A: Nǎinai, nín shuō, xīn Zhōngguo, nánnǚ píngděng, fùnǚde dìwei gāoduō le, duì bu dui? 奶奶,您说,新中国男女平等,妇女的地位高多了,对不对? Grandma, don’t you think that in new China, with equality of the sexes the status of women is much higher? B: Nà hái yòng shuō. Wǒmen niánqīngde shihou, fùnǚ zài jiāli, zài shèhuìshang dōu méiyou shenme dìwei, zhǐ yǒu hěn shǎode nǚháizi yǒu jīhui niàn shū. Bú xiàng nǐmen, gēn nánháizi yíyàng, niàn shū, zuǒ shì, duó hǎo! 那还用说,我们年轻的时候,妇女在家里,在社会上都没有什么地位。只有很少的女孩子,有机会念书,不像你们,跟男孩子一样,念书,做事,多好! That goes without saying. When we were young, women didn’t have much status in the family or in society. Only a very few girls had a chance to study. It wasn’t like the way it is for you, who study and work just the same as boys. How great that is! A: Nǎinai, nà nǐ shuō, tóngjū zhèijiàn shìr shì bu shi duì fùnǚ bù hǎo? 奶奶,那您说,同居这件事儿,是不是对妇女不好? Then what do you think, Grandma, is cohabitation a bad thing for women? B: Nǐ zěnme yuè shuō yuè qíguài le? Zài xīn Zhōngguó nǎr yǒu tóngjūde shìr? 你怎么越说越奇怪了?在新中国,哪儿有同居的事儿? What’s with these odd topics you’re bringing up? Where is there such a thing as cohabitation in new China? A: Zěnme méiyou? Wǒ gāngcái kànde Zhōngguó Qīngniánshang jiù yǒu yìpiān wénzhāng, zhèipiān wénzhāng shuō, yǒu yíge nánháizi hé yíge nǚháizi tóngjū le. 怎么没有?我刚才看的中国青年上,就有一篇文章。这篇文章说,有一个男孩子和一个女孩子同居了。 There isn’t, huh? Well in the China Youth that I just read there's an article that said there was a young man who was living with a young woman. B: Tāmen wèishénme bù jiēhūn? 他们为什么不结婚? Why didn’t they get married? A: Nèige nánde xiǎng shàng dàxué. 那个男的想上大学? The man wanted to go to college. B: Ò , duì le, jiēle hūn jiu bù néng shàng dàxué le. Nà hòulái ne? 哦,对了,结了婚就不能上大学了,那后来呢? Oh, right, you can’t go to college after you’re married. So what happened afterwards? A: Hòulái, nèige nánde zhēn shàng dàxué le. 后来,那个男的真上大学了。 Afterwards, the man really went to college. B: Niànwánle shū tāmen jiēhūn le ba? 念完书,他们结婚了吧? And after he finished school they got married, I suppose? A: Méiyou. Niànwán shū, nèige nánde xiǎng, nèi nǚháizi méi dìwei, yě méi qián, tāmen jiu suàn le. 没有,念完书,那个男的想,那女孩子没地位,也没钱,他们就算了。 No. After he finished school, the guy thought, she didn’t have any status or any money, so they should call it quits. B: Suàn le?! Nà shi shénme huà! Tā hái yǒu méiyou yìdiǎnr dàodé guānniàn! 算了?!那是什么话!他还有没有一点儿道德观念! Call it quits. What kind of thing is that to say! Didn’t he have any sense of morality! A: Dàodé guānniàn?! Hng, xiànzài shèhuishang jiù yǒu zhèizhǒng shìr! Nín shuō zhèi shi wèishénme? 道德观念?!嗯,现在社会上就有这种事儿!您说这是为什么? Sense of morality?! Ha, that's just the sort of thing that society is full of these days! Why do you think that is?! B: Ài! Zhèi shíjǐnián qíqíguàiguàide xīnwén zhēn duō! Shénme shíhou cái néng hǎo yidiǎnr ne? 哎,这十几年奇奇怪怪的新闻,真多!什么时候才能好一点儿呢? (Sigh) The last decade or so there sure has been a lot of strange news! When will it get better? A: Shéi zhīdào! Wǒ xiǎng kuài le! Kuài hǎo yidiǎnr le! 谁知道!我想快了!快好一点儿了! I think it will be soon! It’s going to get better soon!