnián le? 他/她在海军做事,作了几年了? How many years has he been working in the Navy? 5. Tā xiànzài xüé Zhōngguo huà. 他/她现在学中国话。 He/she is learning Chinese now. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā xüé Zhōngguó huà, xüéle duó jiǔ le? 他/她中国话,学了多久了? How long has he/she been learning Chinese? 6. Tā xiànzài zài lùjǖn zuò shì. 他/她现在在陆军做事。 He/she is working in the Army now. Cuejǐnián 几年 how many years Tā zài lùjǖn zuò shì, zuòle jǐnián le? 他/她在陆军做事,作了几年了? How many years has he/she been working in the Army? 7. Tā xiànzài zài yínháng zuò shì. 他/她现在在银行做事。 He/she is working in a bank now. Cuejǐnián 几年 how many years Tā zài yínháng zuò shì, zuòle jǐnián le? 他/她在银行做事,作了几年了? How many years has he/she been working in the bank?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā xiànzài hái niàn lìshǐ ne. 他/她现在还念历史呢。 He/she is still studying history. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn lìshǐ, hái xiǎng niàn duó jiǔ? 他/她念历史,还想念多久? How much longer is he/she going to study history? 2. Tā xiànzài hái niàn Zhōngguo wénxüé ne. 他/她现在还念中国文学呢。 He/she is still studying Chinese literature. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn Zhōngguo wénxüé, hái xiǎng niàn duó jiǔ? 他/她念中国历史,还想念多久? How much longer is he/she going to study Chinese literature? 3. Tā xiànzài hái xüé Rìwén ne. 他/她现在还学日文呢。 He/she is still learning Japanese. Cuejǐge yüè 几个月 how many months Tā xüé Rìwén, hái xiǎng xüé jǐge yüè? 他/她学日文,还想学几个月? How much longer is he/she going to learn Japanese? 4. Tā xiànzài hái zài lùjǖn zuò shì ne. 他/她现在还在陆军做事呢。 He/she is still working for the Army. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā zài lùjǖn zuò shì, hái xiǎng zuò duó jiǔ? 他/她在陆军做事,还想做多久? How long is he/she going to work in the army? 5. Tā xiànzài hái xüé Zhōngguo huà ne. 他/她现在还学中国话呢。 He/she is still learning Chinese. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā xüé Zhōngguo huà, hái xiǎng xüé duó jiǔ? 他/她学中国话 ,还想学多久? How long is he/she going to learn Chinese? 6. Tā xiànzài hái niàn zhèngzhixüé ne. 他/她现在还念政治学呢。 He/she is still studying political science. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn zhèngzhixüé, hái xiǎng niàn duó jiǔ? 他/她念政治学,还想念多久? How long is he/she going to study political science? 7. Tā xiànzài hái niàn jīngjixüé ne. 他/她现在还念经济学呢。 He/she is still studying economics. Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long Tā niàn jīngjixüé, hái xiǎng niàn duó jiǔ? 他/她念经济学,还想念多久? How long is he/she going to study economics?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā xiànzài niàn lìshǐ. 他/她现在念历史。 He is studying history now. Tā niàn lìshǐ, niànle duó jiǔ le? 他/她念历史,念了多久了? How long has he studied history? 2. Tā niànguo lìshǐ. 他/她念过历史。 He studied history. Tā niàn lìshǐ, niànle duó jiǔ? 他/她念历史,念了对久? How long did he study history? 3. Tā xiànzài hái niàn lìshǐ. 他/她现在还念历史。 He/she is still studying history. Tā niàn lìshǐ, hái xiǎng niàn duó jiǔ? 他/她念历史,还想念多久? How long does he/she plan to study history? 4. Tā xiànzài niàn Zhōngguo wénxüé. 他/她现在念中国文学。 He/she is now studying Chinese literature. Tā niàn Zhōngguo wénxüé, niànle duó jiǔ le? 他/她念中国文学,念了多久了? How long has he/she been studying Chinese literature? 5. Tā niànguo Zhōngguo wénxüé. 他/她念过中国文学。 He/she has studied Chinese literature. Tā niàn Zhōngguo wénxüé, niànle duó jiǔ? 