1. Tā zǒu le ma? 他/她走了嗎? Has he/she left? Zǒu le, tā yǐjīng zǒu le. 走了,他/她已經走了。 Yes, he/she has already left. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 2. Tā àiren ne? 他/她愛人呢? And his/her spouse? Tā àiren yě yǐjīng zǒu le. 他/她愛人也已經走了。 His/her spouse has already left too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 3. Tā lái le ma? 他/她來了嗎? Has he/she come? Lái le, tā yǐjīng lái le. 來了,他/她。 Yes, he/she has already come. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 4. Tā àiren ne? 他/她愛人呢? And his/her spouse? Tā àiren yě yǐjīng lái le. 他/她愛人也已經來了。 His/her spouse has already come too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 5. Tā dào le ma? 他/她到了嗎? Has he/she arrived? Dào le, tā yǐjīng dào le. 到了,他/她已經到了 Yes, he/she has already arrived. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 6. Tā àiren ne? 他/她愛人呢? And his/her spouse? Tā àiren yě yǐjīng dào le. 他/她愛人也已經到了。 His/her spouse has already arrived too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 7. Lǐ tóngzhì zǒu le ma? 李同志走了走嗎? Has Comrade Lǐ left? Zǒu le, tā yǐjīng zǒu le. 走了,他已經走了。 Yes, he has already left. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 8. Tā gēge ne? 他/她哥哥呢? And his older brother? Tā gēge yě yǐjīng zǒu le. 他/她哥哥也已經走了。 His older brother has already left too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 9. Wáng tóngzhì lái le ma? 王同志來了嗎? Has Comrade Wáng come? Lái le, tā yǐjing lái le. 來了,他已經來了。 Yes, he has already come. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 10. Tā àiren ne? 他愛人呢? And his spouse? Tā àiren yě yǐjīng lái le. 他愛人也已經來了。 His spouse has already come too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 11. Zhào xiānsheng dào le ma? 趙先生到了嗎? Has Mr.Zhào arrived? Dào le, tā yǐjīng dào le. 到了,他已經到了。 Yes, he has already arrived. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 12. Tā dìdi ne? 他弟弟呢? And his youger brother. Tā dìdi yě yǐjing dào le. 他弟弟也已經到了。 His younger brother has already arrived too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 13. Zhāng tóngzhì zǒu le ma? 張同志走了嗎? Has Comrade Zhāng left? Zǒu le, tā yǐjīng zǒu le. 走了,他已經走了。 Yes, he has already left. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 14. Chén tóngzhì ne? 陳同志呢? And Comrade Chén? Chén tóngzhì yě yǐjīng zǒu le. 陳同也已經走了。 Comrade Chén has already left too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese