Lesson 7 Lesson №7 SHOPPING УРОК № 7
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы идём в магазин!</foreignphrase> Thanks to the inroads capitalism has made into Russia, shopping is less of a chore than it ever used to be. During the Soviet period, when various goods would disappear from the state-owned stores, usually with little or no warning and for no apparent reasons, the foreign community (with its валюта hard currency) nearly always had everything it needed or wanted, thanks to the stores known as Берёзка which were off-limits to Soviet citizens. Today, however, Moscow and St. Petersburg and to a lesser extent the capitals of the Newly Independent States are inundated with stores which sell those same goods openly and at prices which are on a par with those in Western Europe and the US. Some of these stores are owned and operated by foreign concerns, some are joint ventures and still others are owned and operated by Russians. Today there are very few things which you will be unable to purchase in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Whether it is a Cadillac Seville or Arrow shirts, you can be pretty certain that somewhere in the city there's somebody selling just what you need. The big problem today is not whether or not you CAN buy something, but WHERE you're going to find it in the forest of new stores that has replaced the simple берёзки.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">В магазине</foreignphrase> For the most part, you'll be shopping in Moscow and St. Petersburg in stores which operate the same way they do in the US. However, there may be times when you'll stop in at a Russian store which still uses an older, and at times frustrating, multi-step system of purchasing and payment: Decide what it is you wish to purchase. Ask the price. The salesperson will give you а чек and ask you to pay at the касса. While you are doing that, he/she will be wrapping up your purchase. After paying, you will return to the salesperson with either a receipt showing payment, or your original чек stamped, which you'll hand over in exchange for your purchase. Russian law now stipulates that there is one currency for the entire country and that is the рубль which is divided into 100 копейка. Because of inflation however, копейки have disappeared. In spite of this law, you will still be able to make purchases in many stores (especially those which are foreign-owned) using СКВ свободно конвертируемая валюта freely convertible currency (dollars, marks, francs and pounds sterling). Major credit cards are readily accepted in many locations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, more rarely in other large cities, and almost never in the smaller ones. Think big when you think of prices in Russia! When writing these large numbers, Russians use а точка period to indicate the decimal point rather than а запятая comma. For example: 12.000 руб.= 12,000 rubles 7,5 руб. = 7.50 rubles (7 rubles and 50 kopecs)
Setting the scene An American is buying а матрёшка wooden nesting doll at «Подарки» "Gifts". Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the (appropriate manner.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №1 В магазине «подарки» А. Девушка! Miss! P. Да. Что вы хотите? Yes. What do you want? А. Покажите, пожалуйста, матрёшку. Show me a matryoshka, please. Р. Какую матрёшку вам показать? Вот эту? Which one do you want me to show you? This one? А. Да, пожалуйста, эту. Сколько она стоит? Yes, please, this one. How much is it? Р. Тридцать пять тысяч рублей. 35,000 roubles. А. Сколько? How much? Р. Тридцать пять тысяч рублей. Платите в кассу. 35,000 roubles. Pay at the register.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариант диалога</foreignphrase> №1 А. Молодой человек! Young man! Р. Да... Yes?.. А. Я хочу купить платок. 1 want to buy a shawl. Р. Какой платок вам показать? Вот этот? Which one would you like me to show you? This one? А. Да, пожалуйста, этот. Сколько он стоит? Yes, please, this one. How much is it? Р. Семьдесят тысяч рублей. 70,000 roubles. А. Сколько? How much? Р. Семьдесят тысяч рублей. Платите в кассу. 70,000 roubles. Pay at the register.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №1. Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers from those given below. Что вы хотите? Какой платок вам показать? Сколько стоит эта матрёшка? a. Покажите, пожалуйста, вот эту матрёшку. b. Тридцать пять тысяч рублей. c. Вот этот, пожалуйста.
Translate into Russian. Miss! I want to buy a matryoshka. Please show me that matryoshka. How much does this matryoshka cost? I would like to buy a shawl. Please show me that shawl. How much does it cost? Where is the register?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №3. With your teacher playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.
