Taipei: F1: Wài, Táiwān Yínháng. Hello, Bank of Taiwan. M: Qǐng ni jiē sānshièrhào fēnjī. Please connect me with extension number 32. F1: Hǎo. ...Duìbuqǐ, zhànzhe xiàn ne. All right. ... I’m sorry that line is busy. M: Nǐ shuō shénme? Wǒ méi tīngdōng. Qǐng ni zài shuō yícì. What did you say? I didn’t understand. Please say it again. F1: Sānshièrhào fēnji zhànzhe xiàn ne. Jiù shi shuō yǒu rén zài shuō huà ne. Extension number 32 is busy. That's to say there is someone talking. M: Òu, wǒ dǒng le. Oh, I understand now. F1: Nǐ yào děngyiděng ne, háishi guò yìhuǐr zài dǎlai ne? Do you want to wait or call back in a little while. M: Wǒ děngyiděng. I’ll wait. F1: Wài, sānshièrhào fēnjī méiyou rén shuō huà le. Wǒ gěi ni jiēguoqu. Hello, there's no one talking on extension number 32 now. I’ll connect you. M: Xièxie. Thank you. F2: Wéi! Hello. M: Qǐng Fāng Mínglì, Fāng Xiáojie jiē diànhuà. I'd like to speak with Fāng Mínglǐ, Miss Fāng. F2: Òu, duìbuqi tā bú zài. Nǐ yào liú ge huà ma? Oh, I'm sorry, she’s not here. Do you want to leave a message? M: Bú yòng le. Wǒ xiànzài yào chūqu, wǒ xiàwu zài dǎlai. No need to. I’m going out now. I'll call back this afternoon.