他/她念中国文学,念了多久? How long did he/she study Chinese literature? 6. Tā ziànzài hái niàn Rìwén. 他/她现在还念日文。 He/she is still studying Japanese. Tā niàn Rìwén, hái xiǎng niàn duó jiǔ? 他/她念日文,还想念多? How long does he/she plan to study Japanese? 7. Tā niànguo Rìwén. 他/她念过日文。 He/she has studied Chinese. Tā niàn Rìwén, niànle duó jiǔ? 他/她念日文,念了多久? How long has he/she been studying Japanese? 8. Tā xüéguo Yīngwén. 他/她学过英文。 He/she has learned English. Tā xüé Yīngwén, xüéle duó jiǔ? 他/她学英文,学了多久? How long has he/she been learning English? 9. Tā xiànzài hái xüé Yīngwén. 他/她现在还学英文。 He/she is still learning English. Tā xüé Yīngwén, hái xiǎng xüé duó jiǔ? 他/她学英文,还想学多久? How long does he/she plan to learn English. 10. Tā xiànzài zài kōngjǖn zuò shì. 他/她现在在空军做事。 He/she now works for the Air Force. Tā zài kōngjǖn zuò shì, zuòle duó jiǔ le? 他/她在空军做事,做了多久了? how long has he/she been working for the Air Force?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Wǒ xiě zì le. 我写字了。 I wrote. Wǒ xiě zì le, tā méi xiě zì. 我写字了,他/她没写字。 I wrote, he/she didn’t write. 2. Wǒ dǒng le. 我懂了。 I understood. Wǒ dǒng le, tā méi dǒng. 我懂了,他/她没懂。 I understood, he/she didn’t. 3. Wǒ lái le. 我来了。 I came. Wǒ lái le, tā méi lái. 我来了,他/她没来。 I came, he/she didn’t. 4. Wǒ zǒu le. 我走了。 I left. Wǒ zǒu le, tā méi zǒu. 我走了,她没走。 I left, he/she didn’t. 5. Wǒ zuò le. 我坐了。 I sat. Wǒ zuò le, tā méi zuò. 我坐了,她没坐。 I sat, he/she didn’t. 6. Wǒ tīng le. 我聼了。 I listened. Wǒ tīng le, tā méi tīng. 我聼了,他/她没聼。 I listened, he/she didn’t. 7. Wǒ xüé le. 我学了。 I learned. Wǒ xüé le, tā méi xüé. 我学了,她没学。 I learned, he/she didn’t.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā xiě le ma? 他/她写了吗? Did he/she write? Tā hái méi xiě. 他/她还没写。 He/she still hasn’t written. 2. Tā lái le ma? 他/她来了吗? Did he/she come? Tā hái méi lái. 他/她还没来。 He/she still hasn’t come. 3. Tā hǎo le ma? 他/她好了吗? Did he/she get better? Tā hái méi hǎo. 他/她还没好。 He/she still hasn’t got better. 4. Tā dǒng le ma? 他/她懂了吗? Did he/she understand? Tā hái méi dǒng. 他/她还没懂。 He/she still hasn’t understood. 5. Tā zǒu le ma? 他/她走了吗? Did he/she leave? Tā hái méi zǒu. 他/她还没走。 He/she still hasn’t left? 6. Tā tīng le ma? 他/她听了吗? Did he/she listen? Tā hái méi tīng. 他/她还没听。 He/she still hasn’t listened? 7. Tā xüé le ma? 他/她学了吗? Did he/she learn? Tā hái méi xüé. 他/她还没学。 He/she still hasn’t learned.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. Xiànzài ne? 他/她从前不会写中国字。现在呢? In the past he/she couldn’t write Chinese characters. And now? Tā hái bú huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. 他/她还不会写中国字。 He/she still can’t write Chinese characters. 2. Tā cóngqián bù xiǎng xüé Rìwén. Xiànzài ne? 他/她从前不想学日文。现在呢? In the past he/she didn’t want to learn Japanese. And now? Tā hái bù xiǎng xüé Rìwén. 他/她还不想学日文。 He/she still doesn’t want to learn Japanese. 3. Tā cóngqián bú niàn lìshǐ. Xiànzài ne? 他/她从前不念历史。现在呢? In the past he/she didn’t learn history. And now? Tā hái bú niàn lìshǐ. 他/她还不念历史。 He/she still doesn’t learn history. 4. Tā cóngqián bù dǒng Fàwén. Xiànzài ne? 他/她从前不董法文。现在呢? In the past he/she didn’t understand French. And now? Tā hái bù dǒng Fàwén. 他/她还不董法文。 He/she still doesn’t understand French. 5. Tāmen cóngqián méiyou háizi. Xiànzài ne? 他/她们从前没有孩子。现在呢? In the past he/she didn’t have children. And now? Tāmen hái méiyou háizi. 他/她们还没有孩子。 He/she still doesn’t have any children. 