Lesson 4 Lesson №4 FAMILY УРОК № 4
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Семья</foreignphrase> A typical Russian family in a major city consists of the parents, one child and often a grandmother or grandfather or even both. While urban families are more likely to have just one child, it is not unusual to see large families in the rural areas. In the cities as well as in the country, parents will often live with their adult, married children and help raise the grandchildren. This extended family provides a certain degree of stability and security to the children and alleviates the necessity of arranging for day-care outside the home. The economic situation in Russia and the Former Soviet Union dictates today (and has historically) that both parents work to support the family. However, some things have changed and are continuing to change; you can now find mothers who do not work outside the home, though the concept of a "house-husband" is still foreign to Russians. The use of words which indicate relationships between family members is somewhat fluid. Children will often refer to adults (their parents' acquaintances and strangers alike) as тётя Aunt or дядя Uncle. You may also hear people refer to elderly individuals, with whom they are not acquainted, as бабушка Grandma or дедушка Grandpa. The form of address will always be Вы in these cases. Though there are terms for cousins: двоюродный 6paт (for males) and двоюродная сестра (for females), Russians will often simply use брат or сестра.
Setting the scene A Russian and an American are discussing their jobs and workplaces. Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №1 О СЕМЬЕ P. Вы женаты? Are you married? A. Да, женат. / Нет, не женат. Yes, I'm married. / No, I'm not married. P. У вас есть дети? Do you have any children? A. Да, у меня сын и дочь. Yes, I have a son and a daughter.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариант диалога</foreignphrase> №1 P. Скажите, Линда, вы замужем? Tell me, Linda, are you married? A. Да, замужем. / Нет, не замужем. Yes, I'm married. / No, I'm not married. P. У вас есть дети? Do you have any children? A. У меня один сын. I have one son.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Диалог</foreignphrase> №2 P. Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас семья большая или маленькая? Tell me, please, is your family large or small? A. Маленькая, только мама и я. А у вас? It's small, just my mother and I. And yours? P. У меня большая - родители, два брата, две сестры, бабушка и дедушка. Mine's large: my parents, two brothers, two sisters, a grandmother and a grandfather. A. У меня тоже есть дедушка и бабушка. Они живут в Вашингтоне. I have grandparents, too. They live in Washington.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вариант диалога</foreignphrase> №2 P. Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас большая семья? Tell me, please, do you have a large family? A. Да, мать, отец, брат и сестра. А у вас? Yes, my mother, father, brother, sister. And you? P. Моя семья небольшая - родители и я. My family's not large. Just my parents and I.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №1. Connect the questions and the corresponding answers: P. Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас семья большая или маленькая? P. Скажите, пожалуйста, вы женаты? P. Вы замужем? A. Да, женат. B. Нет, не замужем. C. Большая. А у вас?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №2. Translate into Russian: 1. I am a married woman. 2. I am a married man. 3. My family is small: just my wife and I. 4. My family is small: just my husband and I. 5. I have a large family. 6. I have a small family. 7. My parents live in Washington. 8. Where do you live? 9. Do you have (any) children? 10. Where do your children live?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №3. a. Using the model given, look at the pictures and identify the members of each family: 1. Ивановы 2. Новиковы 3. Александровы 4. Соловьёвы b. Using the Russian names you know, make up names for all the family members pictured. Don't forget отчество for the adults and nicknames for the kids.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №4. Look at the pictures and explain how, in your opinion, these people are related to each other. Listen as your instructor tells you a little bit about the people pictured here. Jot down what you find interesting and retell it when asked.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №5. Choose the relationship which most appropriately describes the pair. Владимир Петрович Иванов и Пётр Николаевич Иванов. a. сын и отец b. дедушка и внук c. дядя и племянник Василий Николаевич Алексеев и Валентин Николаевич Алексеев. a. братья b. отец и сын c. дедушка и внук Мария Владимировна Казанцева и Михаил Владимирович Казанцев. a. муж и жена b. сестра и брат c. мать и сын Софья Михайловна Григорьева и Михаил Иванович Григорьев. a. жена и муж b. мать и сын c. дочь и отец Галина Александровна Соколова и Дмитрий Юрьевич Соколов. a. жена и муж b. сестра и брат c. дочь и отец
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №6. Create a dialog using the following statements as opening lines: 1. Познакомьтесь, это мой брат. 2. Познакомьтесь, это моя сестра. 3. Познакомьтесь, это мой муж. 4. Познакомьтесь, это моя жена. 5. Познакомьтесь, это мой сын. 6. Познакомьтесь, это моя дочь. 7. Познакомьтесь, это мои родители. 8. Познакомьтесь, это моя бабушка. 9. Познакомьтесь, это мой дедушка.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №7. Your instructor will show you a picture of his/her family. Ask him/her who is who and what their names are.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №8. Use the following phrases to create dialogs. Remember that this is simply an exercise and completely truthful answers are not always necessary. 1. У вас есть мать? Do you have a mother? У вас есть отец? Do you have a father? У вас есть дети? Do you have (any) children? У вас есть сын? Do you have a son? У вас есть дочь? Do you have a daughter? 2. У меня есть родители. I have parents. У меня есть сын и дочь. I have a son and daughter. У меня есть брат и сестра. I have a brother and a sister. 3. У него есть жена? Does he have a wife? У него есть сестра? Does he have a sister? У него есть дети? Does he have (any) children? 4. У неё есть муж? Does she have a husband? У неё есть брат? Does she have a brother? У неё есть дети? Does she have (any) children' 5. У них есть бабушка? Do they have a grandmother? У них есть дедушка? Do they have a grandfather? У них есть дети? Do they have (any) children?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №9. Ask your classmates about their families.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №10. Ask your instructor about his/her family.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №11. Bring pictures of your family (or any family) to class. Introduce the people in the pictures to your classmates. Be prepared to answer questions about them.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №12. Fill in the blanks, following the example given: дедушка бабушка 1. дочь ____________________ 2. мать ____________________ 3. бабушка ____________________ 4. родители ____________________ 5. муж ____________________
Numbers from 1-10 1 один 2 два З три 4 четыре 5 пять 6 шесть 7 семь 8 восемь 9 девять 10 десять
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №13. Listen and repeat as the numbers from 1-10 are read on the tape.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №14. Listen to the numbers from 1-10 as your instructor reads them aloud. a. He/she will skip certain numbers at each reading. Which ones were they? b. Write down the numbers your instructor will read aloud. Read them back in Russian.
