1. Wǒ yào kàn yíge péngyou. 我要看一个朋友。 I want to see a friend. Wǒ zhèicì qù shi yào kàn yíge péngyou. 我这次去是要看一个朋友。 The reason I'm going this time is [that] I want to see a friend. 5 8 FSI-Chinese 2. Wǒ yào mǎi yiběn Zhōngguo zìdiǎn. 我要买一本中国字典。 I want to buy a Chinese dictionary. Wo zhèicì qù shi yào mǎi yìběn Zhōngguo zìdiān. 我这次去是要买一本中国字典。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she wants to buy a Chninese dictionary. 5 8 FSI-Chinese 3. Tā xiǎng mǎi yige huāpíng. 他/他想买一个花瓶。 He/she would like to buy a vase. Tā zhèicì qù shi xiǎng mǎi yige huāpíng. 他/他这次去是想买一个花瓶。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she would like to buy a vase. 5 8 FSI-Chinese 4. Tā yào kànkan mǔqin. 他/他要看看母亲。 He/she wants to see his/her mother. Tā zhèicì qù shi yào kànkan mǔqin. 他/他这次去是要看看母亲。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she wants to see his/her mother. 5 8 FSI-Chinese 5. Tā dǎsuan qù huàn yìdiǎn qián. 他/他打算去换一点钱。 He/she intends to change some money. Tā zhèicì qù shi dǎsuan qù huàn yìdiǎn qián. 他/他这次去是打算去换一点钱。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she intends to change some money. 5 8 FSI-Chinese 6. Tā xiǎng xué Zhōngwén. 他/他想学中文。 He/she would like to study Chinese. Tā zhèicì qù shi xiǎng xué Zhōngwén. 他/他这次去是想学中文。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she would like to study Chinese. 5 8 FSI-Chinese 7. Tā dǎsuan mǎi yìdiān dōngxi. 他/他打算买一点东西。 He/she intends to buy some things. Tā zhèicì qù shi dǎsuan mǎi yìdiān dōngxi. 他/他这次去是打算买一点东西。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she intends to buy some things. 5 8 FSI-Chinese