1 Wǒ yào zuò jìchéngchē dào huǒchēzhàn qu. 我要計程車到火車站去。 I want to take a taxi to the train station. 5 3 FSI-Chinese 2 Wǒ zhǐ yǒu zhè liǎngjiàn xíngli. 我只有這兩件行李。 I have only these two suitcases. 5 3 FSI-Chinese Hǎo, wǒ ba xíngli fàng zai qiánbǐan. 好,我把行李放在前邊。 Okay, I’ll put the suitcases in front. 5 3 FSI-Chinese 3 Nǐ kāide tài kuài le! 你開得太快了! You are driving too fast! 5 3 FSI-Chinese 4 Tā kāi chē, kāide bú kuài. 他開車,開得不快。 He doesn’t drive fast. 5 3 FSI-Chinese 5 Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān, láidejí. 我們有時間,來得及。 We have time. We can make it in time. 5 3 FSI-Chinese 6 Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi. 請慢一點開。 Please drive a little slower. 5 3 FSI-Chinese 7 Bié kāi nàme kuāi! 別開那麽快! Don’t drive so fast! 5 3 FSI-Chinese 8 Qǐng ni zài qiánbian nèige yínháng tíng yíxià. 請你在前邊那個銀行聼一下。 Please stop at that bank up ahead for a moment. 5 3 FSI-Chinese 9 Bú yòng zhǎo le. 不用找了。 Keep the change. 5 3 FSI-Chinese 10 chūzū qìchē 出租汽車 taxi (PRC) 5 3 FSI-Chinese 11 láibují 來不及 can’t make it in time 5 3 FSI-Chinese 12 qìchē 汽車 car, motor vehicle 5 3 FSI-Chinese 13 zhème 這麽 so, to this extent, in this way 5 3 FSI-Chinese 14 zènme 怎麽 so, to this extent, in this way 5 3 FSI-Chinese