1. Hóngde piányi. 红的便宜。 The red one is cheapper. Hóngde piányi yìdiǎnr. Wǒ mǎi hóngde ba. 红的便宜一点儿。我买红的吧。 The red one is a little cheapper. I'll buy the red one, I guess. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 2. Lánde piányi. 蓝的便宜。 The blue one is cheapper. Lánde piányi yìdiǎnr. Wǒ mǎi lánde ba. 蓝的便宜一点儿。我买蓝的吧。 The blue one is a little cheapper. I'll buy the blue one, I guess. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 3. Huángde piányi. 黄的便宜。 The yellow one is cheapper. Huángde piányi yìdiǎnr. Wǒ mǎi huángde ba. 黄的便宜一点儿。我买黄的吧。 The yellow one is a little cheapper. I'll buy the yellow one, I guess. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 4. Xiǎode piányi. 小的便宜。 The small one is cheapper. Xiǎode piányi yìdiǎnr. Wǒ mǎi xiǎode ba. 小的便宜一点儿。我买小的吧。 The small one is a little cheapper. I'll buy the small one, I guess. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 5. Lǜde piányi. 绿的便宜。 The green one is cheapper. Lǜde piányi yìdiǎnr. Wǒ mǎi lǜde ba. 绿的便宜一点儿。我买绿的吧。 The green one is a little cheapper. I'll buy the green one, I guess. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 6. Báide piányi. 白的便宜。 The white one is cheapper. Báide piányi yìdiǎnr. Wǒ mǎi báide ba. 白的便宜一点儿。我买白的吧。 The white one is a little cheapper. I'll buy the white one, I guess. 3 3 FSI-Chinese 7. Zhèige piányi. 这个便宜。 This one is cheapper. Zhèige piányi yìdiǎnr. Wǒ mǎi zhèige ba. 这个便宜一点儿。我买这个吧。 This one is a little cheapper. I'll buy this one, I guess. 3 3 FSI-Chinese