Beyond matryoshka Here are some phrases you'll find helpful in creating your own dialogs. Покажите, пожалуйста, самовар. Please show me a samovar. Покажите, пожалуйста, блузку. Please show me a blouse. Покажите, пожалуйста, кольцо. Please show me a ring. Покажите, пожалуйста, серьги. Please show me the earrings. Какой самовар вам показать? Which samovar would you like to see? Вот этот. This one. Какую матрёшку вам показать? Which matryoshka would you like to see? Вот эту. This one. Какое кольцо вам показать? Which ring would you like to see? Вот это. This one. Какие часы вам показать? Вот эти. Which watch would you like to see? This one. Я хочу купить русский сувенир. I want to buy a Russian souvenir. Я хочу купить хохлому. I want to buy some Khokhloma. Я хочу купить это кольцо. I want to buy this ring. Я хочу купить золотые серьги. I want to buy the gold earrings.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №4. Complete the sentences according to the model: Покажите, пожалуйста, этот платок / эту матрёшку. Покажите, пожалуйста, это кольцо / эти часы. 1. самовар 6. зеркало 2. браслет 7. кольцо 3. шапка 8. бусы 4. игрушка 9. серьги 5. балалайка 10. часы
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №5. Я хочу купить эстонский янтарь / хорошую хохлому. Я хочу купить золотое кольцо / золотые серьги. 1. тульский самовар 6. украинская керамика 2. маленький браслет 7. маленькое зеркало 3. шёлковый платок 8. янтарные бусы 4. меховая шапка 9. военные часы 5. большая кукла 10 детские игрушки
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №6. Read through this list of items and indicate the number of the store or department in which you would buy them. ракетка рюкзак книга берет янтарь шарф блузка плакат мыло инструменты шампунь часы фотоальбом календарь стул платок браслет вельвет игрушки карта перчатки сигареты лампа шапка радио портрет ручка гитара бусы туфли карандаши кольцо ваза стол костюм диван картина глобус одеколон самовар телевизор хрусталь 1. ОБУВЬ 9. ОДЕЖДА 2. «ПОДАРКИ» 10. СУВЕНИРЫ 3. «ДОМ КНИГИ» 11. «ДЕТСКИЙ МИР» 4. ТКАНИ 12. «ДОМ ИГРУШКИ» 5. ЮВЕЛИРНЫЙ 13. «СПОРТ» 6. КАНЦЕЛЯРСКИЕ ТОВАРЫ 14. МЕБЕЛЬ 7. ТАБАК 15. ХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫЙ 8. ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА 16. КОСМЕТИКА
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №7. You need to buy a number of gifts. Choose an item from those listed and do the following: A. Tell the salesperson what you want to buy. B. Ask the salesperson to show you that item. C. Ask how much it costs. самовар шапка кольцо браслет кукла радио календарь матрёшка зеркало портфель ваза
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №8. Act out the dialogs you just created, with your instructor playing the part of the salesperson.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №9. You want to buy a present for your boss. What do you think she might like? Which store will you need to visit? What will you need to say in the store? What if the gift is for a man?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №10. You need to buy a gift for your spouse. What ideas do you have? Which store will you need to visit? What will you need to say in the store?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Сколько?</foreignphrase> <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">сколько стоит?</foreignphrase>
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №11. Listen and follow along in your book as the following prices are read on the tape. Now close your book and repeat after the speaker. a. 90 рублей 70 рублей 20 рублей. 80 рублей 30 рублей 10 рублей 50 рублей 100 рублей 40 рублей 60 рублей b. 250 рублей 520 рублей 450 рублей 630 рублей 670 рублей 800 рублей 860 рублей 900 рублей 230 рублей 350 рублей с. 770 рублей 840 рублей 680 рублей 440 рублей 330 рублей 760 рублей 490 рублей 180 рублей
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Мы идём на рынок!</foreignphrase> In addition to the usual grocery stores and supermarkets, Moscow and St. Petersburg have a large number of рынки farmers' markets. These are usually open-air affairs, though there are those which are located in large, enclosed buildings and can operate year-round. These markets are where individuals can sell the produce from their own "kitchen gardens". Here you will also find fresh flowers, a broad assortment of handmade items, such as wooden toys, knitted scarves and hats and all sorts of other things. In the Soviet period these markets were often the only places where you would consistently find good quality фрукты fruits, овощи vegetables and мясо meat. Of course then, when the markets were the only legal havens of capitalism, the prices were much higher than they would have been in the state-owned stores. Today the markets face competition from the great number of foreign-owned stores and you'll find the market prices more or less in the line with prices in those stores. Besides being a good source of fresh produce, the markets also provide valuable "cultural experiences". A trip to the market can be fun and interesting. But while there, you'll need to keep a close eye on your purse and wallet as these markets are the favorite haunts of pickpockets.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">На рынке</foreignphrase> Unlike at the bazaars of the East, haggling over prices or negotiating for a bargain are rare phenomena in the Russian markets. You may certainly suggest to the seller than he/she give you a better deal if you buy 2 kilos of apples instead of just 1, but don't be surprised if the answer is "No". It is common practice for the sellers to offer prospective customers a dripping forkful of homemade pickled cabbage or to tempt them with some other tasty tidbit in the hopes of a sale. You may also feel comfortable in asking to sample some produce. The best time of day to shop the markets is early in the morning as the freshest produce and meats go quickly.
Setting the scene The American is going to the market. Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №2 A. Девушка, почём яблоки? Miss, how much are the apples? P. 3000 рублей килограмм. 3,000 roubles a kilogramm. A. Дайте два килограмма. Give me two kilograms. P. Вот, пожалуйста. Here you go. A. Спасибо. Thank you.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариант диалог</foreignphrase> №22 A. Молодой человек! Сколькостоит кило апельсинов? Young man! How much is a kilo of oranges? P. 6000 рублей. 6,000 roubles. A. Дайте, пожалуйста, три кило. Please give me three kilos. P. Вот, пожалуйста. Here you go. A. Спасибо. Thanks.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №12. Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers from those given below. Девушка, есть апельсины? Сколько стоит кило яблок? Помидоры стоят десять тысяч? a. Пять тысяч рублей. b. Да, десять тысяч. c. Конечно, есть!
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №13. Translate into Russian: I want to buy apples. Miss, do you have any oranges? Do you want to buy oranges? Young man, how much are the apples? Miss, how much are the oranges? Please give me 3 kilograms. Give me 2 kilos, please.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №14. With your teacher playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialog. At first, adhere as closely as possible to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.
Beyond apples and oranges Here are some phrases you'll find helpful in creating your own dialogs. У вас есть капуста? Do you have any cabbage? У вас есть картофель? Do you have any potatoes? У вас есть помидоры? Do you have any tomatoes? У вас есть молоко? Do you have any milk? У вас есть колбаса? Do you have any sausage? Дайте килограмм, пожалуйста. Give me a kilogram, please. Дайте полкило, пожалуйста. Give me half a kilo, please. Дайте одну штуку, пожалуйста. Give me one piece, please. Дайте пять штук, пожалуйста. Give me five (pieces), please.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №15. Complete the phrase, according to the model: А. У вас есть помидоры? Р. Конечно, есть! 1. картофель 6. мясо 2. хлеб 7. молоко 3. сахар 8. конфеты 4. капуста 9. огурцы 5. колбаса 10. помидоры
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №16. Complete the phrase according to the model: Дайте, пожалуйста, полкило. Дайте, пожалуйста, одну штуку. 1. килограмм 6. полкило 2. 2 килограмма 7. 2 штуки 3. 3 килограмма 8. 3 штуки 4. 4 килограмма 9. 4 штуки 5. 5 килограмм 10 5 штук
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №17. Listen and follow along in your book as the following prices are read on the tape. Now close your book and repeat after the speaker. Remember that «р» is the abbreviation for рублей. 50р. 30р. 20р. 60р. 70р. 90р. 40р. 500р. 200р. 100р. 400р. 300р. 350р. 600р. 900р. 700р. 750р. 800р. 80р. 990р. 250р.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №18. You are at the Центральный рынок. Ask how much the fruits and vegetables cost, referring to the pictures below and using the following model: Сколько стоит капуста?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №19. Prepare your weekly shopping list for the рынок. Read it aloud to practice your pronunciation.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №20. You've been asked to bring 2 salads to a party: one with fruits, the other with vegetables. Make 2 separate lists of ingredients.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №21. You want to buy fresh flowers at the flower vendor's stand. Ask him how much the various flowers cost.