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №15. Listen and follow along in your books as the following series of numbers are read on the tape. Now listen again, with your books closed. Repeat after the speaker. a. 5-2-4-3-1-6-9-8-10-7 b. 7-5-10-2-8-4-9-3-6-1 с 8-10-5-7-2-1-6-3-9-4
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №16. Look at the pictures and count the objects. What are the totals for each?
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №17. Кроссворд По вертикали По горизонтали 1. Брат и... 1.Дочь и ... 3. Бабушка и... 2.Мать и отец 4. Родители и дети -- это... 5.Сын и ... 7. Сестра и ... 6.Дедушка и...
Listening comprehension exercise Listen to the dialog as recorded on the tape. When you are finished, discuss it with your classmates. What were you able to understand? Listen to the dialog again to check your comprehension. Ask your instructor for help if you need it. Now answer the questions below. A. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): 1. The conversation is between 2 women. ____________________ 2. Raisa Nikolaevna has a son named Aleksandr. ____________________ 3. Aleksandr has 2 children. ____________________ 4. Her daughter Natasha is a diplomat. ____________________ 5. Natasha lives in Washington, DC. ____________________ B. Answer the following questions: 1. What are the names and patronymics of the two people in the conversation? 2. Does Raisa have any children? If yes, how many and what are their names? 3. Are any of her children married? 4. Does she have any grandchildren? If yes,how many and what are their names? 5. Who is Viktor Egorovich Martynov and what is his profession? 6. Who lives in Arlington? 7. Where were the pictures of Boris and Svetlana taken? 8. What did Ivan Andreevich think of the pictures?
In case you were wondering
The genitive case The Genitive case has a number of different functions, the most important ones being: - showing possession (the 's form in English) Это машина Ивана. This is Ivan's car Это книга Марины. This is Marina's book. Она живет в доме родителей. She lives in her parents' house. - indicating a noun which modifies another noun Он мэр Москвы. Не is the mayor of Moscow. Это учебник русского языка. This is a Russian language textbook. Она учительница математики. She is a math teacher. стакан молока a glass of milk остановка автобуса a bus stop бутылка вина a bottle of wine - indicating quantity with numbers 2,3,4: книги, дома, окна (Gen. singular) 5-20: книг, домов, окон (Gen. plural) - indicating absence of someone or something using the word нет (the opposite of есть) Есть книги. There are books. Нет книг. There aren't (any) books. Есть время. There is time. Нет времени. There's no time. У него есть сын. He has a son. У него нет сына. He doesn't have a son. Иван сегодня на уроке. Ivan is in class today. Ивана нет сегодня на уроке. Ivan is not in class today. - indicating possession with preposition у followed by a noun or pronoun plus the word есть У меня есть.... У них есть.... У Ивана есть.... У Ирины есть.... Note that the object owned is in the nominative case У меня есть книга. У них есть дети. У Ивана есть машина. У Ирины есть собака.
Personal pronouns The table below shows the forms of the Genitive case (G) for nouns and adjectives and compares them to Nominative case (N) and Accusative case (A). OH ОНА ОНО ОНИ N новый студент старый дом новая студентка старая квартира новое слово старое кресло новые студенты старые костюмы A нового студента старый дом новую студентку старую квартиру новое слово старое кресло новых студентов старые костюмы G нового студента старого дома новой студентки старой квартиры нового слова старого кресла новых студентов старых костюмов
<foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Упражнение</foreignphrase> №18. Find examples of the Genitive case in Lessons 2-4.
Useful words and expressions бабушка grandmother большой, большая, большое, большие big, large брат (братья) brother (brothers) внук grandson внучка granddaughter дедушка grandfather дети children дочь daughter дядя uncle жена wife женат married (referring to a man) замужем married (referring to a woman) маленький маленькая, маленькое, маленькие small, little мать mother мой, моя, моё,мои my муж husband отец father племянник nephew племянница niece родители parents семья family сестра sister сын son тётя aunt Вы женаты? Are you married? (asked of men) Вы замужем? Are you married? (asked of women) Познакомьтесь... Get acquainted... Скажите, пожалуйста... Tell me, please... У вас есть ? Do you have...? У меня есть... I have... У меня нет... I don't have...
Numbers один, одна, одно one два, две two три three четыре four пять five шесть six семь seven восемь eight девять nine десять ten