Using what you've learned in this lesson

You have kept your maiden name, but at times you also use your husband's last name. When checking into your hotel, you can't recall, under which name you made the reservation. How would you help the desk clerk find your reservation?

You had originally made a reservation for a double, but your spouse decided at the last minute not to make the trip. Try to change your room to a single as you're checking in.

Take a look at the following information on various hotels (pp. 36-38). What are you able to say about each of them?

Take a look at the guest card shown on page 39. What can you say atbout it?

What are the receipts on page 40 for?

Упражнение №35
Упражнение №35
Упражнение №35
Упражнение №35
Упражнение №35
Упражнение №35

Take a look at the following list of hotels in Moscow and choose one which appeals to you. Call your travel agent (your instructor) and make reservations for a short stay. Decide if you are travelling alone or with someone. Make certain you have the correct address; check by reading it off to the agent. Ask the agent what he/she knows about the hotel, what interesting sights are located nearby (recall your expressions for getting to places!), what services are offered, how much the rooms run, whether or not breakfast is included, etc. And don't let the agent talk you into anything you don't want!

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