1. Dào Běijīng Zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到北京展览馆有没有直达车? is there a direct bus to the Běijīng Exhibition Hall? Xīdān 西单 Xīdān Méiyou, děi zài Xīdān huàn chē. 没有,得在西单换车。 There isn’t. You have to change buses at Xīdān. 5 2 FSI-Chinese 2. Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Sanlitun? Dōngdān 东单 Dōngdān Méiyou, děi zài Dōngdān huàn chē. 没有,得在东单换车。 No, you have to change the bus in Dongdan. 5 2 FSI-Chinese 3. Dào Guānghuá Lù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到光华路有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Guanghua Road? tāmen nàr 他们那儿 by them Méiyou, děi zài tāmen nàr huàn chē. 没有,得在他们那儿换车。 5 2 FSI-Chinese 4. Dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuan yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Dongdan? Qiánmén 前门 Qiánmén Méiyou, děi zài Qiánmén huàn chē. 没有,得在前门换车。 No, you have to change the bus. 5 2 FSI-Chinese 5. Dào Jiānádà Wǔguānchù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到武官処有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Wukan Beach? Xīdān 西单 Xīdān Méiyou, děi zài Xīdān huàn chē. 没有,得在西单换车。 No, you have to change at Xidan. 5 2 FSI-Chinese 6. Dào Qiánmén yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到前门有没有直达车? Is there any direct bus to Qianmen? Dōngdān 东单 Dōngdān Méiyou, děi zài Dōngdān huàn chē. 没有,得在东单换车。 No, you have to change the bus in Dongdan. 5 2 FSI-Chinese 7. Dào Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到王府井大街有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Wangfujing Street? càishichǎng nàr 菜市场 by the market Méiyou, děi zài càishichǎng nàr huàn chē. 没有,得在菜市场换车。 No, have to change the bus at the food market. 5 2 FSI-Chinese