FSI-11-Drill-K-trad.csv 1.8 KB

  1. 1.xüé Zhōngwén. I’m studying Chinese. 我學中文。 Rìwén 日文 Japanese Wǒ xüé Zhōngwén, wǒ yě xüé Rìwén. 我學中文,我也學日文。 I’m studying Chinese,and I’m studying Japanese too. 2 7 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2.xüé Fàwén. I’m studying French. 我學法文。 tā 他/她 he/she Wǒ xüé Zhōngwén, tā yě xüé Zhōngwén. 我學中文,他/她也學中文。 I’m studying French, and he/she is studying Chinese too. 2 7 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3.xüé Fàwén. He/she is studying French. 他/她學法文。 Déwén 德文 German Tā xüé Fàwén, tā yě xüé Déwén. 他/她學法文,他/她也學德文。 He/she is studying French, and he/she is studying German too. 2 7 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4.xüé Fàwén. I’m studying French. 我學法文。 tā 他/她 he/she Wǒ xüé Fàwén, tā yě xüé Fàwén. 我學法文,他/她也學法文。 I’m studying French, and he/she is studying French too. 2 7 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5.xüé zhèngzhixüé. I’m studying political science. 我學政治學。 tā 他/她 he/she Wǒ xüé zhèngzhixüé, tā yě xüé zhèngzhixüé. 我學政治學,他/她也學政治學。 I’m studying political science, and he/she is studying political science too. 2 7 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6.xüé zhèngzhixüé. I’m studying political science. 我學政治學。 jīngjixüé 經濟學 economics Wǒ xüé zhèngzhixüé, wǒ yě xüé jīngjixüé. 我學政治學,我也學經濟學。 I’m studying political science, and I’m studying economics too. 2 7 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7.xüé wénxüé. I’m studying literature. 我學文學。 lìshǐ 歷史 history Wǒ xüé wénxüé, wǒ yě xüé lìshǐ. 我學文學,我也學歷史。 I’m studying literature, and I’m studying history too. 2 7 FSI-Chinese