Setting the scene The American is in а гастроном grocery store, at the dairy counter. Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate mariner.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №3 В ГАСТРОНОМЕ А. Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас есть молоко? Please tell me, do you have any milk? Р. Утром было, а сейчас уже нет. We had some this morning, but now we're all out. А. А творог есть? How about cottage cheese? Р. Творог есть. We have cottage cheese. А. А сколько стоит творог? How much is the cottage cheese? Р. Восемьсот рублей килограмм. 800 rubles per kilogram. А. Взвесьте, пожалуйста, полкило. Please weigh half a kilo. Р. Четыреста рублей. Платите в кассу. Pay the cashier 400 rubles. A. Хорошо. O.K. У КАССЫ А. Четыреста рублей, пожалуйста. 400 rubles, please. Р. В какой отдел? Which section? А. В молочный. Dairy. Р. Пожалуйста. Here you go. А. Спасибо. Thank you. В МОЛОЧНОМ А. Вот чек, пожалуйста. Here's my receipt. P. Пожалуйста, ваш творог. And here's your cottage cheese.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №22. Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers from those given below. Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас есть молоко? А сколько стоит творог? В какой отдел? a. В молочный. b. Утром было, а сейчас нет. c. Восемьсот рублей килограмм.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №23. Translate into Russian. Do you have (any) milk? I want to buy (some) milk. How about cottage cheese? How much is the cottage cheese? Please weigh half a kilo. Where's the cash register?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №24. With your teacher playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.
Setting the scene The American is now at the deli counter.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №4 А. Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас есть докторская колбаса? Please tell me, do you have "Doctorskaya" sausage? Р. Да, есть. Вам сколько? Yes. How much do you want? А. Дайте, пожалуйста, триста грамм. Give me 300 grams, please. Р. Что ещё? What else? А. Это всё. That's it. Р. Пятьсот рублей. Платите в кассу. That's 500 roubles. Pay at the register.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариант диалога</foreignphrase> №4 А. Простите, у вас есть белый хлеб? Excuse me. Do you have any white bread? Р. Конечно есть. Какой вам? Of course we do. What kind would you like? А. Дайте, пожалуйста, батон. Give me a baguette please. Р. Пожалуйста. Что ещё? Here you are. What else? А. И буханку чёрного хлеба. A loaf of black bread. Р. Пожалуйста. Две тысячи четыреста рублей. Платите в кассу. O.K. That'll be 2,400 roubles. Pay at the register.
What's going on? As in many delis in this country, sausage, cheese and a number of other items are sold in the quantities you request. You'll need to be familiar with the metric system, and if you aren't already, here's a handy chart of equivalents: Weight 100 grams 3.5 ounces 1 kilogram (1000 grams) 2 pounds 3 ounces 454 grams 1 pound Liquid measure 1 liter 1.06 quarts 4 liters 1.05 gallons .47 liter 1 pint .95 liter 1 quart Length 1 centimeter 3/8 in. (Approx) 1 meter (100cm) 39 3/8 in. 1 kilometer (1000 meters) .62 mile 2.54 centimeters 1 in 30 centimeters 1 foot 91 centimeters 1 yard 1.61 kilometers 1 mile Russians have always been extremely proud of their bread. Many feel that no other bread in the world quite measures up to а батон or булка of белый хлеб or а буханка of чёрный хлеб. Чёрный хлеб is somewhat similar to pumpernickel, while серый хлеб may be like whole wheat, or sometimes rye. Here are some signs you will see in the grocery store: мясо meat and meat products, including мясной отдел пельмени (frozen dumplings filled with meat). sometimes you will see the sign сегодня в продаже on sale today. молоко молочный отдел milk products, including milk, sour cream, buttermilk, butter, cottage cheese. гастрономия гастрономический отдел prepared foods, sausages, cold cuts, цел some canned goods бакалея бакалейный отдел sugar, salt, tea, coffee, etc. овощи-фрукты овощной отдел fresh and canned vegetables and fruits хлеб хлебный отдел bread and bread products рыба рыбный отдел fish; fresh, canned, frozen, dried, and smoked вино винный отдел wine and beer соки-воды juices and mineral water Ask the grocer if he/she has the items shown. Ask how much they cost.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №27. Circle the expressions that would be helpful when shopping. 1. Здравствуйте. 2. Как ваша фамилия? 3. Скажите, пожалуйста... 4. Где вы живёте? 5. Девушка! 6. Молодой человек, как вас зовут? 7. Покажите, пожалуйста... 8. До свидания. 9. Где вы работаете? 10. У вас есть семья? 11. У вас есть сыр? 12. Сколько? 13. Спасибо. 14. Дайте, пожалуйста... 15. Где можно купить газету? 16. Где касса? 17. Где ресторан? 18. Где чек? 19. Я не понимаю. 20. Что это?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №28. Choose the most appropriate responses to the following: 1. Сколько стоит кило колбасы? a. 5 штук. b. 15000 рублей. c. 50 сосисок. 2. У вас есть картофель? a. Конечно, есть. b. Понимаю. c. Слушаю вас. 3. Дайте, пожалуйста, 200г сыра. a. Где он? b. Да, есть. c. Пожалуйста. 4. Что вы хотите? a. Понимаю. b. Дайте батон белого хлеба. c. Говорите медленно. 5. Платите в кассу. a. Дайте, пожалуйста, 10. b. А где касса? c. У вас есть молоко?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №29. Which word defines the category to which the rest of the words belong? апельсин, банан, грейпфрут, лимон, мандарин, фрукты, яблоко молоко, мясо, хлеб, продукты, рыба, фрукты бакалея, молочный, овощной, хлебный отдел, гастроном, кондитерский отдел
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №30. Examine the charts on the following pages and make up a shopping list. Indicate the departments where you will find what you need.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №31. You're a vegetarian but no-one else in your family is. Make up 2 weekly shopping lists.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №32. In which department would you find the following items? Sort them using ithe chart on the next page. салат колбаса лимонад кофе котлеты апельсины чай сахар сигареты сыр лук минеральная вода лимоны рыба яблоки белый хлеб горчица вино масло сосиски виноград мясо торт конфеты макароны консервы мороженое редис чёрный хлеб помидоры бананы шоколад какао картофель водка груши капуста коньяк грейпфрут маргарин ликёр икра ГАСТРОНОМИЯ БАКАЛЕЯ ХЛЕБ МОЛОКО МЯСО-РЫБА ОВОЩИ-ФРУКТЫ КОНДИТЕРСКИЙ ВИННЫЙ СОКИ-ВОДЫ
Numbers from 100-1000
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №33. Listen and repeat as the numbers from 100 to 1,000 are read on the tape. 100 сто 200 двести 300 триста 400 четыреста 500 пятьсот 600 шестьсот 700 семьсот 800 восемьсот 900 девятьсот 1000 тысяча
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №34. Your teacher will count from 100 to 1,000 by hundreds a number of times. Each time he/she will skip one of the numbers. Which one was it?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №35. Listen and follow along in your book as the following series of numbers are read on the tape. Now listen again, with your book closed. Repeat after the speaker: a. 700 200 400 300 100 500 800 600 900 1000 b. 1000 400 800 600 300 100 700 200 500 900 c. 835 629 219 912 440 512 354 765 692 381 d. 724 444 391 665 921 219 816 888 554 419
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №36. Listen and follow along in your book as the following prices are read on the tape. Now listen again, with your book closed. Repeat after the speaker. Remember that the abbreviation p. stands for рублей. a. 910р. 150р. 230р. 820р. 420р. 560р. 170р. 690р. 750р. 640р. b. 330р. 920р. 290р. 440р. 510р. 160р. 650р. 820р. 740р. 1500р.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №37. Look at the pictures and count.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №38. How many years separate those listed in pairs here? Remember: один год два, три, четыре года пять... сто... тысяча лет a. 988 - 1988гг. b. 1492-1992гг. c. 1776-1976гг. d. 1865-1965гг.
