增 zēng - increase 低 dī - low 降 jiàngfall, drop (in contrast to rise, ascend, hoist "sheng"); reduce, lower 预 yù - beforehand 度 dù - degree 幅 fú width, size; amplitude; measure word for cloth, wool, paintings, maps 协 xié - together, cooperate, harmonize, help, assist, join 企 qǐ stand on tiptoe (and look for); await or expect eagerly, long for 数 shù number; several, few; [in the reading "shǔ": count (things)] 持 chí hold (in hand) 之 zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的); him; her; it 测 (cè) side/to lean/to survey/to measure/conjecture 于 yú in, at, on; than; by (passive voice) 略 lüè slightly; omit, simplify; stratagem; seize, capture (mostly territory) 准 zhǔn standard, criterion, norm; accurate, precise, exact 幅度 fúdù range, scope, extent 降低 jiàng dī - to reduce, lower 预期 yùqī to expect 数字 shù zì - number, figure 水准 level, standard (shuǐzhǔn) 略低于 slightly lower than or less than (lüè dīyú) 温 wēn warm, lukewarm; warm up (like wine, water); review (like one's lessons) 布 bù spread, circulate, disseminate; arrange, deploy; (also cloth, fabric) 宣 xuān declare, announce, proclaim 量 liàng quantity, amount; capacity 项 xiàng - item, back of neck 排 pái • emit, to arrange; to put in order 目 mù eye 未 wèi not yet; not 示 shì show, display; instruct, demonstrate 至 zhì - until 缩 suō to withdraw / to pull back / to contract / to shrink / to reduce 标 biāo - mark 化 huà change, become, transform; melt, thaw, dissolve 暖 nuǎn warm 科 kē branch (of study); section, department (of larger administrative unit) 发 fā - to send 防 fáng guard against, take precautions against; defend, guard; embankment, dike 院 yuàn courtyard, yard; college, academy, institute, school; branch of the government 岸 àn bank, shore, coast, beach 强 qiáng - strong 调 diào mode (music) / to move (troops) / tune / tone / melody / to transfer 诚 chéng - sincere 争 zhēng vie, contend, strive; stick to one's view, persist in one's argument 取 qǔ to take; to get; to choose; to fetch Words containing 取: 取出 qǔchū, 采取 cǎiqǔ, 争取 zhēngqǔ, 取得 qǔdé take, get, obtain; seek, court; select, choose 统 tǒng to gather/to unite/to unify/whole 绝 (jué) to cut, sever, break off, terminate 承 chéng hold, bear, support; undertake, contract for, accept, assume 弃 qì abandon, discard, forsake; forget; put aside 使 shǐ - to make, cause, use 武 wǔ martial, military 国务院 Guówùyuàn [n] ◊ the State Council (of China) 国防 guófáng [n] ◊ national defense 发表 fābiǎo [v] ◊ issue/release (a public statement, statistics), announce, make (a statement, a commentary), deliver (a speech), express (one's opinions), air (a view) ◊ publish (an article, paintings, etc. in a periodical), (of a newspaper) carry 强调 qiángdiào [v] ◊ emphasize, stress, underline, underscore 两岸 Liǎng'àn [n] ◊ Mainland China and Taiwan (literally: the Two Shores of the Strait) ◊ the two banks of a strait or channel 争取 zhēngqǔ [v] ◊ strive to obtain or win ◊ strive (or try hard) to realize or bring about ◊ try hard to (do sth) (mostly PRC usage) 诚意 chéngyì [n] ◊ sincerity 承诺 chéngnuò [v,n] ◊ pledge, promise, undertake, commit oneself (to do sth) ◊ pledge, promise, undertaking, commitment 绝不 juébù [adv] ◊ absolutely not, never 统一 tǒngyī [v,adj,name] ◊ unify ◊ unified ◊ [T-] (short for Tǒngyī Qǐyè 統一企業/统一企业 Uni-President Enterprises) 武力 wǔlì [n] ◊ force (physical or violent strength) ◊ military force, armed might/strength 使用 shǐyòng [v] ◊ use, employ, apply, exercise 放弃 fàngqì [v] ◊ abandon, give up, renounce, relinquish 乘 chéng [v,n,sn] ◊ ride (in) (a vehicle) ◊ avail oneself of (an opportunity) ◊ {math} times, multiplied by 往 wǎng [v,adj,adv,prep] ◊ go, go to ◊ towards, in the direction of ◊ past, former, previous, earlier 返 fǎn [v] ◊ return, come back, go back 决 jué [v,n] ◊ decide, determine ◊ certainly/definitely (preceding a negative) 提 tí [v,sn] ◊ carry ◊ lift, raise ◊ mention 供 gòng [v] ◊ place offerings (on/before an altar, etc.) ◊ offering, contribution ◊ confess (one's guilt), admit (wrongdoing), plead guilty ◊ confession (of guilt) 临 lín [v,sn] ◊ arrive, be present ◊ face, be near 包 bāo [v,n,mw,sn] ◊ wrap ◊ bag ◊ package, packet ◊ bump, swelling 括 kuò [v,n] ◊ contract (the muscles, etc.), tighten (up) ◊ tie up (one's hair) ◊ include, comprise ◊ brackets, parentheses; put in brackets 仅 jìn [adv] ◊ {written} (followed by a number) approximately, near(ly), approaching... 