1 оди́н | 2 два | З три | 4 четы́ре | 5 пять |
6 шесть | 7 семь | 8 во́семь | 9 де́вять | 10 де́сять |
Listen and repeat as the numbers from 1-10 are read on the tape.
Listen to the numbers from 1-10 as your instructor reads them aloud.
a. He/she will skip certain numbers at each reading. Which ones were they?
b. Write down the numbers your instructor will read aloud. Read them back in Russian.
Listen and follow along in your books as the following series of numbers are read on the tape. Now listen again, with your books closed. Repeat after the speaker.
a. | 5-2-4-3-1-6-9-8-10-7 |
b. | 7-5-10-2-8-4-9-3-6-1 |
с | 8-10-5-7-2-1-6-3-9-4 |
Look at the pictures and count the objects. What are the totals for each?
![]() |
По вертика́ли | По горизонта́ли |
1. Брат и... | 1.Дочь и ... |
3. Ба́бушка и... | 2.Мать и оте́ц |
4. Роди́тели и де́ти -- э́то... | 5.Сын и ... |
7. Сестра́ и ... | 6.Де́душка и... |