Days of the week

In Russian, the week starts with Monday. When writing, Russians do not capitalize the names of the days of the week.

Listen and repeat:

понеде́льник (в понеде́льник) Monday (on Monday)
вто́рник (во вто́рник) Tuesday (on Tuesday)
среда́ (в сре́ду) Wednesday (on Wednesday)
четве́рг (в четве́рг) Thursday (on Thursday)
пя́тница (в пя́тницу) Friday (on Friday)
суббо́та (в суббо́ту) Saturday (on Saturday)
воскресе́нье (в воскресе́нье) Sunday (on Sunday)

Some of the names for the days of the week are related to numbers: вто́рник comes from второ́й (second), четве́рг from четвёртый (fourth), and пя́тница from пя́тый (fifth). Среда́ is related to середи́на which means middle. Суббо́та is related to Sabbath and воскресе́нье refers to the Resurrection.

Using the model, tell which day of the week you like best.

Using the model, tell when you're busy.

Using the model, tell which day of the week you're free.

Make up a schedule in Russian for the week. Use the following model: