Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Zuò huǒchē hǎo bu hǎo? 坐火车好不好? Is it all right to take the train? CueGōnglùjú 公路局 bus Nǐ shuō shi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐火车去好呢,还是坐公路局去好不呢? Would you say it’s better to go by train or to go by bus? 2. Jīntiān qù hǎo bu hǎo? 今天去好不好? Is it all right to go today? Cuemíngtiān 明天 tomorrow Nǐ shuō, jīntiān qù hǎo ne, háishi míngtiān qù hǎo ne? 你说,今天去好呢,还是明天去好呢? Would you say it’s better to go today or tomorrow? 3. Zuò Gōnglùjú hǎo bu hǎo? 坐公路局好不好? Is it all right to take the bus? Cuejìchéngchē 计程车 taxi Nǐ shuō shi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò jìchéngchē qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐公路局去好呢,还是坐计程车去好呢? Would you say it's better to take the bus or a taxi? 4. Míngtiān qù hǎo bu hǎo? 明天去好不好? Is it all right to go tomorrow? Cuehòutiān 后天 the day after tomorrow Nǐ shuō, míngtiān qù hǎo ne, háishi hòutiān qù hǎo ne? 你说,明天去好呢,还是后天去好呢? Would you say it's better to go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? 5. Zuò huǒchē hǎo bu hǎo? 坐火车好不好? Is it all right to take a train? Cueqìchē 汽车 car Nǐ shuō shi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò qìchē qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐火车去好呢,还是坐汽车去好呢? Would you say it's better to take the train of the car? 6. Jīntiān qù hǎo hu hǎo? 今天去好不好? Is it all right to go today? Cuemíngtiān 明天 tomorrow Nǐ shuō, jīntiān qù haǒ ne, háishi míngtiān qù hǎo ne? 你说,今天去好呢,还是明天去好呢? Would you say it's better to go today or tomorrow? 7. Zuò fēijī hǎo hu hǎo? 坐飞机好不好? Is it all right to take a plane? Cuehuǒchē 火车 train Nǐ shuō shi zuò fēijī qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐飞机去好呢,还是坐火车去好呢? Would you say it's better to take a plane or the train?