并 bìng [conj] ◊ and ◊ moreover ◊ at the same time 商 shāng [v,n,sn] ◊ confer, consult, discuss ◊ commerce, business, trade ◊ commercial ◊ merchant, businessman 即 jí [v,adv,adj,sn] ◊ namely, i.e., that is; is ◊ then, immediately 周 zhōu [n,adj,adv] ◊ week ◊ circumference, circle, circuit ◊ cycle 务 wù [n,v,sn] ◊ affair, business ◊ treat with priority ◊ be engaged in, pursue ◊ Wu (surname) 处 chǔ [v] ◊ be in (a place, circumstance, etc.) ◊ dwell, live ◊ get along ◊ punish 牌 pái [n] ◊ board, plate, sign ◊ brand, trademark ◊ (playing) cards, dominoes etc. 保 bǎo [v,n,sn] ◊ protect, safeguard ◊ preserve, maintain; keep, retain 护 hù [v] ◊ protect, guard ◊ shield, be partial to 区 qū [n,v] ◊ area, region ◊ differentiate, distinguish 止 zhǐ [v,adv] ◊ stop, end, cease 列 liè [v,n,mw,sn] ◊ arrange in order, classify ◊ list, enumerate ◊ line, row ◊ {measure word} (for trains, things in a row) 入 rù [v,n] ◊ enter ◊ join (a group) 受 shòu [v,auxv] ◊ receive, accept, get ◊ endure 按 àn [adv,v] ◊ according to ◊ press, push down 建 jiàn [v,adj,n,sn] ◊ build, construct, erect ◊ establish, found 俗 sú [n,adj] ◊ custom, habit, social convention ◊ common, popular ◊ commonly, colloquially ◊ wish, desire ◊ crude, vulgar, in poor taste ◊ secular, lay, worldly 反 fǎn [v,adj,pref,n] ◊ turn over ◊ opposite, reverse ◊ oppose ◊ rebel against 映 yìng [v] ◊ reflect, mirror ◊ shine, illuminate 批 pī [n,mw,v] ◊ {measure word} batch ◊ criticize ◊ approve ◊ write comments on (a document) 陆 lù [n,sn] ◊ land 毕 bì [v,sn] ◊ end, finish, accomplish 成 chéng [v,adj,sn] ◊ become, turn into ◊ one-tenth, 10% ◊ succeed, accomplish 求 qiú [v,sn] ◊ beg, request, beseech ◊ ask (for), demand ◊ seek, strive for ◊ demand ◊ Qiu (surname) 育 yù [v] ◊ raise, rear (children, seedlings) ◊ educate, inculcate 历 lì [v,adv,n] ◊ experience, undergo ◊ all past (occasions, etc.) 约 yuē [v,adv,adj,n] ◊ approximately, about ◊ make an appointment, arrange to meet 万 wàn [num,sn] ◊ ten thousand 限 xiàn [v,n] ◊ limit, restrict ◊ threshold, limit 制 zhì [v,n] ◊ manufacture ◊ formulate ◊ system ◊ regulate, control ◊ restrict 根 gēn [n,adv,mw] ◊ root ◊ {measure word} (used for long, thin objects like a hair, needle) 据 jū [adj] ◊ (in this pronunciation used in the expression jiéjū 拮據/拮据 "short of money") 顺 shùn [adj,adv,v,sn] ◊ be favourable ◊ be smooth ◊ along with, follow, in the same direction as ◊ put in order 利 lì [adj,n,sn] ◊ (of a knife, sword) sharp ◊ advantageous, beneficial ◊ advantage, benefit ◊ profit, interest 构 gòu [v,n] ◊ frame, building, structure ◊ construct, compose, build 联 (lián) to ally/to unite/to join 洲 zhōu - continent 速 sù speed; velocity 粮 liáng provisions 食 shï food 农 nóng - farming, farmer 署 shu3 (government) office 警 ... 滥 (lan4) excessive, indiscriminate 砍 kǎn to chop 伐 ... 积 (ji1) to amass, to accumulate, to store, old, long-standing 减 jiǎn - minus, to subtract 严 yán - strict 控 ... 战 zhàn - war 避 ... 问 wèn - to ask 军 jūn - army, military, arms 举 jǔ - to lift; to raise 扩 kuò enlarge 攻 ... 击 ji1 to hit/to strike/to break 否 ... 卫 (wèi) guard, protect, defend 假 jiǎ fake; false; artificial; to borrow; if; suppose 设 shè - to set up, to arrange, to establish, to found, to display 性 ... 无 wú -less; not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un- 解 ... 县 xiàn - county 议 yì criticize/discuss 与 yǔ - and, with 愈 [yù] heal, get better; 愈...愈... (like 越 yuè) 造 ... 视 shì (vision) 野 ... 逐 ... 渐 ... 展 ... 资 zi1 resources/capital/to provide/to supply/to support/money/expense 讯 (xun4) to question, to ask, to interrogate, rapid, speedy, fast, news, information 通 tōng - go through 阻 ... 存 cún exist / deposit / store / keep / survive 繁 ... 兼 jiān 顾 gù look after / take into consideration / to attend to 亿 yì a hundred million; calculate 籍 jí 教 jiāo - to teach jiào - teaching 授 ... 呼 hū 传 chuan2/zhuan4 to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to pass on/to conduct (electricity), biography 称 chēng to state; to name; name; appellation; to praise; to weigh 世 shì 界 jiè 需 xū 继 (ji4) to continue, to follow after, then, afterwards, to go on with, to succeed, to inherit 续 (xu4) continue, replenish 币 (bì) currency 升 shēng - raise, promote, litre