Beyond the metro

There will be times when you'll choose another form of transportation besides the metro. The following phrases will come in handy.

ехать на







Я еду на автобусе.

I'm taking the bus.

Ты едешь на троллейбусе.

You're taking the trolley.

Он едет на трамвае.

He's taking the tram.

Она едет на машине.

She's taking a car.

Мы едем на такси.

We're taking a taxi.

Вы едете на метро.

You're taking the metro.

Они едут на микроавтобусе.

They're taking the van.

Туда можно доехать на метро или на автобусе.

You can get there by metro or by bus.

Туда можно доехать на троллейбусе или на трамвае.

You can get there by trolley or by tram.

Your instructor will ask you what form of transportation you prefer to use.

Answer, using the following models, first in the affirmative:

Now answer in the negative, according to the model:

1.a car (the metro)2.a bus (a car)3.a taxi ( a bus)
4.a tram (a trolley)5.the metro (a tram)  

Using the models below, ask what the best possible form of transportation is for you to use.

Using a map of the Moscow metro, describe the routes you'll be taking in each of the scenarios.