1. Today, I borrowed a good novel. 今天我借到一本好小说. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 2. What novel is it that makes you so happy? 什么小说让你这么高兴. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 3. This novel is about the situation on the mainland. 这本小说写的是大陆的情况. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 4. About the mainland, how about lending it to Metareed? 关于大陆的借给我看看行不行? 7 1 FSI-Chinese 5. What are you going to do research on next semester? It's still the same old problem, the political situation in China. 还是老问题,中国的政治情况. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 6. Yesterday, Xiaoming wrote a letter to his girlfriend, and it was really long. 昨天,小明给他女朋友写信,写的好长. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 7. Young people are always young people. When I was young, I was like that too. Have you forgotten? 年轻人总是年轻人.我年轻的时候也是这样,你忘了? 7 1 FSI-Chinese 8. Where do you want to go over summer vacation? 暑假的时候你想到哪儿去玩玩? 7 1 FSI-Chinese 9. I'd like to go visit a few countries in Asia. 我想到亚洲几个国家去看看. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 10. Oh, do you want to do research on Asia's cultural tradition? It can't be called research. I just want to go have a look at the social situation now. 不能说研究,我只是想去看看那里的社会情况. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 11. Lao Wang, I feel awful today. Lao Wang,我今天感觉很不舒服. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 12. Sit down and I'll go get you a cup of tea. 快坐下,我去给你倒杯茶来. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 13. What was the political and economic situation like where you went? 你去的那个地方政治经济方面的情形怎么样? 7 1 FSI-Chinese 14. I can't explain it clearly in just a few sentences. When I have time, I'll tell you all about it. 几句话说不清楚,有时间我再给你慢慢说吧. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 15. To study the problems of China now, you have to understand Chinese history. 研究中国现在的问题,一定得懂得中国历史. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 16. This point of yours is very important. I'll think it over. 你说的这一点很要紧,我考虑考虑. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 17. If you live in China for two years, your shirt will learn Chinese very well. 你在中国住两年,一定会学好中文的. 7 1 FSI-Chinese 28. Yes, on the one hand, I can learn Chinese well. And on the other hand, I can find out more things about China. 是啊,一方面可以学好中文,一方面也可以多知道一点中国的事情. 7 1 FSI-Chinese