On our last shopping trip we're going to а комиссионный магазин consignment store or second-hand store, a good place to buy antiques, samovars, lithographs, silver, etc.
Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.
В комиссионном магазине | ||
А. | Я хочу купить самовар. | I want to buy a samovar. |
Р. | У нас есть разные самовары. Посмотрите, пожалуйста. | We have all different kinds of samovars. Take a look. |
А. | Покажите этот маленький. | Show me that little one. |
Р. | Это очень хороший старый тульский самовар. | This is a very good old samovar, made in Tula. |
А. | Да, он мне нравится! Сколько он стоит? | Oh yes, I like it! How much is it? |
Р. | Четыреста тысяч рублей. | Four hundred thousand roubles. |
А. | А самовары можно вывозить из страны? | Can samovars be exported? |
Р. | Да, конечно можно. | Yes, of course. |
А. | Прекрасно! Я беру. | Great! I'll take it. |