4. Days of the week

In Russian, the week starts with Monday. When writing, Russians do not capitalize the names of the days of the week.

4.1. Упражнение №20.

Listen and repeat:

понедельник (в понедельник)Monday (on Monday)
вторник (во вторник)Tuesday (on Tuesday)
среда (в среду)Wednesday (on Wednesday)
четверг (в четверг)Thursday (on Thursday)
пятница (в пятницу)Friday (on Friday)
суббота (в субботу)Saturday (on Saturday)
воскресенье (в воскресенье)Sunday (on Sunday)

Some of the names for the days of the week are related to numbers: вторникcomes from второй(second), четвергfrom четвёртый (fourth), and пятницаfrom пятый(fifth). Среда is related to серединаwhich means middle. Субботаis related to Sabbath and воскресеньеrefers to the Resurrection.

4.2. Упражнение №21.

Using the model, tell which day of the week you like best.

Я люблю пятницу.

4.3. Упражнение №22.

Using the model, tell when you're busy.

Я занят (занята) в понедельник.

4.4. Упражнение №23.

Using the model, tell which day of the week you're free.

Я свободен (свободна) в субботу.

4.5. Упражнение №24.

Make up a schedule in Russian for the week. Use the following model:

В субботу - бассейн.

  1. You're going to the swimming pool бассейнtwice this week: Monday and Friday.

  2. Monday you're going to the movies кино.

  3. You have a ticket to the theater театрon Saturday and you're going to a concert концертon Sunday.

  4. On Sunday you'll go for a walk in the park парк.

  5. Friday is dinner in a restaurant ресторан.

  6. On Tuesday you'll be studying in the library библиотека.

  7. You're going to the store магазин on Thursday.

  8. You're going to the art museum музей on Wednesday.