看孩子 to look after; baby-sit (kān háizi ) 比例 proportion, ratio; scale (bǐlì) 成人 an adult, a grown-up; become an adult, grow up (chéngrén) 现金/現金 cash (xiànjīn) 外文 foreign language (wàiwén) 一起 together (yìqǐ) 晚点/晚點 be late (of train, ship, plane, etc); behind schedule (wǎndiǎn) 从小/從小 from childhood; as a child (cóngxiǎo) 民歌/民歌 folk song (míngē) 好听/好聽 pleasant to hear (hǎotīng) 有时候/有時候 sometimes (yǒushíhòu) 地下火车/地下火車 subway (dìxiàhuǒchē) 晚会/晚會 evening party (wǎnhuì) 送行 to see someone off (sòngxíng) 汽车站/汽車站 bus stop (qìchēzhàn) 很难说/很難說 hard to say; can't say for sure (hěn nánshuō) 省(时间)/省(時間) to save (time) (shěng(shíjiān)) (time)才(V) not (V) until (Time) ((time)cái(V)) 起飞/起飛 to take off (qǐfēi) 经过/經過 via, by way of (jīngguò) 买不着/買不著 to be unavailable for purchase; cannot buy it (mǎibuzháo) 国会/國會 Congress; the Capitol (Guóhuì) 国会山/國會山 Capitol Hill (Guóhuì Shān) 走着/走著 on foot (zǒuzhe) 站着/站著 remain standing (zhànzhe) 一边X一边Y/一邊X一邊Y do X while doing Y (Note: X and Y must be verbs or verb phrases) (yībiān (X), yībiān (Y)) 辆/輛 Measure word (used for vehicles) (liàng) 自行车/自行車 bicycle (zìxíngchē) 所有的 all (suǒyǒu de) 开学/開學 school starts (for the year or new semester) (kāixué) 学期/學期 semester, term (xuéqī) 上(下)次 last (next) time (shàng(xià)cì) 成都 Chengdu (city in Sichuan province) (Chéngdū) 好看 to be attractive; pretty; beautiful; good looking (hǎokàn) 旁边/旁邊 side (pángbiān) 上学/上學 to go to school (shàngxué) 走着去 to go on foot (zǒuzhe qù) 前门/前門 (a place in Beijing) (Qiánmén) 新街口 (a place in Beijing) (Xīn Jiēkǒu) 道路 road (dàolù) 哪儿都.../哪兒都... to (verb) everywhere (nǎr dōu...) 不再...了 no longer...; never again... (bù zài...le) 生的 raw (shēngde) 谁都(Verb)/誰都(Verb) everyone (V) (shéi dōu) 王国/王國 kingdom (wángguó) 部 measure word for wheeled vehicles (bù) 起飞/起飛 (of an airplane) to take off (qǐfēi) 飞机场/飛機場 airport (fēijīchǎng) 火山 volcano (huǒshān) 还/還 to give back, return (sth. To someone) (huán) 学会/學會 to learn, master (xuéhuì) 从...起/從...起 start from... (cóng...qǐ) 写信/寫信 to write a letter (xiěxìn) 外文 foreign language (especially the written language) (wàiwén) 出国/出國 to go abroad (chūguó) 日出 sunrise (rìchū) 又...又... both...and... (yòu...yòu...) 午饭/午飯 lunch (wǔfàn) 起不来/起不來 can't get up (qǐbulái) 十字路口 crossroads (shízì lùkǒu) 会话/會話 conversation (huìhuà) 文法 grammar (wénfǎ) 大大小小 (a large number of items) large and small, of all sizes (dàdà xiǎoxiǎo) 好看 pretty; attractive (hǎokàn) 一边...一边.../一邊...一邊... (doing one thing) while (doing another thing) (yībiān ...yībiān ...) 英里 mile (yīnglǐ) 外文 foreign language (wàiwén) 金鱼/金魚 goldfish (jīnyú) 胡同 lane, alley, side street, small back street (hútong) 什么时候都/什麼時候都 ...at all times, always... (shénme shíhòu dōu) 睡觉/睡覺 to sleep; to go to bed (shuìjiào) 王国/王國 kingdom (wángguó) 国王/國王 king (guówáng) 王后 queen (wánghòu) 明朝 the Ming Dynasty (Míngcháo) 美金 US currency; American dollar (měijīn) 旅行支票 traveller's cheque (lǚxíng zhīpiào) 牌价 exchange rate (páijià) 人民币/人民幣 RMB (unit of currency in the PRC) (rénmínbì) 票子/ bank note, (dollar, etc.) bill (piàozi) 点点/點點 count, check one by one (diǎndiǎn) 零钱/零錢 small change (língqián) 中东/中東 the Middle East (Zhōngdōng) 新西兰/新西蘭 New Zealand (Xīnxīlán) 千万/千萬 by all means..., be sure not to... (qiānwàn) 没法子/沒法子 to have no way to (méifǎzi) 银子/銀子 silver (yínzi) 两/兩 tael (a former unit of weight for silver) (liǎng) 金子 gold (jīnzi) 价钱/價錢 price (jiàqian ) 黄金/黃金 gold (huángjīn) 文法 grammar (wénfǎ) 新年 New Year (Xīnnián) 不同 to be different (bùtóng) 过年 to celebrate or spend the (Chinese lunar) New Year (guònián) 亲人 family members (parents, spouse, children) (qīnrén) 说不好 not sure, can't say for sure (shuōbuhǎo) 用过的 (previously) used (yòngguò de) 穿 to wear (clothes) (chuān) 玩 to play (wán) 有用的 useful (yǒuyòng de) 要是 if (yàoshi) 送给 to give (someone something as a gift) (sòng gěi) 本子 notebook (běnzi) 日报/日報 daily (newspaper) (rìbào) 五月份 May (wǔyuèfèn) 《中国文学》/《中國文學》 Chinese Literature (a monthly) (Zhōngguó wénxué) 《汉英字典》/《漢英字典》 Chinese— English dictionary (Hàn— Yīng zìdiǎn) 号/號 size (hào ) 《今日美国报》/《今日美國報》 USA Today\ (Jīnrì Měiguó Bào) 请再来/請再來 come again (qǐng zài lái) 九百句 900 sentences (jiǔbǎi jù) 有用 useful (yǒuyòng) 过两天 in a couple of (or: a few) days (guò liǎngtian) v.