Listening Comprehension Exercise

Listen to the dialog as recorded on the tape. When you are finished, discuss it with your classmates. What were you able to understand? Listen to the dialog again to check your comprehension. Ask your instructor for help if you need it. Now answer the questions below.

  • A. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F):

    1. The conversation is between an American and a Russian.

    2. The American lives on compound now.

    3. Maureen had a big apartment.

    4. She moved to Rosinka in March.

    5. There are 3 new grocery stores near Rosinka.

  • B. Answer the following questions:

    1. Where does Maureen live now? Where did she used to live?

    2. Why did she move to Rosinka?

    3. What kind of house does she have now?

    4. Does she have any pets? If yes, what and how many?

    5. Does Maureen like music? If yes, does she have a favorite composer?

    6. How does Maureen get to the "Bolshoj theater"?

    7. What do you think Igor's next move will be?