6. Tā cóngqián bú huì shuō Déguo huà. Xiànzài ne? 他/她从前不会说德国话 。现在呢? In the past he/she couldn’t speak German. And now? Tā hái bú huì shuō Déguo huà. 他/她还不会说德国话。 He/she still doesn’t speak German. 7. Tā cóngqián bù xiǎng xüé Yīngwén. Xiànzài ne? 他/她从前不想学英文。现在呢? In the past he/she didn’t want to learn English. And now? Tā hái bù xiǎng xüé Yīngwén. 他/她还不想学英文。 He/she still doesn’t want to learn English.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. 他/她从前不会写中国字。 In the past, he/she couldn’t write Chinese characters. Cuenow he/she can Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě, xiànzài huì xiě le. 他/她从前不会写,现在会写了。 In the past, he/she couldn’t write, now he/she can. 2. Tā cóngqián huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. 他/她从前会写中国字。 In the past he/she could write Chinese characters Cueno longer Tā cóngqián huì xiě, xiànzài bú huì xiě le. 他/她从前会写,现在不会写了。 In the past he/she could write, now he/she can’t. 3. Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. 他/她从前不会写中国字。 In the past he/she couldn’t write Chinese characters. Cuestill can’t Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě, xiànzài hái bú huì xiě. 他/她从前不会写,现在还不会写。 In the past he/she couldn’t write, now he/she still can’t. 4. Tā cóngqián bù dǒng Fàwén. 他/她从前不董法文。 In the past he/she didn’t understand French. Cuenow he/she can Tā cóngqián bù dǒng, xiànzài dǒng le. 他/她从前不董,现在董了。 In the past he/she didn’t understand, now he/she can. 5. Tā cóngqián dǒng Fàwén. 他/她从前董法文。 In the past he/she did understand French. Cueno longer Tā cóngqián dǒng, xiànzài bù dǒng le. 他/她从前董,现在不董了。 In the past he/she did understand, now he/she cannot anymore. 6. Tā cóngqián bù dǒng Fàwén. 他/她从前不董法文。 In the past he/she didn’t understand French. Cuestill can’t Tā cóngqián bù dǒng, xiànzài hái bù dǒng. 他/她从前不董,现在还不董。 In the past he/she didn’t understand, now he/she still can’t. 7. Tā cóngqián bù xiǎng xüé Yīngwén. 他/她从前不想学英文。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn English. Cuenow he/she does Tā cóngqián bù xiǎng xüé, xiànzài xiǎng xüé le. 他/她从前不想学,现在想学了。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn, now he/she wants to. 8. Tā cóngqián xiǎng xüé Yīngwén. 他/她从前想学英文。 In the past he/she did want to learn English. Cueno longer Tā cóngqián xiǎng xüé, xiànzài bù xiǎng xüé le. 他/她从前想学,现在不想学了。 In the past he/she did want to learn, now he/she doesn’t want to anymore.’ 9. Tā cóngqián bù xiǎng xüé Yīngwén. 他/她从前不想学英文。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn English. Cuestill doesn’t Tā cóngqián bù xiǎng xüé, xiànzài hái bù xiǎng xüé. 他/她从前不想学,现在还不想学?。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn, now he/she still doesn’t want to. 10. Tā cóngqián bú niàn lìshǐ. 他/她从前不念历史。 In the past he/she didn’t study history. Cuenow he/she does Tā cóngqián bú niàn, xiànzài niàn le. 他/她从前不念,现在念了。 In the past he/she didn’t study, now she does study. 11. Tā cóngqián niàn lìshǐ. 他他/她从前念历史。 In the past he/she did study history. Cueno longer Tā cóngqián niàn, xiànzài bú niàn le. 他/她从前念,现在不念了。 In the past he/she did study, now he/she doesn’t anymore. 12. Tā cóngqián bú niàn lìshǐ. 他/她从前不念历史。 In the past he/she didn’t study history. Cuestill doesn’t Tā cóngqián bú niàn, xiànzài hái bú niàn. 他/她从前不念,现在还不念。 In the past he/she didn’t study, now he/she still doesn’t.