+不了 cannot v. (v.+ bùliǎo) 吃(用)的东西/吃(用)的東西 food items (items of use) (chī (yòng) de dōngxi) 一块地/一塊地 a piece of land (yíkuài dì ) 不过/不過 but, however (búguò) 做买卖/做買賣 do business, engage in trade (zuò mǎimai) 友好 to be friendly (yǒuhǎo) 生字 unfamiliar character (shēngzì) 来不了/來不了 cannot come (láibuliǎo) 一天到晚 all day long (yìtiān dàowǎn) 不少 quite a lot of, quite a few (bùshǎo) 有钱人/有錢人 rich people (yǒuqiánrén) 五星饭店/五星飯店 five— star hotel (wǔxīng fàndiàn) (一)家(饭店)/(一) 家 (飯店) measure word for hotels, stores, etc (jiā) 西点军校/西點軍校 West Point Military Academy (Xīdiǎn Jūnxiào) 老人家 old person (form of address) (lǎorenjia) 同学/同學 classmate (tóngxué ) 国文/國文 the Chinese language (as a school subject) (guówén) 作文 composition (zuòwén) 中东/中東 the Middle East (Zhōngdōng) 远东/遠東 the Far East (Yuǎndōng) 军事/軍事 military (jūnshì) 大国/大國 big nation; (great) power (dàguó) 字母 letter (of the alphabet) (zìmǔ) 汉/漢 China, Chinese; Han nationality (majority ethnic group in China); man; Han (a dynasty, 206 BCE— 220 CE) (Hàn) 汉字/漢字 Chinese character(s) (Hànzì) 中校 lieutenant colonel (in US Army, Air Force, Marine Corps); commander (in US Navy) (zhōngxiào) 文法 grammar (wénfǎ) 小说/小說 novel (xiǎoshuō) 个个/個個 each one, every one (gègè) 同事 colleague, co— worker (tóngshì ) 学期/學期 semester; term (xuéqī) 那么多/那麼多 that much/many, so much/many (nàme duō) 美国在台协会/美國在台協會 the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) (Měiguó Zài Tái Xiéhuì) 华语/華語 Chinese, the Chinese spoken language (Huáyǔ) 小时候 when (someone) was little, during one's childhood (xiǎoshíhou) 上校 colonel (shàngxiào) 小学/小學 elementary school (xiǎoxué) 校长/校長 (school) principal; (college) dean (xiàozhǎng) 上学/上學 1) to go to school 2) to attend school (shàngxué) 省长/省長 governor (of a province) (shěngzhǎng) 市长/市長 mayor (shìzhǎng) 老大 eldest child (lǎodà) 老二 second child (lǎo'èr) 有名 to be famous (yǒumíng) 有名的人 famous person (yǒumíng de rén) 饭馆/飯館 restaurant (fànguǎn ) 好吃 to be good to eat, tasty (hǎochī) 一家人 the (whole) family (yìjiārén) 国家/國家 country (guójiā) 有的时候/有的時候 sometimes (yǒu de shíhou) 不都 not all (bù dōu) (四个)多/(四個)多 more than, over (four) ((sìge) duō) 几个/幾個 a few (jǐge ) 天天 every day (tiāntiān) 一起 together; in company (yīqǐ) 华东/華東 East China (Huádōng) 长大/長大 to grow up (zhǎngdà) 东北/東北 the Northeast (dōngběi ) 过去/過去 in the past (guòqù) 他们中/他們中 among them (tāmen zhōng) 老年人 an old person; the elderly (lǎoniánrén) 天天 daily, every day (tiāntiān) 多不多 are there many? ; is there much? (duō bu duō ) 四国/四國 Shikoku (an island of Japan) (Sìguó) 不太多 not too much/ many (bú tài duō) 有的 some (yǒude) 生日 birthday (shēngrì) 工人 worker (gōngrén) 文学/文學 literature (wénxué ) 一亿多/(一億) 多 over 100million (yíyì duō) (中国人) 里/(中國人) 裡 out of, among (the Chinese) ((Zhōngguórén) lǐ) (五) 口 (人) measure word for people in family ((wǔ) kǒu (rén) ) 五台山/五臺山 name of a mountain in northeastern Shānxīi province (Wǔtáishān) 黄河/黃河 the Yellow River (Huánghé) 长江/長江 the Yangtze River (Chángjiāng) 里/裡 a Chinese unit of distance (lǐ) 国民/國民 a national (of a country) (guómín) (1980年)前 before (1980) ((1980 nián)qián) 那时/那時 then, at that time (nà shí) 河口 mouth of a river (hékǒu) 一共 altogether (yīgòng) 分钟/分鐘 minute (unit of time) (fēnzhōng) 钟/鐘 clock [like alarm clock, wall clock] (zhōng) 黄大年 a person's name (Huáng Dànián) 华美英 a person's name (Huà Měiyīng) 很 very, quite (hěn ) 多(万) duō (wàn) more than (ten thousand) (duō (wàn))