A russian menu

The menu often begins with a section called «фирменные блюда» specialty dishes (or "specials of the day"), and the notation «шеф-повар рекомендует сегодня» "the chef recommends..."

The next section закуски hors d'œuvres is divided into холодные закуски cold hors d'oeuvres and горячие закуски hot hors d'oeuvres. Here are some закуски:

икра черная, зернистая

black caviar

икра паюсная

pressed caviar

икра красная (кетовая)

red caviar

лососина копчёная

smoked salmon











маринованные грибы

marinated mushrooms



Salads are also popular as закуски:

зелёний салатgree salad
салат из огурцовcucumber salad
салат из лукаspring onion salad
салат из помидоровtomato salad
салат из редискиradish salad

A Russian салат is ususally potato salad, unless indixcated otherwise (as the above list shows).

The next section on the menu is супы soups. They will be designated on the menu as первое (literally "fisrt soup"). Russians consider soup an important part of the middday meal. Some soups are served with sour cream, fresh chopped dill or spring onions. Пирожки meat pies or small bowl of каша cooked buckwheat may accompany certain kind of soup.

Russain soups include:

Борщ made with beef stocks, beets, onions, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. It is often served with sour cream.

Щи made with cabbage but no beets. It is considered to be Russian while Борщ is Ukrainian. Different types of щи include:

мясные щиmeat щи
вегетарианские щиvegetarian щи
свежие щиfresh cabbage щи
кислые щищи made with pickled cabbage
суточные щиyesterday's щи (supposed to improve but standing overnight)

Рассольник made with chicken giblets, veal kidneys, vegetables and pickles and served with sour cream.

Бульон clear broth. Often contains фрикадельки little meat balls; sometimes served с яйцом with chopped hard-boiled eggs or accompanied by пирожки с мясом meat pies.

Уха fish soup.

Солянка spicy soup made with fish, meat or sausage.

Окрошка cold summer soup made with квас kvas, beets, fresh cucumbers and hard-boiled eggs and served with fresh dill, sour cream and spring onions.

Свекольник sweet and sour beet soup, served cold with sour cream.

Харчо thick spicy soup made with lamb; a traditional Georgian soup.

Второе (literally "second course") is the main course after закуски and суп in a full Russian meal. As in the West, the main course may be fish, poultry or meat.

Vegetarians take heart! The following dishes are often offered as main courses:

And finally: nothing is complete without condiments!

On the following pages you'll find a menu from a now-defunct Russian restaurant in Baltimore. It will give you some idea of what the better restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg are offering these days.