Setting the scene On our last shopping trip we're going to а комиссионный магазин consignment store or second-hand store, a good place to buy antiques, samovars, lithographs, silver, etc. Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №5 В комиссионном магазине А. Я хочу купить самовар. I want to buy a samovar. Р. У нас есть разные самовары. Посмотрите, пожалуйста. We have all different kinds of samovars. Take a look. А. Покажите этот маленький. Show me that little one. Р. Это очень хороший старый тульский самовар. This is a very good old samovar, made in Tula. А. Да, он мне нравится! Сколько он стоит? Oh yes, I like it! How much is it? Р. Четыреста тысяч рублей. Four hundred thousand roubles. А. А самовары можно вывозить из страны? Can samovars be exported? Р. Да, конечно можно. Yes, of course. А. Прекрасно! Я беру. Great! I'll take it.
Whats going on? The самовар samovar has become something of a Russian national symbol. Contrary to what many foreigners think, the samovar holds only heated water; the заварка concentrated tea is usually in а чайник small teapot which sits on top of the samovar, where it stays warm. Russians make tea by pouring the tea concentrate into a cup or glass and diluting it with boiling water. You'll often be asked: «Вам покрепче, или послабее?» "Do you like yours strong or weak?" If you're purchasing any type of antiques in the комиссионный second­hand store or художественный салон art gallery/store, be sure you ask if what you're buying may be taken out of the country. Use the phrase «Это можно вывозить из страны?» You may have to ask for a specific type of receipt from the store and you may also need to obtain other documentation at a later date.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №39. Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers from those given below. Что вы хотите? Сколько стоит этот тульский самовар? Самовары можно вывозить из страны? a. Четыреста тысяч рублей. b. Я хочу купить самовар. c. Конечно, можно.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №40. Translate into Russian. I want to buy a samovar. Show me this little samovar. How much does it cost? I like it. OK. I'll take it.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №41. With your teacher playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialog. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.
Beyond samovars Я хочу купить икону. I want to buy an icon. Я хочу купить часы. I want to buy a watch. Я хочу купить самовар. I want to buy a samovar. Сколько стоит икона? How much does the icon cost? Сколько стоят часы? How much does the watch cost? Сколько стоит самовар? How much does the samovar cost? Иконы можно вывозить из страны? Can icons be exported? Часы можно вывозить из страны? Can watches be exported? Самовары можно вывозить из страны? Can samovars be exported?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №42. Complete the phrase, according to the model: Иконы можно вывозить из страны? 1. картина 6. альбом 11. янтарь 2. ваза 7. самовар 12. радио 3. книга 8. браслет 13. хрусталь 4. игрушка 9. костюм 14. часы 5. машина 10. телевизор 15. бусы
Listening Comprehension Exercise Listen to the dialog as recorded on the tape. When you are finished, discuss it with your classmates. What were you able to understand? Listen to the dialog again to check your comprehension. Ask your instructor for help if you need it. Now answer the questions below. A. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): Ivan Andreevich and Raisa Nikolaevna are in a department store. Raisa Nikolaevna needs Ivan Andreevich's help making borshch. There are lots of tomatoes in the store that day. The recipe for borshch calls for a kilogram of beef. Ivan Andreevich is very grateful for Raisa Nikolaevna's help. B. Answer the following questions: Why was Ivan Andreevich glad to see Raisa Nikolaevna that day? What vegetables does Raisa's recipe for borshch call for? Where will Ivan Andreevich have to buy tomatoes? Why? How much do tomatoes cost these days? What was the last thing Raisa Nikolaevna told Ivan Andreevich to buy?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №43. Examine and discuss the following ads from Russian newspapers.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №44: <foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Кроссворд</foreignphrase> По горизонтали По вертикали 1. русская кукла 2. где мы покупаем продукты 6. картина в храме, церкви 3. сладкий десерт 7. фрукты из Флориды 4. американцы его пьют каждое утро 5. любимый алкогольный напиток русских
