8. Упражнения

8.1. Упражнение №1

From those given below, choose the correct response to the following:

1.Меня зовут Владимир Николаевич.
2.Познакомьтесь, пожалуйста.
3.Как ваша фамилия?
a.Очень рад (рада) познакомиться.
b.Моя фамилия Браун.
c.Очень приятно.

8.2. Упражнение №2

Translate into Russian.

2.My name is...
3.My last name is...
4.What is your last name?
5.Very pleased to meet you.

8.3. Упражнение №3

With your teacher playing the role of the Russian, act out the dialogs. At first adhere closely to the original, then use as many variations as possible. Use your own first and last names instead of those given for the American.

8.4. Упражнение №4

Patronymics are formed by adding -ович (-евич) to the father's name for men and -овна(-евна) for women.

Give the name and patronymic of each person listed below:

First nameFather's nameName and patronymic

8.5. Упражнение №5

Your instructor will give you the names and patronymics of the following well-known Russians. Listen carefully as he/she reads them aloud.

И. Е. РепинИ. И. ЛевитанМ. П. Мусоргский
П. И. ЧайковскийЛ. Н. ТолстойА. С. Пушкин
А. П. ЧеховА. А. АхматоваМ. И. Цветаева
М. С. ГорбачёвБ. Н. ЕльцинВ. С. Черномырдин