Setting the scene

The American is in the «Краснопре́сненская» metro and now needs to get to the Embassy. He/she knows that it's close enough to walk to, but he/she doesn't know in which direction to head.

Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.

«Как дойти́ до америка́нского посо́льства?»
Прости́те, как дойти́ до америка́нского посо́льства?Excuse me,how do I get to the American Embassy?
Э́то о́чень про́сто. Вам на́до вы́йти из метро́ на Нови́нский бульва́р и пройти́ два кварта́ла.It's very simple. You have to go out of the metro onto Novinsky Bul'var and go two blocs.
В каку́ю сто́рону?In which direction?
Напра́во. Вы уви́дите большо́е жёлтое зда́ние с америка́нским фла́гом. Э́то и есть посо́льство.Right. You'll see a big yellow building with an American flag. That's the Embassy.
Большо́е спаси́бо.Thank you very much.
Не́ за что.Don't mention it.

The American has just come out of the «Кропо́ткинская» metro and needs to get to the Canadian Embassy.

«Как дойти́ до кана́дского посо́льства?»
Вы не ска́жите, как дойти́ до кана́дского посо́льство?Could you tell me how to get to the Canadian Embassy?
Вам ну́жно пройти́ три кварта́ла, пото́м поверну́ть напра́во. Там бу́дет кана́дское посо́льство.You have to go three blocs and then turn right. The Canadian Embassy will be right there.
Зна́чит пря́мо, а пото́м нале́во?So, straight, and then to the left?
Нет, нет! Пря́мо, а пото́м напра́во.No, no, straight and the to the right.
По́нял, напра́во. Спаси́бо.I understand, right. Thanks.
Пожа́луйста.You're welcome.

With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.

Ask how to get to the various locations listed here. Use the following models:

Verify that you've correctly understood the directions you were given. Use the following model.

When you hear you've misunderstood the directions you were given, repeat the corrections back. Use the following models:

Match the correct responses to the appropriate questions.

Follow the directions your instructor will read aloud.


Иди́те пря́мо!


Дойди́те до две́ри!


Иди́те напра́во!


Вы́йдите из кла́сса!


Иди́те нале́во!


Пройди́те по коридо́ру!


Иди́те вниз по ле́стнице!


Зайди́те в ко́мнату!


Иди́те вверх по ле́стнице!


Подойди́те к столу́!


Иди́те сюда́!


Подойди́те ко мне!


Иди́те туда́!


Отойди́те от меня́!