There is no secret to greeting people in Russian. It can be as simple as Здравствуйте/Здравствуй! Like "Hello"
in English, you can use this greeting at any time of the day and with nearly anyone. Keep in
mind, however, that you will use this expression only once in the day. If you meet again
later, you should greet each other using a different expression.You may use Доброе
утро! Good morning! Добрый день! Good afternoon! or
Добрый вечер!
Good evening! depending on the time of day. More informal greetings such as Привет! Hi! or the very
slangy Салют!
Hey! are also possible, but you should be careful when, and with whom you use these.
As we do in English, you might ask someone you know how he/she is doing: Как поживаете? How are
you? Как дела?
How are things (going)? Possible responses are Хорошо Fine; Нормально As usual; Ничего O.K. Unlike
Americans, whose response to these questions is often nothing more than a polite Tine,
thanks." Russians may take the time to tell you the whole truth!
До свидания
Good bye! (literally: "Until our next meeting.") will work in all situations when saying
good-bye. You may also use: Всего
хорошего; Всего доброго! All the best. Пока! See ya! or Bye! is more
casual and you should be careful when you use it, and with whom.