The following scenarios will help you review and reinforce material from previous lessons. When creating your dialogs, you will, of course, always play the role of the American. Your instructor will play the role of the Russian.
You work in the consular section and have received a visa application which is incomplete. Call the applicant (Владимир Николаевич Тучкин) and try to obtain the missing information. You will need to ask the following:
Is the applicant married? If yes, what is his wife's name?
Does the applicant have any children? If yes, how many? What are their sexes and ages?
Does the applicant have any other dependents living with him? Mother? Father? Grandmother? Grandfather?
What is the applicant's current address and telephone?
Where does the applicant work? What is his profession?
You work in the Admin Section of the embassy and are interviewing native Russians for positions. You need to find out the following for each applicant:
the applicant's full name (name, patronymic and surname) [Possible names: Алексе́й Петро́вич Ма́лышев; Валенти́н Его́рович Орло́в; Андре́й Влади́мирович Годуно́в; Татья́на Никола́евна Кала́шник; Наде́жда Анато́льевна Рома́нова; Ли́дия Ива́новна Быстро́ва]
the applicant's profession and place of work
the applicant's current address and telephone
the applicant's previous position
After you have gone through these questions (and any others you think are necessary), thank the applicant for his/her time and tell him/her that you will call them back in a week.
Call «Дом кни́ги» and ask:
when the store opens/closes
when they're closed for lunch
where they're located and how to get there
whether or not they carry children's books; maps; art books
Call the local «Сувенир» and ask:
what time the store opens/closes
when they're closed for lunch
the street address and how to get there
whether or not they carry amber jewelry, scarves and матрёшки
how much a blue scarf would cost
how much a large матрёшка would cost
Call the taxi service (927-0000) and reserve a taxi. Tell the dispatcher:
what day you are making the reservation for
what time you will need the car
where to pick you up
where you're going Don't forget to ask what the rate will be and whether or not you'll be able to pay in rubles or in dollars.
Call your favorite restaurant and make reservations for dinner. Pick a night, a time and decide how many will be in your party. Ask the person who answers the phone what the restaurant's specials will be that day.
While we hope you will never find yourself in a situation requiring the type of call illustrated in the following dialog, we'd like you to be prepared for any eventuality. Read the dialog through and then act it out with your instructor playing the role of the Russian.
p. | Ско́рая. | Ambulance. |
A. | Приезжа́йте скоре́е! У нас тяжело́ больно́й. | Come immediately! We have a very sick person here! |
P. | Что с ним? | What's the matter with him? |
A. | Пло́хо с се́рдцем. | He has chest pains. |
P. | А́дрес? | What's the address? |
A. | У́лица Дми́трия Улья́нова 22, кварти́ра 167. | 22 Dmitry Ulyanov street, apartment 167. |
P. | Райо́н? | District? |
A. | Севасто́польский. | Sevastopolsky. |
P. | Фами́лия? | Last name? |
A. | Щербако́в. | Shcherbakov. |
P. | Во́зраст? | Age? |
A. | 65 (шестьдеся́т пять) | 65. |
P. | Выезжа́ем. Жди́те. | We're on our way. |