A: Xiùyún, nǐ huílai le. Jīntiān zěnme zènme wǎn? 修云,你回来了。今天怎么这么晚? Hi Xiùyún, you’re back. How come you’re so late tonight? 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Xiàle bānr, wǒ yòu qù mǎi diǎnr yào. 下了班儿,我又去买了点儿药。 After work I went to buy some medicine. 7 43 FSI-Chinese A: Wǒ xiǎng wǒ yǐjīng hǎo le, hái mǎi shénme yào? 我想我已经好了,还买什么药? I think I’ve already recovered. What are you buying medicine for? 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Nǐ cái yìtiān bù fā shāo, jiù shuō hǎo le? Kuài yidiǎnr bǎ zhèi liǎngzhǒng yào dōu chīxiaqu. 你才一天不发烧,就说好了?快点儿把这两种药都吃下去。 Your fever has only been gone for one day and you say you’ve recovered? Come on and take these two medicines. 7 43 FSI-Chinese A: Wǒ nǎr xūyào zènme duō yào! 我哪儿需要这么多药? As if I needed all this medicine! 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Zhèizhǒng gǎnmào bú shi yìtiān liǎngtiān jiù huì hǎode, nǐ yídìng děi bǎ zhèi jǐzhǒng yào dōu chīle. 这种感冒不是一天两天就会好的,你一定得把这几种药都吃了。 This kind of cold doesn’t get better in just a day or two. You have to take all of these medicines. 7 43 FSI-Chinese A: Hǎo hǎo hǎo, wǒ chī. 好好好,我吃。 Okay, okay, I’ll take them. 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Wǒ gěi ni dào bēi rèshuǐ lai, xiànzài jiù chī. 我给你倒杯热水来,现在就吃。 I’ll get you a cup of hot water, and you take them right now. 7 43 FSI-Chinese A: Éi**Éi is an interjection which tells that the speaker just thought of something.**, shuōdao chī yào, wǒ jiu xiǎngqilai le, nǐ hái jìde shínián qián, zánmen zài Qīnghǎi xiāngxià kànjiande nèijiàn shì ma? 诶 ,说到吃药,我就想起来了,你还记得十年前,咱们在青海乡下看见的那件事吗? Say, speaking of taking medicine reminds me, do you remember what we saw out in the country of Qīnghǎi ten years ago? 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Zěnme bú jìde, zánmen dōu shi zuò yīshēngde, kànjian bìngren méi yào chī, zhēn nánshòu. 怎么不记得,咱们都是做医生的,看见病人没药吃,真难受。 How could I forget. We’re both doctors; seeing sick people without medicine to take was really upsetting. 7 43 FSI-Chinese A: Kěshi, hái yǒu rén shuō zhèizhǒng qíngxing méi guānxi, fǎnzhèng Zhōngguo rén duō, zhēn shi bù jiǎng dàolǐ! 可是,还有人说这种情形没关系,反正中国人多,真是不讲道理。 But you know what some people say? They say that this sort of situation doesn’t matter, that there are plenty of Chinese anyway. How crazy! (Sigh). Back then, there were all sorts of strange things; don’t talk about it any more. 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Hài! Nèige shihou, shénme qíguàide shìr dōu yǒu, bié shuō le. 嗨!那个时候什么奇怪的事都有,别说了。 hey! There was all kinds of weird stuff going on back then; don't talk about it anymore. 7 43 FSI-Chinese A: Kéyi bù shuō, kěshi bū huì wàng. Zhōngguo yǒu jǐyì rén, chéngli rén yě hǎo, xiāngxià rén yě hǎo, yǒu bìng bù néng kàn yīsheng, yǒu bìng méi yào chīde shì, zài yě bù néng yǒu le. 可以不说,可是不会忘。中国有几亿人,城里人也好,乡下人也好,有病不能看医生,有病没药吃的事,再也不能有了。 We don’t have to talk about it, but we won't forge it. There are several hundred million peonle in China. Whether it’s people in the city or people in the country, we can’t have any more situations where people are sick and yet unable to see a doctor or get medicine. 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Nǐ shuōde duì. Hǎo le, hǎo le, nǐde bìng cái hǎo yidiǎnr, nǐ chīle yào zǎo diǎnr xiūxi ba. 你说的对。好了好了,你的病才好一点儿,你吃了药早点儿休息吧。 You’re right. Okay, your illness is only a little better, after you take your medicine go to hed early. 7 43 FSI-Chinese A: Wǒ xiān hǎ yào chīle, děng yihuǐr, wo hái děi chūqu yítàng, yīyuànli hái yǒu jǐjiàn shì děi bàn, wǒ qù kàn yixia jiu huílai. 我先把药吃了,等一会儿我还得出奇一趟,医院里还有几件事得办,我去看一下就回来。 I’ll take the medicine now, but I have to go out again in a while. I still have a few things I have to take care of at the hospital. I’ll be back right after I go take a look there. 7 43 FSI-Chinese B: Zǎo diǎnr huílai! 早点儿回来! Don’t come back too late! 7 43 FSI-Chinese