1. Tā shi Hé Jiàoshòu. Tā zài Táidà jiāo jīngjixué. 他是何教授。他在台大教经济学。 He is Professor Hé. He teaches economics at Táiwān University. Zhèiwèi shi Hé Jiàozhòu, zài Táidà jiāo jīngjixué. 这位是何教授,在台大教经济学。 This is Professor Hé, who teaches economics at Táiwān University. 6 4 FSI-Chinese 2. Tā shi Wáng Kēzhǎng. Tā zài Wàijiāobù gōngzuò. 她是王科长。她在外交部工作。 She is Section Chief Wáng. She works for the Foreign Office. Zhèiwèi shi Wáng Kēzhǎng, zài Wàijiāobù gōngzuò. 这位是王科长,在外交部工作 This is Section Chief Wáng, who works for the Foreign Office. 6 4 FSI-Chinese 3. Tā shi Shěn Shàoxiào. Tā zài Wǔguānchù gōngzuò. 他是沈少校。他在武官処工作。 He is Major Shěn. He works for the Military Attaché. Zhèiwèi shi Shěn Shàoxiào, zài Wǔguānchù gōngzuò. 这位是沈少校,在武官処工作。 This is Major Shěn, who works for the Military Attaché. 6 4 FSI-Chinese 4. Tā shi Lín Jiàoshòu. Tā zài Jiāzhōu Dàxué jiāo shū. 他是林教授。他在加州大学教书。 He is Professor Lín. he teaches at the University of California. Zhèiwèi shi Lín Jiàoshòu, zài Jiāzhōu Dàxué jiāo shū. 这位是林教授,在加州大学教书。 This is Professor Lín, who teaches at the University of California. 6 4 FSI-Chinese 5. Tā shi Lǚ Kēzhǎng. Tā zài Táiwān Yínháng gōngzuò. 他是吕科长。他在台湾银行工作。 He is Section Chief Lǚ. He works in Taiwan Bank. Zhèiwèi shi Lǚ Kēzhǎng, zài Táiwān Yínháng gōngzuò. 这位是吕科长,在台湾银行工作。 This is Section Chief Lǚ, who works in Taiwan Bank. 6 4 FSI-Chinese 6. Tā shi Liú Xiǎojiě. Tā zài Táidà niàn shū. 她是刘小姐。她在台大念书。 he is Miss Liú. She is studying at National Taiwan University. Zhèiwèi shi Liú Xiǎojiě, zài Táidà niàn shū. 这位是刘小姐,在台大念书。 This is Miss Liú, who is studying at National Taiwan University. 6 4 FSI-Chinese 7. Tā shi Hán Jiàoshòu. Tā zài Táidà jiāo zhèngzhixué. 他是韩教授。他在台大教政治学。 He is Professor Hán. He teaches political science at National Taiwan University. Zhèiwèi shi Hán Jiàoshòu, zài Táidà jiāo zhèngzhixué. 这位是韩教授,在台大教政治学。 This is Professor Hán, who teaches political science at National Taiwan University. 6 4 FSI-Chinese