9. Learning Russian script

So far, you have been dealing with Russian in its printed form. However, once in Russia you will frequently encounter letters, documents and materials which are in script or written out in longhand. You will also quickly discover that Russians, unlike Americans, will rarely print when writing by hand. Practice writing Russian script.

А а_________________________
Б б_________________________
В в_________________________
Г г_________________________
Д д_________________________
Е е_________________________
Ё ё_________________________
Ж ж_________________________
З з_________________________
И и_________________________
Й й_________________________
К к_________________________
Л л_________________________
М м_________________________
Н н_________________________
О о_________________________
П п_________________________
Р р_________________________
С с_________________________
Т т_________________________
У у_________________________
Ф ф_________________________
Х х_________________________
Ц ц_________________________
Ч ч_________________________
Ш ш_________________________
Щ щ_________________________
Э э_________________________
Ю ю_________________________
Я я_________________________

Table 1.2. The following table shows the Russian alphabet with approximate phonetic equivalents. Keep it handy as a reference.

Aaa as in fatherРptrilled, flapped r
Б6b as in boatCcs as in sew
Bbv as in voteTtt as in top
Ггg as in goatУуoo as in food
Ддd as in dogФфf as in foot
Сcye as in yetXxj as in junta
Еёyo as in yo-yoЦцts as in lets
Жжs as in measureЧчch as in chair
Ззz as in zooШшsh as in show
Ииее as in meeЩщsti as in question
Ийу as in boyъhard sign
Ккk as in kiteыshort i as in milk
Лл1 as in loanьsoft sign
Ммm as in mopЭэe as in let
Ннn as in noЮюas you
Ооо as in knowЯяya as in yard
Ппp as in rope