Какой номер вам нужен?

Мне нужен номер на одного a single
нам нужен номен

на двоих

на троих

a double

for 3 people

How would you answer the following question:

Tell the agent where you're going and how long you'll be staying, using the model below and making the appropriate substitutions. The following expressions will help you.

1.Odessa; 2 days2.Yalta; a week
3.Bishkek; 3 days4.Tashkent; 5 days
5.Yerevan; 2 weeks6.St. Petersburg; a few days

The travel agent has misunderstood you. Correct him/her using the model below:

P. Вы поедете в Москву?

А. Нет, я поеду в Санкт-Петербург.

1.Санкт-Петербург; Москва2.Москва; Одесса
3.Одесса; Киев4.Киев; Бишкек
5.Бишкек; Тбилиси6.Тбилиси; Баку

You didn't hear the price of the room clearly. Ask for clarification, using the model:

Ask the travel agent what you'll be getting for your money. Use the phrases given here.