In case you were wondering
The Dative Case The dative case is used to indicate the indirect object in the sentence. In English, the indirect object will often follow a preposition such as "to" (I wrote a letter to my brother) or "for" (I bought this book for my sister.) In Russian, no preposition is needed in these sentences. Я написал письмо брату. Я купила эту книгу сестре. Other uses of the dative case in Russian include: telling your age: Мне пятьдесят лет. I'm 50 years old. Ей пятнадцать лет. She's 15 years old. Ивану сорок лет. Ivan's 40 years old. describing how you feel: Мне холодно. I'm cold. Ему скучно. He's bored. Тане интересно. Tanya's interested. indicating that you like someone or something: Этот самовар мне нравится. I like that samovar. Нам нравится наш преподаватель. We like our teacher. Детям не нравится учительница. The kids don't like their teacher. with certain prepositions and verbs Я иду к врачу. I'm going to the doctor. Он идёт по улице. He's walking along the street. Вы мне мешаете. You're bothering me. The table below shows the forms of the Dative Case forms (D) for nouns and adjectives, and compares them to the Nominative (N), Accusative (A), Genitive (G) and Locative (L) forms. OH ОНА ОНО ОНИ N новый студент старый дом новая студентка старая квартира новое слово старое кресло новые студенты старые костюмы A нового студента старый дом новую студентку старую квартиру новое слово старое кресло новых студентов старые костюмы G нового студента старого дома новой студентки старой квартиры нового слова старого кресла новых студентов старых костюмов L о новом студенте о/в старом доме о новой студентке о/в старой квартире о/в новом слове о/в старом кресле о/в новых студентах о/в старых костюмах D новому студенту старому дому новой студентке старой квартире новому слову старому креслу новым студентам старым костюмам
Personal Pronouns The table below shows the Dative Case forms for the personal pronouns and compares them to the Nominative (N), Accusative (A), Genitive (G) and Locative (L) forms. N я ты он она мы вы они A меня тебя его её нас вас их G меня тебя его её нас вас их L обо мне о тебе о нём о ней о нас о вас о них D мне тебе (н)ему (н)ей нам вам (н)им
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №45. Look back through Lessons 1-6 and find examples of the Dative case.
Useful words and expressions бусы beads бутылка bottle гастроном grocery store деньги money игрушка toy карандаш pencil картина painting касса cash register книга book колбаса sausage кольцо ring купить to buy магазин store матрёшка Russian wooden nesting doll молоко milk молочный milk (adj.) обувь shoes (footwear) одежда clothes платить to pay платок shawl, scarf подарок present, gift показать to show понимать to understand портфель briefcase продукты groceries рубль (рубля, рублей) rouble (roubles) ручка pen рынок (на рынке) farmer's market сейчас now серьги earrings серый grey сколько? how much? how many? сумка bag, purse творог cottage cheese ткани fabrics туфли shoes уже already утром in the morning хлеб bread хотеть я хочу, он хочет, вы хотите to want I want, he wants, you want часы watch шапка hat штука piece этот, это, эта this эти these ювелирный jewelry (adj.) янтарь amber Дайте, пожалуйста... Give me, please.... Девушка! Miss! Молодой человек! Young man! Платите в кассу. Pay at the cash register. Покажите, пожалуйста Show me, please.... Сколько стоит ..? How much does cost? Что вы хотите? What do you want? У вас есть...? Do you have ?
Numbers сто one hundred двести two hundred триста three hundred четыреста four hundred пятьсот five hundred шестьсот six hundred семьсот seven hundred восемьсот eight hundred девятьсот nine hundred тысяча две/три/четыре тысячи пять тысяч one thousand two/three/four thousand five thousand
Colors белый white голубой light blue жёлтый yellow зелёный green коричневый brown красный red оранжевый orange розовый pink серый grey синий dark blue фиолетовый purple чёрный black