Setting the scene

The American is on the bus for the first time. She/ hе is learning what a good bus rider needs to do. She/ hе needs, first of all, to buy а кни́жечка booklet of tickets from the води́тель driver, who sells them only at the stops. Then she/he needs to validate one of the талоны tickets on the компо́стер ticket punch to avoid paying а штраф fine. If she/he is not standing close enough to the punch to do it, she/he should pass the ticket along by saying Переда́йте, пожа́луйста.

В авто́бусе «Тало́ны продаю́тся то́лько на остано́вках!»
A.Прости́те, у вас есть кни́жечки?Excuse me, do you have any tickets?
P.Есть.Yes, we do.
A.Ско́лько сто́ит?How much (are they)?
P.Шесть ты́сячSix thousand (roubles).
A.Да́йте, пожа́луйста, одну́.Give me a book, please.
P.Пожа́луйста.Here you go.


Прости́те, где проби́ть тало́н?

Pardon me, where do I validate this ticket?


Вон там компо́стер.

The punch is over there.


Переда́йте, пожа́луйста.

Could you pass (my ticket) over there, please?


Вы выхо́дите на сле́дующей?

Are you getting off now?


Нет, не выхожу́.

No, I'm not.


Разрешит́е пройти́.

Then let me through, please.



Go ahead.


Молодо́й челове́к, кака́я сле́дующая остано́вка ?

Young man, what's the next stop?





Вы выхо́дите на сле́дующей?

Are you getting off then?


Да, выхожу́.

Yes, I am.

With your instructor playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.

Using the model, ask where you may buy the following. Your instructor will answer. Make certain you understood correctly and then thank him/her for the information.

The bus is in motion and you ask the bus driver if he has booklets of tickets for sale. Be prepared for his instructions to wait until the bus stops. At the next stop, ask again.

What would you do in the following situations?

You've just arrived in Moscow from St. Petersburg and are at the train station Ленингра́дский вокза́л. Get yourself to the hotel «Президе́нт Оте́ль» (ста́нция метро́ «Октя́брьская») for a quick rest before setting out to see the sights. You want to see:

Ask your instructor how you might get to these places, beginning from your hotel and then visiting all sights in the order listed. Ask which form of transportation is best to use. Ask the best way to get from one location to another. Role-play with your instructor situations in the metro, on a bus, etc.

Using a map of any city in the FSU (your instructor will provide one, or you may, if you have one of the city, to which you will be posted) and the dialogs you created in the previous exercise, choose a location to visit. Decide on a starting point and... GO!

Take a look at the city maps given below. A couple of Moscow metro stations are named for these cities. Can you find them on the metro map? Practice reading the names of the streets shown here and locating the various hotels and points of interest.

Упражне́ние №47.
Упражне́ние №47.

Answer the following question, using the model given here and information from the table shown on the next page.

Упражне́ние №48.