The American has arrived at a restaurant without a reservation.
Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try tounderstand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said.Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are alsoresponsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in theappropriate manner.
В ресторане | ||
А. | Скажите, пожалуйста, этот столик свободен? | Pardon me, is this table free? |
Р. | Да, садитесь, пожалуйста. Вот меню. | Yes. Please, have a seat. Here's a menu. |
А. | Спасибо. | Thank you. |
Р. | Что будете заказывать? | What will you be ordering? |
A. | У вас есть свободный стол? | Do you have any free tables? |
P. | Да, пожалуйста, вот этот. | Yes, this one [is free]. |
A. | Принесите, пожалуйста, меню. | Bring me a menu, please. |
P. | Одну минуту, сейчас принесу. | Just a minute. I'll get it for you. |
Listen to the following and choose the apppropriate responses from those given below.
У вас есть свободный стол?
Этот столик свободен?
Принесите, пожалуйста, меню.
a. Одну минуту, сейчас принесу.
b. Да, садитесь, пожалуйста.
c. Да, пожалуйста, вот этот.
Translate into Russian.
Pardon me, is this table free?
Do you have any free tables?
Here's a menu.
What will you be ordering?
With your teacher playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.