The American is going to the market.
Listen to the dialog several times with your books closed. Do not repeat it. Try to understand what the speakers are saying. Working as a group, discuss what was said. Then listen to the American's lines. You are responsible for learning these. You are also responsible for being able to understand the Russian's lines and to respond to them in the appropriate manner.
A. |
Де́вушка, почём яб́локи? |
Miss, how much are the apples? |
P. |
3000 рубле́й килогра́мм. |
3,000 roubles a kilogramm. |
A. |
Дайте два килогра́мма. |
Give me two kilograms. |
P. |
Вот, пожа́луйста. |
Here you go. |
A. |
Спаси́бо. |
Thank you. |
A. |
Молодо́й челове́к! Ско́лько сто́ит кило́ апельси́нов? |
Young man! How much is a kilo of oranges? |
P. |
6000 рубле́й. |
6,000 roubles. |
A. |
Дайте, пожа́луйста, три кило́. |
Please give me three kilos. |
P. |
Вот, пожа́луйста. |
Here you go. |
A. |
Спаси́бо. |
Thanks. |
Listen to the following questions and choose the appropriate answers from
those given below.
Де́вушка, есть апельси́ны?
Ско́лько сто́ит кило́ я́блок?
Помидо́ры сто́ят де́сять ты́сяч?
a. Пять ты́сяч рубле́й.
b. Да, де́сять ты́сяч.
c. Коне́чно, есть!
Translate into Russian:
I want to buy apples.
Miss, do you have any oranges?
Do you want to buy oranges?
Young man, how much are the apples?
Miss, how much are the oranges?
Please give me 3 kilograms.
Give me 2 kilos, please.
With your teacher playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialog. At first, adhere as closely as possible to the original. Then use as many variations as possible.