Beyond chicken kiev

Here are some phrases you will find helpful in creating your own dialogs.

На закуску принесите салат.

I'd like salad as an appetizer.

На закуску принесите икру.

I'd like caviar as an appetizer.

На закуску принесите рыбное ассорти.

I'd like some fish as an appetizer.

На первое дайте мне борщ.

I'd like borshch for the first course.

На первое дайте мне щи.

I'd like cabbage soup for the first course.

На второе принесите бифштекс.

I'd like steak for the main course.

На второе принесите рыбу.

I'd like fish for the main course.

На второе принесите котлеты по-киевски.

I'd like Chicken Kiev for the main course.

На сладкое принесите компот.

I'd like stewed fruit for dessert.

На сладкое принесите торт.

I'd like cake for dessert.

На сладкое принесите мороженое.

I'd like ice cream for dessert.

На сладкое принесите фрукты.

I'd like fruit for dessert.

Я голоден.

I'm hungry, (m.)

Я голодна.

I'm hungry, (f.)

Я хочу есть.

I want to eat.

Я хочу пить.

I want to drink.

Я сыт.

I'm full, (m.)

Я сыта.

I'm full, (f.)

Your server (played by your instructor) tells you that they don't have the following dishes. What should your response be?

You have out-of-town guests and you want to take them to a nice restaurant. Choose one from the list on page 5 and call to make reservations. Don't forget to tell the person answering the phone:

Once at the restaurant, find out if your table is ready. Ask your server to bring menus. Try to get his/her attention when you are ready to order.

You're now ready to order. With your instructor playing the role of the waiter or waitress, order food for your entire table. Use phrases such as:

Act as an interpreter for one of your classmates who wants to order dinner in a restaurant. Your instructor will play the part of the waiter/waitress.

Tell your waiter/waitress that you're thirsty. Ask him/her to bring you something to drink:

Принесите мне, пожалуйста, яблочный сок.

1.апельсиновый сок2.кофе со сливками3.чай с сахаром
4.вода со льдом5.минеральная вода6.молоко
7.пиво8.красное вино9.шампанское

Look at the wine list on page 15 and choose a wine you would like to order. Tell the waiter/waitress your choice and ask him/her to bring it.

Here are some toasts that will come in handy at receptions and private parties.


За ваше здоровье!

То your health!

За здоровье хозяина!

То the health of the host!

За здоровье хозяйки!

To the health of the hostess!

За ваше здоровье и благополучие!

To your health and good fortune!

За наше будущее сотрудничество!

To our future cooperation!

За мир и дружбу!

To peace and friendship!

Examine the following menus from different Moscow restaurants. Order a meal for your party.